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Don't jump out of moving cars!


Dec 18, 2001
Amish Country, Wisconsin, USA
This happened last week in my hometown.

Teen injured when jumping out of moving cop car

After an incident late Wednesday night, Felicia was taken into custody by Holmen police. While in handcuffs, she apparently jumped out of the back passenger's side window of the squad car near the intersection of Hwy. 35 and Main Street in Onalaska.

Exactly how the injuries occurred is not certain. Police said Thursday she hit her head on the pavement or a nearby light pole, but Susan claims her daughter's injuries do not support that claim.

"They ran over her head," she said bluntly. She said Felicia's handcuffs apparently got caught on something, and her head was run over.

In other articles I've read, they think she was able to get her hands in front of her, due to her small/thin size by sliding her arms underneath her, and that made it easier for her to crawl out the window. Apparently, she said something to the cop warning/threatening that she would jump, and then the cop hit his brakes, and then she fell.

1. What in the world does she think she was doing?
2. Why was the back window rolled down?
3. Do you think she/her family should win a lawsuit due to #2, or not because of stupidity in #1?
Win because of #2. Cops deal with unruly and unstable people on a daily basis, and it is part of their job to protect these people from themsleves once they have them in custody. They completely failed to protect this girl while she was theirs to protect, so they should be held accountable.

Not to say the girl isn't a moron, but still - cops know that people are likely to do just about anything to avoid going to jail, and to not protect someone in that situation is very bad judgement on their part.
Jumping out of the window was dumb. Even if she survived, the cops would have known immediately and simply turned around and drove after her.
I say shoot her. She is not exactly an asset to the human gene pool if she does that.

A man in Sweden once tried to sue the police because when he was in their custody he escaped. During his escape he broke his leg. This is basically the same thing. If you escape from police, any injuries you get is largely, if not entirely, your fault and you should not be able to sue for it.
Only in the USA could there even be any question of her suing the cops :D Anywhere else, she would be publically humiliated for her stupidity...I agree, give her a Darwin award :D
nope, she would stand a pretty good chance of making it in front of a judge in Canada too :hmm:
mabey they should add this to the reading their rights part.

"you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be held against you. You do not have the right to jump out of our car, if you do anyway we have the right to run over your head"
To qualify for a Darwin Award, she would've needed to have died. However, if she continues this same relentless pursuit of applied intelligence for the remainder of her life, she may end up qualifying some day...
The article says she is "fighting for life", so there is a chance she could still qualify for a Darwin. If she lives, she still deserves an Honorable Mention, which they give to people who survive their stupidity.
I love how the article tries to paint a portrait of sympathy for this person. It takes them to the 4th paragraph to mention the police car, and the 9th paragraph before they discuss what happened. And people say there's no media bias?
She's accountable for her stupidity, not others.
agreed cgannon.

This girl didnt do anything other then be an idiot. I take no satisfaction in seeing her permanently vegetative or dead.
Yep. To qualify for the Darwin Award, the recipient needs to remove him or herself from the gene pool, either by dying or by eliminating reproductive capacity.

And no, there should be no lawsuit. She was breaking the law. Unless the car was in imminent danger, she should have no reason to escape from it.
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