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Super Lurker
Retired Moderator
Oct 28, 2000
Vancouver, Canada
Been awhile..so lets see them.

guess who's been playing with Picture It Publishing? ;)


  • newdesktop.jpg
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  • ss (small).jpg
    ss (small).jpg
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My desktop was until recently this, which is interesting considering the character sang my SM theme tune looking like this:

But I couldn't stetch it and make it look good so I used this instead.


  • ayekaflowers.jpg
    106.4 KB · Views: 336
Kinda minimalist, but I like it. Have kept it for a while.


  • dark side of the moon.jpg
    dark side of the moon.jpg
    9.2 KB · Views: 320
sixchan´s upper pic rocks.

here is mine, it looks great with white background.


  • kimsten.jpg
    65.4 KB · Views: 310
I've been using this FF X wallpaper for the last few months. The sky blue color is good for the eyes. :)


  • tf_desk13002.jpg
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This is mine...


  • lionprideemboss.jpg
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You know I have to reply, I love seeing other's desktops. I generally have my background rotating, but I have stuck with this one for a day now.

Edit: Resized image even smaller.
My God kefka, you have enough memory hogs running! McAfee AntiVirus, Windows Task Manager, Compaq's crappy little program (I have always gotten rid of that as soon as posible for my friends), MSN ISP, and MSN/Windows Messenger, a screen capture program (you know windows has one built in right?), the sound thingy (I can understand that), plus a few others I don't know.
Thunderfall is even worse! I see Morpheus running there, what are you sharing uh? ;) Did you know that Trillian has an IRC also so you could have the IRC and ICQ in one program? Glad I could be of help! :D I wish Popup Stopper would work for me, I don't like Popup Killer as much.
Well, I am curently at work so I can't give you a pic of my desktop. But youi won't see anything special on it anyway since i am using the start menu and the IE quicklaunch bar a lot :o

If you wanna see my wallpaper:

(without the border and the big aribeth text)
I use this awesome image by Japanese master artist Ben Wescota!
Here is mine, found it someday on a wall paper site (http://www.cognitivedistortion.com/) and used it for almost half a year. I love it :D

Edit : Becka, I love yours a lot, could you please tell me where you found it???


  • tops_of_snowsmall.jpg
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I use Webshots Desktop which allows you to download pictures as well as use some of your own. I have tons of pictures that cycle through as my background, mostly of familiar places back home in the Northwest as well as some of my two cats. Its nice to be able to see them while I'm stuck on the other side of the continent for months at a time.

My cat is very fat since he's old and can't move very well any more to get exercise, but he's happy and at his age that's all that matters. :love:


  • copy of friendly frankie 8-09-01.jpg
    copy of friendly frankie 8-09-01.jpg
    135.3 KB · Views: 244
Holy smokes...he is a biggun...what a beauty he is.

Cats are good.
Originally posted by PaleHorse76
My God kefka, you have enough memory hogs running! McAfee AntiVirus, Windows Task Manager, Compaq's crappy little program (I have always gotten rid of that as soon as posible for my friends), MSN ISP, and MSN/Windows Messenger, a screen capture program (you know windows has one built in right?), the sound thingy (I can understand that), plus a few others I don't know.
Thunderfall is even worse! I see Morpheus running there, what are you sharing uh? ;) Did you know that Trillian has an IRC also so you could have the IRC and ICQ in one program? Glad I could be of help! :D I wish Popup Stopper would work for me, I don't like Popup Killer as much.

here is this better ;)
and the windows screenshot thing won't work for me cause we did not get any GOOD paint program and it is the only way we can make something a .JPG
actually I did not add most of It as my dad ran most of it just not knowing what it was :lol:
and they then they pop up when the comp starts everytime :rolleyes:
The MSN stuff has to be there as I am using it at the time but once the Internets is disconected its gone.
I have no Idea how to get rid of the Compaq Instant buttons even though we never use them :rolleyes: I can only get the X on it.
but Im sorry as I did not realize that I had to report my going ons to the memory hog police ;)


  • thisbetter..jpg
    7.5 KB · Views: 241
Originally posted by Unknown soldier
Edit : Becka, I love yours a lot, could you please tell me where you found it???

:D Thank you! Actually, it's a photograph I modified myself. I got the picture of the lions from http://dgl.microsoft.com/ and I used Microsoft Photo Editor and I "embossed" it and that's how it came out. :)

This is the original picture, what I was using as my wallpaper before I changed it.


  • lion pride.jpg
    lion pride.jpg
    55.6 KB · Views: 243
this might not be what you meant;) :goodjob: :p

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