What I think is particularly telling is that they apparently didn't even check on his condition, despite the incessant pleas of his wife to do so. They left him seemingly unconscious and propped up while still handcuffed instead.
It is known that 5 law enforcement types killed a man when they could have apparently taken him into custody alive. Beating him to death would likely not be the method of choice if they felt they were under threat of being killed.
What I think is particularly telling is that they apparently didn't even check on his condition, despite the incessant pleas of his wife to do so. They left him seemingly unconscious and propped up while still handcuffed instead.
Good thing or he would have likely been dead even before he got to the hospital.There is an ambulance right in the photo.
You can make out his face in that photo?Is that pic of the same man who was beaten by the 5 policemen? Cause it is worth noting that his family claims his face was "deformed" by the knees of those thugs hitting him.
Good thing or he would have likely been dead even before he got to the hospital.
You can make out his face in that photo?
... and as a result the public trust you more?These tiny oblong cameras, the size of a stubby cigar, grabbed the attention of police forces around the world when a 2012 trial in Rialto near Los Angeles suggested that the use of force by officers fell by 60% and complaints against them dropped 88% when they were present."When you know you're being watched you behave a little better. That's just human nature," said the Rialto police chief. "As an officer you act a bit more professional, follow the rules a bit better."
Unfortunately, the video begins after the event that killed Luis. We simply don't know what actually happened - just different accounts from the two sides. The video version we see was released by the families' attorney, and so presumably has been edited to show one side. And apparently it was three cops and two game wardens.
This happened in a public place however, and hopefully other, more complete videos will emerge in days to come.
Yayyyyy, this is one of those fun threads where you only see one side of the story and a 2 minute video of the aftermath and we jump to conclusions. So much fun.
That is only if the videos are actually used to hold them more accountable, which still doesn't happen with the video from their patrol cars. Instead, they seem to disappear a lot or are accidentally erased when they are not supportive of the police in particular instances.The degree to which the police become automatically much more accountable for their actions is invaluable, I think.