You either have to take the grievances and keep the city or return it to alleviate grievances. You can't just ignore it, keep the city, and not take the penalty.
You either have to take the grievances and keep the city or return it to alleviate grievances. You can't just ignore it, keep the city, and not take the penalty.
That seems like a good change. Inquisitors have been too powerful for ages, so nerfing makes sense. And then they used the nerf to buff Spain nice.
But you now really need to found a Religion with Spain to maximise its abilities. That’s not hard to do, but always feels weird to me to found a Religion as Spain.
Alcazar now gives 2 culture (Maybe same as before?) and also science equal to 50% of the tile's appeal (Definitely new!), and can't be adjacent to each other (not sure?)
You either have to take the grievances and keep the city or return it to alleviate grievances. You can't just ignore it, keep the city, and not take the penalty.
It's subtle, I didn't even notice until my 5th war. I did notice them being a lot more stingy with their money/resources in peace deals compared to R&F. Hungary didn't even take a straight up peace deal(cede all) with only 1 small city left...
So its grievances for taking the city and killing all those people when you do and grievances for keeping the city in a peace deal? If its like 100 grievances to suprise war you then you can easily keep one city if its around 75 grievances to take and keep a city.
You either have to take the grievances and keep the city or return it to alleviate grievances. You can't just ignore it, keep the city, and not take the penalty.
Does it tell you explicitly what the grievance cost is? I could definitely see a case now where it might make more sense to take the 125 (?) grievance hit to all civs for capturing a civ's last city rather than take the extra grievance hit for all these ceded cities.
Does it tell you explicitly what the grievance cost is? I could definitely see a case now where it might make more sense to take the 125 (?) grievance hit to all civs for capturing a civ's last city rather than take the extra grievance hit for all these ceded cities.
You either have to take the grievances and keep the city or return it to alleviate grievances. You can't just ignore it, keep the city, and not take the penalty.
Does it tell you explicitly what the grievance cost is? I could definitely see a case now where it might make more sense to take the 125 (?) grievance hit to all civs for capturing a civ's last city rather than take the extra grievance hit for all these ceded cities.
No you have to look it up afterward in the log. It's definatly era dependant(i play standard/standard), old captures were 32 in classical while my medieval captures are 38.
Capture/cede are only civ specific while taking a final city is global grievance added to all other civs, I have some old ones at 76 and recent ones at 150.
I think it's better to let them live, no matter how much grievance you have with other civs, "grievance against other players" caps at -40. But personal grievances with a given AI can add up to -60 relationship on top of that -40. Best not get personal grievances with those you want to befriend I think.
Also holding a capital is a permanant -3 per turn with that civ.
EDIT: after some calculations it seems keeping them alive leads to lower but longer lasting negative relation with everybody else while wiping them out leads to a very high(-70) but short-lived negative relationship with everybody else(about 18 turns on medieval). The best, as usual, is to leave 1 city and let it flip or have somebody else capture it, this should lead to 0 relationship penalty.
It seems you no longer get era score for having all the governors. Or maybe it's bugged and you need the Ottoman's too; I just hired the 7th normal one (as Canada), no score.
Alcazar now gives 2 culture (Maybe same as before?) and also science equal to 50% of the tile's appeal (Definitely new!), and can't be adjacent to each other (not sure?)
Apparently lake Natural Wonders are now considered actual lake tiles - meaning boats can enter them. I haven't been able to test this myself but I've seen it twice now, and on different wonders.
That would be interesting. Fwiw, there have been border instances that would count as war between ROK and DPRK since the ceasefire was signed, so it's a bit tricky to implement.
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