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Tragedy with 6-year old shooting their teacher

Probably the kid had issues with the teacher - not exactly rare, let alone in so young an age.
Since guns aren't likely to become considerably more difficult to get hold of in the US, maybe in the meantime tougher security could at least avert a number of the cases.

Would probably lead to the opposite issue of teachers preemptively blasting out children's brains. :shake:

Honestly I think I'd be fine with gun control. It's not like I own any guns anyway. My family (my dad) used to own guns back in the day when Y2K was a big deal, we even had a large shelf stacked with canned goods (now it just holds useless junk from all the years). However once the '08 recession hit we were in bad financial straights (almost lost the house due to struggling to pay the mortgage), so my dad sold his guns and left over ammunition as well as other gun paraphernalia due to it easily being sold (I mean that stuff has great market liquidity! :D). Eventually our financial situation straightened out and dad wanted to get guns back again but my mom told him no because she didn't trust guns being in the house (this all despite the fact she is even more conservative then my dad and watches Fox News all the time). So dad listened to his wife and never got them again. Plus I have no need for them (I don't like loud noises).

What's strange about it is my mom is kinda hypocritical because she'll still defend the Second Amendment because Fox News tells her to, but then insists guns shouldn't be inside the house. Also my dad has become slightly more liberal over time only because he's had many bad bosses which have exploited him with low pay (he doesn't have a college degree yet is the primary breadwinner. My mom remained a stay at home mother since me and my siblings were born. She also never wanted to go back to work once we got older due to social anxiety and problems with her past place of employment before she had kids.).
My father has guns but I didn’t really see them when I was a kid except once I found one in the glove compartment when I was just sitting waiting for him in the car and got bored and opened it. And another time I found one on top of the china cabinet.
My father has guns but I didn’t really see them when I was a kid except once I found one in the glove compartment when I was just sitting waiting for him in the car and got bored and opened it. And another time I found one on top of the china cabinet.

Yeah my dad's guns were either in his room in a safe he kept in their bedroom. Or downstairs sometimes in the garage or on top of the so called canned goods shelf (or at least that's where the ammo boxes could be found).
My dad had hunting rifles, and a target range on the part of the acreage that was dry in one part of the year and a seasonal wetland in the rest of the year. I was not allowed anywhere near it.

Years later my dad commented out of the blue in a conversation, "Well, you know how to shoot," and I said no, I didn't, because he'd never taught me.

"Well, that's no excuse," my dad said.

My dad was being a smartass when he said that, but I do think he might also have been a bit wistful that he no longer had anyone to go hunting with.

Camping or a wiener roast with my dad is one thing. Hiking was also okay, and beachcombing and treasure hunting on Vancouver Island were fun.

But hunting? Nope. The only kinds of guns I'd trust myself with are either a glue gun or a heat gun. I had to learn to use glue guns when working in the scene shop for the theatre one year, and I learned about heat guns when taking a craft course. And even then, if you're not careful, you can give yourself a bad burn.

I remember buying my first glue gun and my dad casting covetous eyes on it. I was using it to make stuff for my crafting business, and had to tell him that no, he could not borrow it. I'd never have gotten it back.

So I bought him his own glue gun and glue sticks for Christmas. You'd think he was a child with a favorite new toy, as he thought up reasons to glue stuff. :lol:

Glue sticks became one of the things my dad would get me for Christmas or birthday sometimes, and his girlfriend could never understand why I was always pleased with getting stuff from the hardware store. Just think of all the fun he could have had if steampunk had been a fashion trend in the '90s.
For Valka: Hunters would remove all the fun i have on forest walks / plants gathering..
couldn't imagine being relaxed if i know there might be peoples with real guns roaming in the area.
Reminds me of a funny passage in the Pickwick Papers, where someone thinks that the phrase (during hunting) "to start the game" (to startle the animals they are hunting) was meant as a revelation that this is a murder game against him :D
Yes, hunting can lead to human death, and I also don't like it at all.
For Valka: Hunters would remove all the fun i have on forest walks / plants gathering..
couldn't imagine being relaxed if i know there might be peoples with real guns roaming in the area.
The places my dad, uncle, and grandpa went to hunt weren't the kind of places a casual hiker would go. And at that time of year it's dangerous to wander around unless you're very visible to other humans. The notion of wearing camouflage into the forest during hunting season is insane.

Hunting helped keep us fed during the winters on the acreage, since we lived far enough out of town that when serious snow happened, quick and casual trips for grocery shopping didn't. We had two gardens and a strawberry bed, plus saskatoon bushes in the wooded areas of the acreage. So we had plenty of vegetables and fruit. We just needed to make sure there was meat in the freezer. That usually turned out to be moose meat.

I remember in Grade 9, when a film on the life cycle of the moose was shown in school. On that day, I vowed to never eat moose ever again. We lived in the city by that time, within an easy drive and walk to the nearest grocery store. Meat wasn't a problem then, and my grandparents had friends who went ice fishing in the winter and would occasionally drop by with some whitefish for us. That was a real treat, since fish was something my grandmother was quite good at preparing.
Probably the kid had issues with the teacher - not exactly rare, let alone in so young an age.
Since guns aren't likely to become considerably more difficult to get hold of in the US, maybe in the meantime tougher security could at least avert a number of the cases.
Strip search all those little bastards on the way in. You know if they're bad news at six.
Give teachers guns so they can shoot back!
I don't know why but this made me think of a Rebel Assault type of old school shooting game. A teacher strafing left and right while students pop out to shoot them in a school.

Call the game First Amendment: Republican Commandos or something.

And, oh, thoughts and prayers. Of course.
For Valka: Hunters would remove all the fun i have on forest walks / plants gathering..
couldn't imagine being relaxed if i know there might be peoples with real guns roaming in the area.

I dont know how they do things in Canada, but here deer hunters required to wear blaze orange. Can see a hunter from a mile away or more if he's wearing bright orange.

Camouflage bow hunters are more likely to be the ones you unexpectedly come across (though most hunting is on private land, most walking trails are in areas not open for hunting....some public land is open for hunting, heck even the local army 'base' is open for hunting (with permit)- because the base is 90 square miles and 80% of it is woods).

Back to topic- so the mother bought the gun legally? Makes sense that she wouldn't repeat the father's mistake of getting one illegally (if it's true he is in jail/prison on illegal gun charge).

But maybe she will join him in jail because she didn't secure the gun.
More evidence the state removing fathers from the equation hurts everybody, I assume?
Strip search all those little bastards on the way in. You know if they're bad news at six.
While we're at it, taze them at random intervals. That'll stop them getting any ideas!
Seligman and Overmier say this will work.
For Valka: Hunters would remove all the fun i have on forest walks / plants gathering..
couldn't imagine being relaxed if i know there might be peoples with real guns roaming in the area.

That's like every forest. Sorry to break it to you but there's always hunters of some sort even if you don't see them (includes the poachers hunting out of season or in the wrong place too!).

The other ones in the woods are those hunting two-legged game, if you know what I mean. ;) :eek:
I will say this about the gun control issue. While I support a ban on assault rifles, pragmatically I know it will never happen and not because of the NRA or stubborn Republicans but rather the mechanics of enforcing it. More precisely enforcing it when the population is already armed, how does the long-arm of the law seize those now illegal firearms from the uncomplying (who bought it when it was still legal)?

The answer is a shooting war would begin, and then likely from there an all out civil war. Now we certainly don't need this when we have Vladimir Putin assaulting Ukraine (and thus threatening Europe) and Xi Jinping looking desperately for a "wag the dog" and invading Taiwan (as well as Japan since they have been angering the Chinese through their rearmament). With U.S. troops withdrawn to fight in the homeland, many nations in East Asia and especially Europe will need to re-enable full time war conscription of their able male populations.

And honestly most should be doing full time conscription now considering the current geopolitical climate worldwide and an increasing need to possibly rethink U.S. assistance should the U.S. fall inward due to domestic instability (and trust me there are many signs to believe so right now). I know this part is off topic and perhaps deserves a new "military conscription thread" (if people want it), but I just don't get why our allies don't get the head start and start conscription now before it becomes harder and more rushed later on (And you don't want to be rushing conscripts out too late during a war when one has already lost significant manpower, we've seen what happened when Putin did it.).
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