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[LP] Civilization VI: Leader Pass - Discussion Thread

For the serious gamers here, how long does this kind of patch usually take? (as in patch to make it free for Anthology owners + owners of ALL content). Like is this is a 24-hour kind of fix or can it be done in hours? AKA do I sit by my computer and click Next Turn or should I pull a Barbarossa and make my day productive
Pull up Barbarossa and make your day productive.

It's been nearly 6 hours since the release and people still don't have access to it, and given that it's now entirely out of Firaxis hands (it's now 2K and Steam's issue) no one really knows.
On Lincoln:

As I understand it, the game has no negative starting bias mechanism, so I imagine there will be plenty of annoying plantation resource-heavy games playing as Lincoln, similar to how frequently you spawn next to the coast as Maya. If plantation resources can't be avoided, why not give players a reason to somewhat look forward to them? Allow them to place industrial zones on these resources for additional bonuses (crazy example: -10 loyalty/turn to foreign cities within 10 tiles for 10 turns) to the districts. It also provides a way to tie together two features that seem so disparate.

Also, the free unit thing is just the Byzantine ability without any of the synergy that comes with it (e.g. cheap district, Taxis, Crusade, full damage to walls), except the +5 combat bonus. I don't really get this decision. Why make Lincoln copy one of the more successful civs in the game? I think they should've really committed to the loyalty thing because Eleanor, unlike Basil, left a lot to be desired.
That sums up the day Firaxis/Steam have had lol
Even though the negative Steam reviews are par for the course for this kind of issue and even to be expected, I can't help but feel really bad for Firaxis. They are a team of such sweethearts and I just want to give anyone there who is stressed about this a big bear hug
Even though the negative Steam reviews are par for the course for this kind of issue and even to be expected, I can't help but feel really bad for Firaxis. They are a team of such sweethearts and I just want to give anyone there who is stressed about this a big bear hug
Since this problem isn't costing them a dime, I expect that their stress level is remarkably close to zero.
I find review bombing dumb. Reviews are there to inform me of what the product is like. This mess will not be an issue next week or later when those reviews will be read the most. If there are persistent bugs or something then that's worth mentioning, but otherwise... it's just being immature and venting frustrations by spiting the Devs.

Yeah, this is frustrating...but it will be sorted out soon, and most of them aren't out a penny.
Is there anybody more impatient and easily enraged than gamers?

It's not working! It broke the game! I need it to work NOW! They said 10 am!!
And don't forget, "Why isn't this free?! Why isn't this included in the pass I paid for whose contents were clearly delineated in the description I didn't read when I purchased it?!" (In this case, of course, it is free, which makes the review bombing that much sadder.)
Given how reviews and aggregate sites have been weaponised, they have lost some of their credibility imo. Certainly I don’t pay attention to them anyway.

Funny how these things are cyclical. There was a time where critics were totally unreliable and biased and user experience reviews were a good metric, now I’m more inclined to eyeball a published review. (Ofc, your own experience is the absolute best way to be sure :).
Well, can we conclude that firaxis stepped in the s**t without bothering to check everything in advance and now we will not get the promised update on the 21st, as promised to an audience of thousands of people from one of the largest publishers?
So, I've started a new game in Civ 6, playing Spain and including Julius Caesar as an AI, and his Leader agenda is indeed Gallic Wars.

Called it!
edit: It looks like the 2K launcher has been updated... it now says 3/3 DLC instead of 3/4, and no longer lists the Leader Pass. But that's all that changed.

Given how reviews and aggregate sites have been weaponised, they have lost some of their credibility imo. Certainly I don’t pay attention to them anyway.

Funny how these things are cyclical. There was a time where critics were totally unreliable and biased and user experience reviews were a good metric, now I’m more inclined to eyeball a published review. (Ofc, your own experience is the absolute best way to be sure :).
Critics are still just as unreliable. Fortunately now you don't need reviews at all; you can just watch someone play the game on YouTube.
I'm sure this will be eventually rectified but I am deeply disappointed because I was looking forward to this all weekend and this morning.

I am enjoying my latest game as Julius Caesar though, so there's a silver lining. I do hope they get this fixed soon.
Is his LUA working now? Someone said earlier that it wasn't.
Either it was a bug specific to that user, or it has indeed been fixed.
Is his LUA working now? Someone said earlier that it wasn't.
I have not had any issues with his LUA - it's been a blast for helping to secure an early position on a higher difficulty.
I find review bombing dumb. Reviews are there to inform me of what the product is like. This mess will not be an issue next week or later when those reviews will be read the most. If there are persistent bugs or something then that's worth mentioning, but otherwise... it's just being immature and venting frustrations by spiting the Devs.

Yeah, this is frustrating...but it will be sorted out soon, and most of them aren't out a penny.

I completely disagree. Everything involved in the experience should be reflected in the rating. A company whose games are delivered broken on delivery should rightfully see that reflected in their game reviews. Same goes for pricing, if it contains annoyingly cumbersome login requirements, etc.

Edit: besides, Steam already flags review bombing. You can see the ratings with and without review bombings included.

Also, I wouldn't count this as review bombing. Review Bombing is usually coordinated to some degree.
Even though the negative Steam reviews are par for the course for this kind of issue and even to be expected, I can't help but feel really bad for Firaxis. They are a team of such sweethearts and I just want to give anyone there who is stressed about this a big bear hug
I try to separate my positive feelings for the dev team from my opinion of the product. This isn’t paid for, but it ultimately is. My experience with Civ 6 has made me extremely skeptical of purchasing another game Firaxis develops. I like the dev team, but their product isn’t up to par as of late.
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