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BirdNES 3: When Worlds Collide

New folks should read the rules very carefully, they are not your typical NES rules.
Apparently Venice engages in ramming and boarding but nevertheless uses caravels. Is that correct?
Apparently Venice engages in ramming and boarding but nevertheless uses caravels. Is that correct?
Yes, Venice can build and sail caravels, but still uses galleys and galley tactics for its naval combat.
I had almost forgotten about this game, I'll have to look through the rules again. I'm up for rejoining as Songhai.
I'll still play as Brandenburg. If it ends up open, I may take Austria though.
I am willing to continue my old banking firm! :D
I have no recollection of my acts of Florence here. But would love to continue.
:o. This was the game where I was going to make Hungary survive through skilled diplomacy. Until I had to quit and this happened :/ :

Spoiler :

Declaration of Janos Corvinus

It's come to my attention that a couple of years ago when I was weaker I was forced by fools to give up my claims to the my lawful place as Archduke of Austria and Prince of Luxembourg. Just kidding! I am the ruler of Hungary, and I am descended from the greatest, Attila the Hun himself, and therefore I am the Emperor of the Hunnic Empire and what he conquered, the Emperor of Rome, and there is no chance that I would surrender a title to somebody like a Hapsburg. Also, because the Huns awere the ancestors of the Turks and Mongols, as an original Hun-garian I also am the real Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and Khan of the Horde. I am Roman Emperor, but since the Huns were better than Rome, I am also king of what they could never conquered, I am King of Scotland.

I declare my rightful throne as the Emperor of the Roman and Hunnic Empires and King of Hungary and all other lands within, Scourge of God, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Khan of the Horde, King of Scotland, Archduke of Austria, and Prince of Luxembourg.

Remember this and tremble you false kings.

Értünk Kunság mezein
Ért kalászt lengettél,
Tokaj szőlővesszein
Nektárt csepegtettél.
Zászlónk gyakran plántálád
Vad török sáncára,
S nyögte Mátyás bús hadát
Bécsnek büszke vára.

If Hungary is not about to be run into the ground by the orders of Espoir (in this upcoming third update), I would very much like to reclaim it.
Hungry is/was at the center of many things for update 3. Who's playing what may influence those outcomes, because that part has not yet been written.
What happened to Algiers? it isnt in the list
What happened to Algiers? it isnt in the list
It is "just not on the list". It is on the maps and has stats. I have emu playing it. :)
Hungry is/was at the center of many things for update 3. Who's playing what may influence those outcomes, because that part has not yet been written.

You're doing update 3 with orders you already have, right?
Correct. But if a player does not return and they had orders that to fit a particular grand plan, I might temper them so a new player doesn't get stuck with a wild scheme they had not anticipated.

Europe (including Muscovy) and the new world are the areas I have to write. The rest are done.
I can't remember what I was doing as the Ottomans, but a lack of viable alternatives means I would like to continue on as those rascally Turks :D
Correct. But if a player does not return and they had orders that to fit a particular grand plan, I might temper them so a new player doesn't get stuck with a wild scheme they had not anticipated.

Europe (including Muscovy) and the new world are the areas I have to write. The rest are done.

Do you recall if I (Brandenburg) sent orders?

If not, just take about 1000 of my money and invest it in a centralization of bureaucracies with Pomerania, about 200 towards my university and 500 on two caravels.
I can't remember what I was doing as the Ottomans, but a lack of viable alternatives means I would like to continue on as those rascally Turks :D

Do you recall if I (Brandenburg) sent orders?

If not, just take about 1000 of my money and invest it in a centralization of bureaucracies with Pomerania, about 200 towards my university and 500 on two caravels.
No orders on record; your spending noted.

The work of the Safaviyeh Order is unfinished, but if Azale doesn't show up the Ottomans are my first choice.
See his post above.
This, I think, is what the latest player list looks like as of tonight. Let me know if I've got you wrong.

Current claims:
Spain: Luckymoose
Brandenburg: Bombshoo
Milan: Germanicus12
Hungary: qoou
Ottoman Turks: Azale
Safavids: Kraznaya
Malacca Sultanate: Cynovolans
Songhai: Frozen in Ice
House of Lee: Alex944
Mughals: ~Darkening~
Ryukyu: Ninja Dude
Venice: spryllino
Japan: T_F
Florence: Lord Joakim
Naples: Kentharu

Unclaimed as yet by previous players:
France: The Strategos
England: Andis-1
Scotland: Foolish Icarus
Moscow: das
Pope: Banana Lee
Bavaria: FlyingChicken
Vijayanagar: Abaddon
Delhi Sultanate: Carmen510
Gujarat: Espoir
Portugal: Milarqui
Austria: Fantasmo
Genoa: Charles Li
Aztecs: Adrogans
Algiers: emu
House of Hohenheim: Crezth

Are any of these guys still around? If they aren't, I expect their nations to open up.

China: Dannydehz
Teutonic Knights: Pennypacker
Kalmar Union: Diamondeye
Poland: Stuck in Pi
Korea: Megaman_zx
Mongols: Thor the Cat
Ethiopia: Yui108
Inka: Soldierchild
Huron Confederacy: Arian

Savoy: NPC
Egypt: NPC (not a good choice)
Ayutthaya: NPC

New Players looking for nations, choices listed:
Cull: France, England, Ottoman,Savoy
Agent 89: France, Austria, Hungary, Milan
Matt0088: England, Kalmar Union, Scotland, Portugal
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