• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Dr.NES - The DOOM Project: The Sapphire of the Sea

@ MOD: Alright then, I'll spend some time trying to get into the bridge's system.

@Sarge: "You may want to tell the others it will take a while hack into this sucker. I won't know exactly what state the ship is in until I do."

@ Captain Garry: Captain, is there anything you can do to help me get into the bridge's system? Time is of the essence, and any passwords or keys you'd be able to provide would greater speed this process up.
To Team: Sarge here. I have confirmation the ship's intercom works, should we attempt to raise these armed terrorists or would you prefer silence? Personally I am more towards silence as it gives us the element of surprise, as far as we are aware, they do not even know we are here. The captain has kindly informed me that the terrorists control the engine room, which explains why we cannot get the ship moving.


"Silence is best. If they can't tell us their demands and threats, we are not entirely resposible for the hostages they kill. Also, they will be more hesitant to kill hostages in retribution if they are not sure we know they have hostages. Best not to let them tell us anything"
@Mod: I activate my night-vision goggles (if needed), set up my sniper rifle, and examine the bow of the ship and look for anything out of the ordinary on the deck and in the water around it.
Alright, Team Bravo, Ideally, we should lock down the lifts, so as to prevent anyone except ourselves from controlling them: Can Anyone do that? Dalino? Wilhelm/Bill? Locke? I also want the stairs trapped, with explosives (just enough to destroy the stairs, nothing else.)
Second to that, I would like someone to devise a way to block the door of the Medbay in an emergency.
Additionally, can Someone Hack into the security system: Cameras, the like?

While you are all doing that, I'm going to be running an inventory of the Medbay, see what we have here... That, and cleaning that muck off the ground there...

Hmm... actually, I'm going to see if any of this equipment still works, do an analysis of the blood on the ground, see if I can find anything.

I can set up some C4 on/underneath the stairs. Also, I guess I could lug something near the doorway in case we need to seal it off really quick.

@Mod, I guess I'll look around for something nice and heavy that I could push near the door that would make a nice emergency blockade.
ooc: Gonna be on a trip for couple of days and I'm not sure if I have an internet access until sunday. From this point onwards, Alexandrov will do whatever Ulysses wants me to do.
@Rita and Mia: Bring him down to the Medbay, please. We'll interrogate him down here.

@Doc via radio

"We 'ave to catch 'im first!"

@mod - I'll pursue the fleeing gentleman as per Arnold's request, utilising the most effective means of cover as I inch my way up the stairs to Deck 6; my TAR-21 is silenced and prepared for any resistance I may face.
nods and runs towards the portside staircase to head upwards with Mia, M16 at ready

ooc: sorry, been visiting family since last saturday and have had limited internet. I'll be more involved from here on out
Sorry guys I been a bit busy lately and haven't had much time to check the forums this week. I read the update, would anyone be so kind as to give me a rundown of the post update highlights? Planning, discussion, observations, etc.? I don't have enough time to read the whole thread this week :(. You can PM it to me if you want, so as not to clutter the thread, or post it here, I'll see it one way or the other.
@ Captain Garry: Captain, is there anything you can do to help me get into the bridge's system? Time is of the essence, and any passwords or keys you'd be able to provide would greater speed this process up.

Captain Garry: "I'm not sure whether I'm authorized to allow you to enter our ship's mainframe. The company has strict regulations regarding such a maneuver. There's passenger privacy, company info, financial records, and other important information in these files."

@Mod: I activate my night-vision goggles (if needed), set up my sniper rifle, and examine the bow of the ship and look for anything out of the ordinary on the deck and in the water around it.

You notice pretty substantial ice chunks in the water, but beyond that, there is nothing out of the ordinary. You see nothing.

@Mod, I guess I'll look around for something nice and heavy that I could push near the door that would make a nice emergency blockade.

You barricade the entrance with a couch and some of the chairs you see in the sitting area. It clogs up a fair portion of the doorway, but there are still a few open spaces that you can shoot out of.

@mod - I'll pursue the fleeing gentleman as per Arnold's request, utilising the most effective means of cover as I inch my way up the stairs to Deck 6; my TAR-21 is silenced and prepared for any resistance I may face.


Sorry guys I been a bit busy lately and haven't had much time to check the forums this week. I read the update, would anyone be so kind as to give me a rundown of the post update highlights? Planning, discussion, observations, etc.? I don't have enough time to read the whole thread this week :(. You can PM it to me if you want, so as not to clutter the thread, or post it here, I'll see it one way or the other.

Has someone PM'ed you? If not, I'll fill you in.

@All teams: How soon can we investigate the Engine Room? I don't know about you guys, but I would prefer to get out of here before the ice hardens and we get trapped and from our position on the bridge, it is getting more and more likely.

@Birch: See if you can figure it out yourself, I will see about getting ahold of Aetius through a long range radio and gaining permission to access their files if the captain continues to be stubborn.

@Captain Garry: There are armed men in control of this ship, we need to find out where they came from, where they got their weapons. The only way we can do this is to look at the Passenger Manifest and all Crew backgrounds. If necessary I will contact your bosses, the same bosses who hired us to investigate this ship, to give us the permission. Make it easier on all involved and tell Birch the passwords now.
Orders: Remain with the doctor and continue to pan the surroundings for any hostiles. Become even more aware of the surroundings, if someone appears doublecheck quickly to make sure they are friendly.
@Captain Garry: There are armed men in control of this ship, we need to find out where they came from, where they got their weapons. The only way we can do this is to look at the Passenger Manifest and all Crew backgrounds. If necessary I will contact your bosses, the same bosses who hired us to investigate this ship, to give us the permission. Make it easier on all involved and tell Birch the passwords now.

Captain Garry paused for a moment, staring into space behind Sarge. He nodded, then said, "I'll give you the codes."

Ladies and gentlemen: we are rapidly approaching the next update. Be sure to finalize any plans, actions, or questions you may have. We are approaching the 24 hour mark. The update will commence as soon as you are ready.
Ulysses: "Sarge my team could continue its original mission and attempt to take the engine room. However, as we are a four man team against an unknown force of well-armed, disciplined hostiles, that might not end too well. Once Foxtrot get here we should be able to form an assault team or teams to retake the lower decks. It depends on how urgently we need the engines running. Alternatively my team could attempt to recce the lower decks, putting us on a more even footing to engage the enemy. That again risks my team's lives and our key advantage, surprise."

When assaulting the engine room, we should use as many flashbangs and smoke granades as possible, preferably before they see us. This would daze the enemy and knock out any civilians which would limit the confusion. I do not like the odds we are facing, and this might even them a bit.

"Thank you captain for cooperating. We could save many lives as well as this ship with this information."

Orders: Use the captain's codes to get into the bridge's systems. Once in, begin to sift through all the information that this available there.

Seeing as the Engine room is now our top priority, Fox Team will be ordered to join whoever is planning to assault the Engine room. Once the ship leaves the ice field, we will search the entire ship as it moves towards home. Since Team Echo has volunteered to do the job, Fox will join them. Any other support would be greatly appreciated, I believe the majority of the armed terrorists are centered in or around the Engine Room.

Be careful, it is a large space with many obstacles and crevices.

Another option is to call for a tow, there may be a tanker or freighter passing by that may be able to tow us to warmer waters. If we choose this option, the rescuing ship will not know the truth to what is wrong here, just what we tell him. This may cause the armed men to panic and race to the top decks to figure out what is happening. This may turn into an advantage for us.

@Mod: Could you update the Teams List? Add Fox Team on there. The members are:
Team Fox is comprised of the following members:
'The Grin' Finn
Yuri Andreivich Rooksev
Ilya Kopronko
Ulysses: "Okay Sarge my team will fall back to the infirmary as planned and meet up with Foxtrot. By the way, if anyone else feels they want a bit of excitement you are more than welcome to join us at the infirmary."

Ulysses begins to lead Echo cautiously back towards the stairs and the temporary safety the infirmary offers.
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