Changes not documented (or obvious) in patch notes

Apparently lake Natural Wonders are now considered actual lake tiles - meaning boats can enter them. I haven't been able to test this myself but I've seen it twice now, and on different wonders.

I'm not sure this is new, I think you could do that with Crater Lake before.

I do know that Huey Teocalli does in fact effect Crater Lake, Dead Sea, and Lake Retba... but Lady of the Reeds and Marshes doesn't effect Pantanal. Lame!
I'm not sure this is new, I think you could do that with Crater Lake before.

I do know that Huey Teocalli does in fact effect Crater Lake, Dead Sea, and Lake Retba... but Lady of the Reeds and Marshes doesn't effect Pantanal. Lame!

So can you canal to Natural Wonder lakes?
Aqueduct now prevents food loss from drought, so maybe there's a good reason to make one even if your city has fresh water but is prone to droughts, like a desert city next to an oasis?
It's not just alcazar - monasteries and colossal heads have been modified as well.

- Monasteries: +2 Faith, +1 Faith per adjacent building. +1 housing, additional housing when colonialism is researched. +15hp healing to religious units which have not attacked this turn.
- Colossal Head: +2 faith, +1 Faith for every 2 adjacent rainforest or wood, or every 1 adjacent rainforest or wood once humanism is researched. Tourism from faith bonus once Flight is researched.

As someone who loves UI but always thought Alcazars and Monasteries were rarely worth the effort, I'm delighted.
I think they improved the UI for boats - the blue line showing where the boat can go with its current movement points now includes tiles on the other side of embarked units of other civs. It used to look like the embarked unit was blocking movement of your ship.
The AI asks me about my units around his border.

There is no longer an option to ignore. I must either delcare (on his turn, so he gets first strike, and I wind up declaring a surprise war), or I have to say my troops were "merely passing by", so I'm set up to generate a grievance if I do declare war.


I have to spend diplomatic favor to ask for a promise, such as "please stop forward settling".

Hmm....Advantage, AI.
In the last several games I started I've noticed the turn after wiping out a barb camp an new one spawns in a nearby fogged tile every time. I don't know if this is part of having disasters set to 4 or what.

Edit: This is on Prince, King and Emperor. I didn't check the other difficulty settings.
I think an x number of barb camps are programmed to be on the map at all times. And they only spawn in places where there are x number of unoccupied tiles, which is why they tend to spawn in similar spots especially as the game progresses and the map starts getting filled up
Does this count: as Canada, since you cannot declare a surprise war, it seems the AI won't necessarily ask about units on borders. At least Germany didn't when my warrior and archer army showed up at the borders and camped while we waited for 5 turns after a denouncement (that I forgot I needed).
Lake Retba and Dead Sea are no longer sources of fresh water.
Dead sea is one in my game...? :confused:

Edit: nevermind I checked again and it's sea water bonus... kinda hard to see the difference on the settler lense now...
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Played a bit as Germany, yes barb camps everywhere.

As Canada, not a single barb at ALL on my continent. The other continent had a bunch.

Also saw the only option for troops was just passing by, no ignore, nothing. You can just escape out though, which still counts as 'just passing by'.
Barb boats appear to do full damage, even if they only have 1 hp left.
IZ/hansa bonus nerfed. used to get bonus for sea resources, not any more. Only mines. (this really hurts)
stone by itself doesn't appear to count either. Have to drop some quarries in.
Capture a city with a worker/settler in it, you don't get the unit. :(

"megacollossal eruption" heh.
You are now forced to return/cede cities in peace deals. All cede-able cities are automatically put in the deal and if you try to remove one it will automatically put in the return option on your side of the deal.

Does the -18 "you occupy one of our cities" penalty still exist? Did anyone test that?
Hmmm maybe... but for me, it just means THAT much more incentive to just kill off that civ instead of going for peace...

The dev team does seem to prefer to push total war. See the accompanying tweak about no longer carving out tiles from a city before you return it. And the boost to ravaging the entire countryside before you take the city centre. At least they've been consistent in their blood frenzy. :)
The Cree CUA Favorable Terms seems to have changed. Internal trade route no longer generates extra food for camps/pastures in the originating city. However a trade route from capital to a CS with a pasture is generating one food for the capital. If this seems like a bug or isn't happening to someone else I can try to figure out how to post a sceenshot later. This is with GS installed, not just the patch.

I usually don't post but have been reading a lot lately to learn as much as possible for GS, which I hope to get going at with a new civ and a long session soon. Thanks to all the dedicated posters who have added to my gameplay with their knowledge.
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