CKS-NES - 'Out of Darkness'

Neverwonagame3 [Zone A], Immaculate [Zone F], fantasmo [Zone F] and Fuschia [Zone F] have been approved.

Good, good. Everything is falling in to place. Hopefully my first-turn "orders" weren't too incomprehensible.

Okay- i will stay. Hopefully i don't get double-teamed.

Funny, that's exactly what I was worried about.

Heh. You're both going to be surprised at what my little society turns out to be...

Regardless, there really isn't any winning in this NES, and winning is not the point, even if it was. That's what I like about it so much. :)

You can ignore the above comment if you're one of those people who think the possibility of winning exists in everything. :p
Winning and losing a NES may not be technically possible but its certainly possible to build up a huge empire and have it ravaged internally by shadowy underhanded espionage from your rivals, have its walls and cities demolished and the grain stores plundered, etc.

Thats may not be losing per se, but its definately not 'winning'.
Is it o.k if I ask about time until the update?
Probably this weekend. I'm currently at 1500 words (with 500 down on paper which I need to refine)... and that's just covered one island chain.

Those island chains without players or significant player contact will not be in the updates... aside from whispered rumors :)
Probably this weekend. I'm currently at 1500 words (with 500 down on paper which I need to refine)... and that's just covered one island chain.

Those island chains without players or significant player contact will not be in the updates... aside from whispered rumors :)
So I assume there were no significant problems with my application, then?
All player applications have been solid and I haven't had any problems.
BTW, the island chain you took 1500 words to cover- did you put me there?
Masada? Anything?
Probably this weekend. I'm currently at 1500 words (with 500 down on paper which I need to refine)... and that's just covered one island chain.

Those island chains without players or significant player contact will not be in the updates... aside from whispered rumors :)


I hope the update is released soon. You have set high standards for yourself with your eloquently written economic guides by the way.

Its a shame you decided not to join the Jopa's FFH NES; i was looking forward to seeing your writing in his campaign.
Any news on the update?
Masada said:
As a further aside, whinging, whining, or otherwise pissing me off with inane questions about deadlines in the thread will result in being banned from the NES. No negotiation.

I won't enforce it this time.

But I did say this weekend and its only just Sunday. I'm probably just shy of halfway through owing to Dachs getting me hooked on EUIII. Nevertheless unless I get called away for work or something else it will likely be done today. I also reserve the right to proof read it tomorrow during my lunch if I find the quality was beginning to slip last night.
Wow. Will take zone A after update Masada. Good Luck!

EDIT: was going for a high competition culture at Zone A. Going for Zone G if Zone A is all covered.
Charles you can send orders if you want for this turn. Zone G on the East and the whole of Zone A are not going to have significant player input.

Just remember to format your orders which I mentioned somewhere back in the thread.

Immaculate said:
Level: Insert spending level here
Name of Institution
OBJECTIVE: Insert objective here
PRECEDENT: Insert precedent here
HOOK: Insert hook here
DESCRIPTION: Insert hook here
CONSEQUENCE: Insert possible consequences here

That's now the desirable template for spending, I don't mind if people keep to what they've been doing but for those who tend to be mildly scatterbrained (myself included) its a nice way of structuring them. Thank you Immaculate.
I won't enforce it this time.

But I did say this weekend and its only just Sunday. I'm probably just shy of halfway through owing to Dachs getting me hooked on EUIII. Nevertheless unless I get called away for work or something else it will likely be done today. I also reserve the right to proof read it tomorrow during my lunch if I find the quality was beginning to slip last night.

Sorry about that.
Level: 3 or maybe 2
Contour Planting
OBJECTIVE: To save all possible water during rain for farming.
PRECEDENT: They find that by planting their millets crosswise from the hill, it will block all water from rain when it comes and let it sink in the ground, increasing production.
HOOK: A Few local men doing it received more baskets of millet than usuall, prompting the others to follow and try to feed their families.
DESCRIPTION: The act of planting crosswise of the steepness of a hill to increase production of food by saving rainwater. Needs some surveying for best result.
CONSEQUENCE: Food production will go up, as are the size of the families and the advanced zone. (I am the large inland area). This will lead to some specialization, such as clayworking, surveying and basic townmenship.

(Is this ok? Also, how many will I get to send and how long are the updates?)
The update won't be up today, sorry. I'm aiming for before Wednesday. The update is currently sitting at 3880 words and I've only covered 2 of 5 players. If I feel further motivated tonight I should be able to finish 3 players tonight. The last two will be a real slog.
Jes[*BLEEP*] Chr[*BLEEP*]

I am scared.... Really.... Uh-huh... will get back to you later...

God, that is a lot of points.
My impression is that Masada wants to create some real differences betweent the starting cultures so he gave lots of points to spend at the beginning to reflect that but that actual progresssion will slow down once we begin playing regular tursns(its just not realistic for a nation/culture to evolve that rapidly every 500 years). At least that is what i hope or else our mod will have given a particularily heavy 'homework assignment' for both his players and himself.
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