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Beneath the Jade Moon (pre-NES)

nutranurse said:
I'd be interested in playing, Starlife! Are there any open/unused houses I can take or do I have to create my own?

It'd be great to have you. :) You need to create your own, though you can do so with the assistance of other players so that you have more of a coherent link to preexisting houses.

Bair_the_Normal said:
I am interested as well. One question though. Do new players have to take one of the designate regions, or can we claim another region? Thanks in advance.

Welcome! Well, players aren't really claiming entire regions -- those green regions are simply to make it easier for me to describe broad areas of land that differ from adjacent ones. You claim a spot within those green areas. If there is another place you had in mind, you can post a mini-map and show us, and we can discuss whether or not it is appropriate given what kind of house you have in mind.

The Strategos said:

(abbreviated your words) Thank you for the commentary, Strat. Everything is indeed "huge": the size of the Empire, populations, marching times, length of the war, and so on. I hope players understand how dramatically vast the empire really is. I was surely imagining other struggles taking place outside of the wider one, localized conflicts that may or may not have turned into regional warfare. I was also imagining both Auren and the False Stone to have some sort of professional army, but the way you frame it is nice (distinguishing between raiding vs conquering, and realizing the early limitations of both armies, are key). Your final thoughts in that post are worthwhile to think about, though instead of speaking out in favor of one direction or another, I'll let NK and/or Devercia chime in (I believe they have discussed some of those details).
I'd be interested in playing, Starlife! Are there any open/unused houses I can take or do I have to create my own?

You are alive! again.. for the 4th time...maybe? I am enthusiastic in your participation :)

Fifty years is not that long given the technology, culture, and size of the Empire (The obvious example is the Hundred Years War, though a host of other conflicts could be mentioned as well, such as the English conquest of Wales or Spanish Reconquest). To counter a strong resistance by fortified places you need a sophisticated logistical system, since your army needs to be able to sustain itself unmoving for an undetermined amount of time. Even then you are looking at around half to the entire campaign season besieging a determined foe.
All three of which where series of intergenerational wars. I don't think anyone of note lived through the entirety of any of these examples. When i say 50 years is a long time, I don't mean that such a large empire would not need the time to unite(it would as you say), rather that it would not occur in a singular massive war, but in fits and spasms, under different names, fought for different reasons, that some historian would later categorize as a group of related wars bound by the singular fact that it ended in unification.

It is quite clear from the beginning why Auren can't go on a giant conquering spree, to put it bluntly he doesn't have the force to space ratio needed to do much more than raid at first (for a comparable situation, see the English in the Hundred Years War, simply put the army is too small to garrison everything needed to effectively hold so much land and since there is so much land neither the attacking nor defending army can force the other into battle barring mistakes or besieging something so critical that the defenders have to respond). His main supporters appear to be broke (perfect for raising those expensive armies) or comprised of militia who would naturally not want to campaign far from their homes. It might be worth raising the point as well, at this early stage of the war, who is really in "control" Auren or the League of Chibor (or is no one in charge and it is just a bunch of squabbling, near equal in power lords, each jealous of their own prestige and honor). Other than the prestige of the name, is there any real reason to suppose that Auren was directing the early stages of the war, or his allies, on whom he was dependent, setting very self-interested war objectives.

Personally, I see Auren as an excuse for regionalism, more than an alternative emperor. Sort of how numerous antipopes existed simply to undermine the popes authority as oppose to wield that authority themselves. This would make sense for Chibor, but I can't speak for the others.

This attitude, of course, should change as the war goes on. There will need to be some sort of subjugation of the region lords to Auren's cause(instead of their own mind for independence), or some such need for the region lords to invest authority in him. I would suggest that local religious unrest would need placation by investing that religious authority in Auren as oppose to simply him being a useful figurehead. The branches of The Order begin to become a serious obstacle to ruling, so the lords decide to finish the schism once and for all. If this is the case, it will also make an excuse for lords to join the FS for being pressured by The Order, should we want that happen for some reason. In short, I think the war should have cynical and political beginnings and a more ideological and religious end. In a Hobbesian way, with the war raging for decades, and the rebels beginning to fight each other(bidding for their own interests), people will begin to invest authority in a supreme sovereign that can put fear into the squabbling masses, but only after the war has tilted in favor of Auren. Of course, the region lords are begrudging at best, but view Auren as the lesser of two evils.

That's my idea. I bid thee to toss a grenade in it. :mischief:

If I still had access to photoshop, I'd make something like this crappy thing I made years ago. Oh god, I referenced Wikipedia :lol:
Hey Starlife, is there a quick rundown of the current houses/a current map of the houses?
Hey Starlife, is there a quick rundown of the current houses/a current map of the houses?

Unfortunately, no. :blush: I'm working on it now. I'm basically tying everything together, so what you post does not have to be final -- we can hash it out together. Can you come on #neverending sometime tonight?
I can try! I'll post here around the time that I get on.

edit: And if Son of Erdrick isn't interested in playing I'd be cool with taking their house.
Here is a Compilation of stuff for Garasai-Quacimisa.

Note; for a time I used the word "Essil" instead of Garasai, refering to the Esurk Slayer; and I used "Huros" or "Esurka" for Quacimisa. Also, treat NONE of the dates as exact.
First Post-A vomitting of ideas
Historical Post 1: Essil's Expeditions
Essil in the War of the Pale Brothers
Musings of Essil's Influence; Campaign Map of Essil's Expeditions
Finalish Proposal

As to referring to the War of the Pale Brothers, here is a revised look.
As war starts, eastern/central Surotsi houses are nuetral/vaguely loyalist. However, House Serepen and others had grievances and sent the Forgotten Emperor an angry regionalist petition. Surprisingly, their (relatively few and common sense about whatever) demands were accepted, turning the Saffron River Valley into a Loyalist Strong Hold as their regionalist tendencies are smothered in the crib.
As the war plods on, the Saffron becomes the key for the Pale, sending shiploads of raw material, weapons, food and men to fight for the False Stone. Meanwhile, their various concessions of whatever kind were put to good use.
Auren gets a minor advantage, and decides to use it to take out the Saffron River Loyalists. He dispatched an army which eventually led to the annihilation of Serepen and the capitulation of the Saffron River Houses. This action leads step by step to the final fall of the Pale.
I thought I'd post this for now, so you all know where you stand (roughly). Please note that this doesn't have anything to do with the quality of your description, but purely by how you logically fit into the beginning of the story:

Duke Reinar (alex)
Duke Qahiriyun (Kraz)
Duke Godhart (Azale)
Duke Tarquelin (NPC)
Duke Ildra (Devercia)
Count Cyir (Erdrick)
Count Sotulyn (bombshoo)
Count Shael (NPC)
Count Ranof (Owen)
Earl Anlan (Luckymoose)
Viscount Eyiniyas (Optical)
Viscount Dyre (Thlayli)
Viscount Aakzid (Yui)
Viscount Derfennisy (theDright)
Viscount Assange (erez)
Baron Tonul (Strat)
Baron Haerasii (Massive Attack)
Baron Garasai-Quacimisa (Terrance)
Expressing interest if I can still play :)
Just posting to express continued interest. Will post new content soon :)
Is there a map with all the current houses?

edit: And sorry fr not getting on #neverending, Starlife. I was heavily sidetracked by my significant other yesterday evening.
Do note that despite the length of the list, people thinking of joining really don't have to worry about 99% of the names on here.

These are ordered roughly by distance from the Pale City. Where known, houses are in order of fealty (i.e. houses which owe fealty to another are placed directly under that house). Others will be separated by a space. A lot of the ranks are educated guesses, and I haven't added additional titles (like, "steward of such and such," or, "lord marcher of the northern marchlands of march"). Let me know about problems with these, obviously.

Emperor Luseysi (North King)
Count Shael (NPC)
Viscount Imry (NPC)
Viscount Ess (NPC)
Viscount Serray (NPC)
Viscount Cavernance (NPC)
Baron Inther (NPC)
Baron Dulchir (NPC)
Baron Niami (NPC)
Baron Hirau (NPC)
Baron Cairn (NPC)
Baron Tanticre (NPC)
Baron Endelhom (NPC)

Baron Tonul (Strat)

Duke Ildra (Devercia)
Count Brimbloss (NPC)
Viscount Dracaster (NPC)
Viscount Awaano (NPC)
Lord Mayor Wyntin (NPC)
Lord Mayor Brist (NPC)
Lord Mayor Braxer (NPC)
Lord Mayor Halls (NPC)
Baron Sundermarch (NPC)

Southern Jyotnos
Duke Reinar (alex)
Count Highland (NPC)
Count Arnodt (NPC)
Viscount Wynfin (NPC)
Viscount Ranor (NPC)
Baron Eryn (NPC)
Baron Penra (NPC)

Baron Haerasii (Massive Attack)

Viscount Assange (erez)
Baron Cropps (NPC)
Baron Niiv (NPC)

Northern Surotsi
Count Sotulyn (bombshoo)
Viscount Ludilsia (NPC)
Viscount Tepesi (NPC)
Baron Arasi (NPC)

Western Jyotnos
Duke Tarquelin (NPC)
Count Tarquelin (NPC)
Viscount Kalyesi (NPC)
Viscount Magas (NPC)
Viscount Silven (NPC)
Baron Artrey (NPC)
Baron Gerant (NPC)

Viscount Dyre (Thlayli)
Baron Fell (NPC)
Baron Valant (NPC)
Baron Haften (NPC)

Count Cyir (Erdrick)

Northern Jyotnos
Duke Godhart (Azale)
Count Mabun (NPC)
Viscount Otovacar (NPC)
Viscount Haraldorn (NPC)
Viscount Baske (NPC)
Baron Tormod (NPC)

Earl Derfennisy (theDright)
Viscount Tassalynn (NPC)
Baron Tenderay (NPC)
Baron Sibagan (NPC)
Baron Estfennisy (NPC)
Baron Banasi (NPC)
Baron Grunholm (NPC)

Viscount Eyiniyas (Optical)
Baron Essaniyas (NPC)
Baron Derost (NPC)
Baron Gedlac (NPC)

Grand Poobah Anlan (Luckymoose)
Baron Crann (NPC)
Baron Musen (NPC)

Viscount Aakzid (Yui)
Viscount Daay (NPC)

Far Surotsi
Duke Qahiriyun (Kraz)

Count Ranof (Owen)
Viscount Trucza (NPC)
Baron Homun (NPC)
Baron Eturyadan (NPC)
Baron Haidrujna (NPC)

Baron Garasai-Quacimisa (Terrance)

And for reference, here's the Imperial Court and the various titles earned by younger brothers/uncles/what have you; I've gone ahead and given some other players/retainers titles. I hope no one minds terribly:

Auren II, 28, Pale Emperor of Jyotnos and Surotsi, Son of the Son, Chosen of the Moon, Light of the Wanderers, Lord of the Aulesiri, Protector of the Rayaaki, Guardian of the Order of the Moon, Keeper of the Solemn Shrines, grandson and successor of Auren I.
[tab]Empress Irial, nee Sotulyn, 27, his loving wife of eight years.
[tab]Prince Mares, 6
[tab]Princess Luriana, 4
[tab]Prince Alurei, 2

Their more distant relatives:
[tab]Prince of the Pale Blood, Fyrdes, 25, the Emperor's brother
[tab][tab]Princess Syvu, 17, originally of a minor house.

His court:

The Privy Council:
[tab]The Executor – a position currently left vacant with the accession of Auren II. Likely to be appointed somewhat soon.
[tab]Chancellor Count Mussar Shael, 61. Oversees the assignment of offices to various peoples in the realm, as well as much of the communication between the Pale City and the far reaches of the Empire.
[tab]Majordomo Karl Godhart, 52. Oversees the day-to-day activities of the Imperial Household, though previous majordomos have leveraged their position into running much of the affairs of the Pale City, as well as managing affairs between disparate points of the realm.
[tab]Bursar Keresen Essaniyas, 44. Oversees the disbursement of pay to everyone in the Imperial household. The Lord Bursars have typically only held this power and no other, but it is quite a potent one – enough to ensure they have considerable influence.
[tab]Castellan Mares Reinar, 31. Nominally, his main task is the instruction of Princes and Emperors in the art of combat. He has some authority over the City militia, but that is disputed with the Commander of the Guards. More important than either is his expertise and advice to the Emperor on military affairs, including a seat on the Privy Council.
[tab][tab]Knights of the Household,
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Malak Qahiriyun, 31.
[tab][tab][tab][tab]Squire Tyranal Reinar, 22.
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Mark Wyntin, 34.
[tab][tab][tab][tab]Squire Attatir Hunaska, 16.
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Kyl Mabun, 29.
[tab][tab][tab][tab]Squire Bellan Eyiniyas, 8. friend of Prince Mares
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Terrance Tonul, 24.
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Vahar Shael, 34.
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Hendrick of the Mirrorhall, 29.
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Romar Cyir, 27.
[tab][tab][tab]Sir Dyer Crann, 23.
[tab]Lord Admiral Mares Hirau, 58. Commands the Emperor's fleet.

In Attendance to the Privy Council:
[tab]Lord of Letters Pela Sotulyn, 35. Manages the court and imperial scribes, much of the bureaucratic machinery for record-keeping, etc. Also receives reports from the Empire's intelligence system.
[tab]Commander of the Guards Melwyn Imry, 38. Commands the guards of the Imperial Palace; his office has branched out over the centuries to take command of the Pale City militia.
[tab][tab]Executioner Harald Haraldorn, 29. Has an axe and command of the Keys.

Members of the Imperial Household:
[tab]Tiro the Alchemist, 27. Of common background, Tiro is the Emperor's very own alchemist, charged with the brewing of potions and the casting of spells, creation of protective wards, and so on.
[tab]Simon Haften, the Dream-Reader, 45. From the west of the realm, Simon's family fled his homeland sometime around the migration of House Dyre. He himself ended up in the capital, where his immense talent for straining true portents and mental readings from dream recollections ended up landing him a job in the Emperor's household itself.
[tab]Sheyderah, 33. A poet of great skill.
[tab]Amarai Valens, 56. A poet of great religious conviction.
[tab]Tannitch, 43. A historian of the realm.
[tab]Luca Selvan, 55. A composer of great renown.
[tab]Dellan Shael, 35. A painter.
[tab]Corwyn Sable, 32. A painter.
[tab]Bael Offameer, 29. A sculptor.
[tab]the Cooks, et al.
[tab][tab]Yezus, 34. Head cooker person. Not head-cooker person.

People often in attendance at court:
[tab]Lord Baerin Sotulyn, 40. Younger brother of Lord Sedemyl Sotulyn, and overseer of the Old Holdings in the Mire.
[tab][tab]Borrel Sotulyn, 17. His only son.
[tab][tab]Valla Sotulyn, 19. His only daughter.
[tab]Baron Zephyr Tanticre, 34.
[tab]Arrod Imry, 19. Nephew of Melwyn (Commander of the Guards), eldest son of the Baron Imry.
[tab]Lance Morray, 61. Liason of the powerful Duke Tarquelin in the Pale City.
[tab][tab]Lea Morray, 54. His wife.
[tab][tab]Diana Tarquelin, 6. Youngest daughter of the Duke. A companion of Princess Luriana.

Also also, if you want to have members of your family in attendance at court at any time (for a significant length of time, anyway), it would really be helpful to me to let me know. Also also also, if you want a "person" (aka spy) at the Imperial Court, let me know and I can insert them in somewhere. :)

Lake Balatyn and the Plains of Lelyian
Lake Balatyn is a clear freshwater lake. Its hilly western shore is known for its magnificent estates and sprawling luxurious castles, while its lush western shore is known for its resorts and vibrant and colorful towns. Farther to the west are the vast Plains of Lelylian. This very flat area is quite fertile, but sparsely inhabited.

1.Castle Isios (Viscount Desi Aginon): The grandest, most luxurious and most secure of all of the estates surrounding Lake Balatyn. This castle was originally a sort of vacation home for House Serepen before being requisitioned by Auren I after his victory. As a reward for decades of loyal service, the castle and its surrounding villages were granted to the extremely old Viscount Hubell Aginon, who had acted as something of a mentor to Auren during his early years. The Aginons still inhabit the Castle and are generally considered the most powerful lords in the Lake Balatyn region. The current lord, Desi Aginon, is quite old himself and is also quite unhappy with the new rich and merchant families taking up residence near his lake.

2.Hesiy (Viscount Brince Leiland): The largest town on the shore of Lake Balatyn. This vibrant little burg is often known as the “City of Romance” for its natural beauty and comfortable resorts. The town also functions as a moderately important trade center, exporting crops from the Plains of Lelylian up the river to Sotulisi and Prinnia. The Lord of the town, Viscount Brince Leiland, is known primarily for three things: His boyish good looks, his playboy lifestyle and his extreme stupidity. The day-to-day affairs of the town are mostly handled by his extensive entourage.

3.Gars (Baron Harton Welks): By far the largest town in the Plains of Lelyian, it is nonetheless quite boring and plain. If it were only a few hundred miles to the north, it would probably go by entirely unnoticed. Primarily a trade center for the farmers and herders of the Plains, its most distinguishing feature is a large watchtower, atop which one can see for vast distances. The lord of the town, Harton Welks, is known for his friendliness and casual demeanor. It is said that he is on a first name basis with all of the merchants within his town.

4.The Feshing Estates (Baron Argnon Saddlefren): A group of small manors and estates that used to belong to various houses loyal to Serepen. Following the War of the Pale Brothers, an enterprising young noble from Benefry came and purchased the lands from families seeking to flee the region after hearing about the fate of House Serepen. Lord Saddlefren has since created quite the political upheaval by choosing to rent many of these manors to wealthy merchant families, greatly angering the nobility of the area.

5.Castle Fifian (Emperor Auren II Luseysi, maintained by Steward Ari Tathom): A luxurious castle that was built for the Imperial Family by Desi Aginon should they ever choose to visit the Lake region. Despite its immense size and scenic location, it is rarely if ever used. It is currently maintained by a group of extremely lucky imperial servants led by Steward Thathom, a former house servant to the Imperial Family.

Lumi Islands (Baron Olmark Piddarthan): A small group of islands known primarily for its export of the alcoholic beverage known as Lumisa. The formula for Lumisa is a heavily guarded secret, and thus far no attempts to copy the drink have been successful. The Lumi fruit by itself is quite bitter, leading to further mystery on how this strange cider-like concoction is made so delicious. Other than the production of Lumisa, the islands act as something of a port for traders seeking to fence stolen goods. The sole city, Lumisport, is ruled over by Baron Olmark Piddarthan, who’s approach to governing could be considered off-handed at at best.

Shulensi's Spires
Shulensi’s Spires are named for the large, jagged rocks and mountains that rise from the ground across the entirety of the Peninsula. The dry, cracked earth makes this a poor area for agriculture, leaving it very sparsely inhabited. Nonetheless, there is some wealth to be found here. Silver and lead mines dot the interior of the peninsula, while its eastern shores are the Empire’s prime location for pearl diving.

1.Castle Mabulm (Sir Caris Peather): the rocky island of Mabulm primarily serves as an outpost guarding the entrance to the great bay to its south. The garrison here is currently at an all-time low, and there has been serious talk of simply abandoning the stronghold altogether, as the ground is so infertile it cannot even support the meager population that currently lives there.

2.Castle Sedear (Earl Anick Farrous): A large fortress built between two mountains and on a small inlet into the sea. Sedear is probably the grandest of all the castles within the Spires. The lord of the castle, Earl Anick Farrous, is known as one of the cruelest and most unforgiving lords within the Empire. This also makes him sort of the unofficial leader of the Spires, as abuse of servants and peasants is considered something of a virtue by the other lords in the area. The Farrous Family is also one of the oldest families on Surotsi, having been part of one of the first colonies on the island.

3.Andlemagas (Lord-Mayor Carn Geal) : A mining town that manages to produce good amounts of both silver and lead for export and refinement. Despite its heavy exports, the burdensome taxes imposed by Lord-Mayor Carn Geal have left the town quite destitute.

4.Arstiton (Lord-Mayor Syll Pane): A small fishing port, it was once the greatest center for pearl diving in the empire. Unfortunately for the town, they seem to have overfished their waters, taking too many clams for too long and destroying their main source of income. A small fishing fleet and a lead mine are all that keeps the town alive at this point. The corrupt Lord-Mayor's embezzling and overtaxing don’t help the town much either.

5.Onager (Baron Vechy Hored): Built on the Red Lake, Onager is probably one of the more pleasant towns/castles in the region. The large and plentiful forests of the region have allowed for a thriving, if small, shipbuilding industry to develop, while the untapped wilderness along the lake’s shores have also given the area fame as one of the best locations for hunting within the empire. Baron Hored is a particularly avid hunter, and his expensive hunting trips that lead to the slaughter of sometimes hundreds of animals are well known throughout the region.

6.Silsgate (Lord-Mayor Hinray Parinvent): “The Silver City” of Silsgate is perhaps the only city in the region not plagued by corruption and cruelty. The Lord-Mayor Parinvent is a mostly affable ruler, and allows the prosperous silver mines to mostly manage themselves. This has proven extremely beneficial to the city’s economy, and peasants from the other towns often speak of fleeing here if they can get the chance.

7.Carrias (Lord-Mayor Franed Vost): Isolated and relatively small, Carrias was founded when the pearl diving and fishing centers to the north began to fail from overfishing. Unlike the authoritarian and cruel leaders elsewhere in the Spires, Franed Vost is simply apathetic to the day-to-day affairs of his town. While this means the population, as a whole, is not terribly mistreated, corruption continues to be a major problem.

8.Castle Gost (Baron Helias Dokes): Built on the small pass between Dagger Lake and the shore, this castle guards the main entrance into the Spires. The current lord, Helias Dokes, is quite insane. Perhaps his greatest known traits are his intense hatred of Esurks and his extreme fondness for waterfowl.

The Gulf of Rustrose

Once home to several of the earliest colonies in Surotsi, the towns on the Gulf's south shore are now mostly abandoned, having been surpassed by the more fertile and better managed regions to the west and south. Despite this, a few minor cities do remain and the trade up and down the Urjut River remains as important as ever.

1. Aelvan (Viscount Ket Karrins): A trading port on the Urjut River, it was originally founded as an outpost from which to launch attacks on the Esurks. It is currently in the midst of a bitter rivalry with the city Onager, and the two towns compete heavily for ship building contracts and fishing rights in the Gulf of Rustrose. Aelvan’s relationship with House Ranof is perhaps even more complex. While Viscount Karrins knows the Ranofs are his foremost ally against the corrupt and greedy houses of the Spires, he is nonetheless hesitant to allow his domain to fall under the control of his more powerful southern neighbor.

2. Sodgon (Lord-Mayor Benford Handel): A small town on the salt lake known as the Tear Drop. This settlement primarily exists as a production and export center for salt. In addition to salt itself, the town is also known for its cured sausages, which it exports across the empire. They are particularly popular in Soltulisi.

3. Fort Dedreck (Brother Eaner Hesh): A small fort that was founded as one of the first footholds in Surotsi. As time passed and the Esurks were pushed farther into Surotsi, the fortress's defensive purposes declined and its upkeep was ignored. It was abandoned just prior to the beginning of the War of the Pale Brothers. Recently, the Order of Isseshi has taken control of the fortress and have since began to make repairs in order to give themselves a stronghold on the mainland.

4. Isseshi Island (Master Pelos Ison): Uninhabited until fairly recently, the Island of Isesshi is primarily occupied by members of Order of the Isesshi, a monastic order that places special emphasis on worshiping the Ocean deity. The Order took up residence on the island after being expelled by the Priests of the Pale City towards the end of the Solemn Age. Though the Order of Isesshi is hardly radical, its members do possess one outstanding trait: their diet is restricted to that which comes from the water. This means that in addition to being pescetarians, they also only consume rice, various algae and seaweed. The single town on the island, Isseshin, is located on a small peninsula jutting out into the sea. The centerpiece of the town, the Temple Of Isseshi, sits half within the water at high tide allowing for the Order to engage in a ritualistic worship service while being both at sea and in the temple at the same time.


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Alright, I'm gonna hold off on applying until I can actually see any kind of rundown/overview/even a map for the players/npcs and their houses.
First of all, bombshoo, I love you. Strictly platonic bro-love.

Second of all, map coming soon nutra! By the way, erez, I am changing a lot of your "cities" to "towns" -- I think you overloaded that region with cities. Was there a specific reason? I think most cities will swell and develop around important areas, and not kind of everywhere. Is that all right with you or is it dramatically opposed to your vision?
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