• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Capto Iugulum

To: Italian Nationalists, ie Naples and the Republic
From: Argentina

Informal and private: Geez, you're both pretty. Stop bickering in the back room, and get out there onstage before the ugly girl wins the pageant.

To: Pope
From: Argentina

Your Holiness, other states' internal affairs aren't always meant to affect the Papal States in some specific way. If a newspaper is a threat to your sovereignty, then clearly there are bigger underlying problems that must be addressed. I see no reason why the Papacy can't have lands to assure its' self-sufficiency and independence from secular authorities. Controlling most of central Italy is unnecessary for this purpose however, as your populace seems to agree.
To: Italian Republic, Kingdom of Naples
From: United States of America

We are disappointed in your statement regarding the Kingdom of Naples. All you have proved is that you care for your own glory and power rather than the Italian people. The Kingdom of Naples has already expressed a desire to transition to the government you desire, and is stalled simply because of a war (not of their choice). To suggest a transition be made immediately and haphazardly, which would certainly danger the Neapolitan war effort with the shifting chain of command and the resulting confusion and ultimately doom the Italian cause, shows the idealism and lack of good sense of the Italian Republic. You have shown you are unfit to lead the revolution for the Italian people. You dropped our suggestion, which is very disappointing, and you are contributing to the broken state of Italy.

We therefore recant our earlier statements, take the suggestion of the Austrian-Italian intellectuals, and recognize the Kingdom of Naples as the true successor of the Italian nation. The Republic of Italy is simply another feuding Italian state using Italian nationalism to further its own goals. We call upon our allies to do the same.

Furthermore, we do not recognize your government as legitimate. Unless you reverse your earlier statements, we have nothing more to say to you.
The sides some other country takes is meaningless. Only the people, the Italian people, will have a say on the future of Italy. And not a country that joins and brings forward a world war only to conquer new lands in central America. Call it "freeing" but I doubt the demands of the USA to get those lands from the war are on par with the wishes of the people there.

Also, try to choose allies who do not speak openly in an open forum (the chat) about the reasons you have joined them.
This is the 48 hour warning. I warn you, get them in early. I'm aiming to actually complete the update by the late evening on Wednesday.
Will you be on AIM anytime soon EQ?
@nuke: No.

That goes for anyone else, if you have questions, ask them via PM, and I'll get back to you tomorrow morning or early afternoon. Do not wait. I will be starting early on the update on Wednesday. If you delay, you will miss the deadline. Destiny waits for no man.
To: Belligerents of the Great War
From: Flanders

The government of Flanders will be sending observers to the various fronts of this massive war in order to observe and record any violations of the Calais Convention. We are sure that as signatories that you have nothing to hide, but we do not wish to see any violations go unrecorded. The observers will be recognizable by their bright yellow uniforms, and we have advised them to avoid taking any stupid risks when observing, so we have confidence that they will remain unharmed.
To Flanders
From Occitania

Unfortunately, fate has a habit of creating risk where there would be none. Bright yellow uniforms tend to get covered in mud. And Gas has no compulsion where it would go after it is released.

We suggest your men take extra caution above mere avoiding risks and wearing bright yellow uniforms.

OOC: Do you have a list of Signatories? I'm not sure who is or isn't on it.

Also, orders sent.
To: Belligerents of the Great War
From: Flanders

The government of Flanders will be sending observers to the various fronts of this massive war in order to observe and record any violations of the Calais Convention. We are sure that as signatories that you have nothing to hide, but we do not wish to see any violations go unrecorded. The observers will be recognizable by their bright yellow uniforms, and we have advised them to avoid taking any stupid risks when observing, so we have confidence that they will remain unharmed.

Brazil does not trust that these uniforms will be solely used by your forces.
To: Flanders
From: The United Kingdom of Great Britain

The United Kingdom promises to recognize the impartiality of the Flemish observers.
To: Flanders
From: Kingdom of Serbia

While Serbia is sure that this is meant in good intention, we are strongly opposed to this in favor of the safety of these Flemish observers. This is because while humans can differentiate enemies from neutrals and friendlies, their guns cannot. Please understand that this is for your own safety.
To: Flanders
From: Brittany

Can the artillery see the guy in yellow running around before the shell hits? No.
Does the sniper stop to think when he sees movement? No.
Does the Louis gunner attempt to avoid hitting everything? No.
Does the cavalryman stop to look at the person's uniform? Maybe.
In light of the safety of your soldiers, I would request that you would stop this plan. They would be targeted just as much as the next guy in the chaos of battle regardless of uniform.
As Brandenburg has not signed the Calais Convention, we will not be allowing any forces in our lines aside from our soldiers, and our allies
The Confederation cannot guarantee the safety of any Flemish observers in its own lines because of the large numbers of Brandenburger and Hungarian soldiers who will be likely to be attacking these lines. As signatories to the convention, however, we will welcome any such observers, and since they will not be on the in the Brandenburger lines and Brandenburg is a non-signatory, we do not expect there to be any probability of them being shot by Confederate troops.
Re: All concerns over the safety of observers

The Convention fortunately does not relate to actions on the battlefield, with the exception of Article 6 which declares that all wounded and sick must be collected and cared for. The observers will not have to stand in the middle of a pitched battle, or even be on the battle line for the most part. The observers are also all committed to the ideals of the Convention, and are willing to risk their lives to see that it is followed.

Signatories include:
The Dutch Republic
The Confederation (via Normandy)
The UK
New Spain
The Roman Empire
Denmark notes that it is not currently a signitory of the Calais convention, and signs it to rectify this apparently clerical error.
Hungary cannot and will not allow any observer from Flanders or another neutral country within the militarized zone on our side of the Dniester.
However, we will sign this document.
This is the 24 hour warning
To: Cuba
From: Mayan Republic

The Republic would like to formally congratulate Cuba for its new found independence. We hope peace and prosperity can be shared between our nations.

(Yeah, I'm late. What of it?)
To: Cuba
From: New Spain

Likewise, we formally welcome Cuba to the international community. Please ignore the global conflagration; it is only temporary.

(Late as well)
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