Emp01 - Rise and Rule AWE

More: IBT:

We get strafed by Tibetan airships, as usual. No one attacks us, though.
Leipzig: Factory->Fishery
Hovd: rax->Major Port

Turn 2 (1814 AD):

Change Nurnberg to Transport so I can invade the islands in the middle of the map more quickly.
Change Dortmund to Town Clock - we need the extra production.
Change Almarikh to Forge
Change Smolensk to Courthouse
Change Tabriz to Forge.
Change Odessa to Water Mill
Change Darhan to Machine Gunner
Change Frankfurt to Amph Inf
Change Salzburg to Amph Inf
Change Heidelberg to Wind Mill (it has no rax)
Change Regensburg to Water Mill
Change Luneburg to Water Mill
Change Emden to Port
Change Northern Coast to Forge
Change Koln to Water Mill
Change Bonn to Guild Hall
Change Thingy to Forge
Change Baruun-Urt to Forge
Change Brandenburg to Town Clock
Change Kiel to Wind Mill
Change City of 1000 smells to Water Mill, planning to rush a Factory there after the mill completes
Change Centralia to Aqueduct
Change New Konigsberg to Forge
Change Southern Crab to Courthouse
Change New Munchen to Courthouse
Change New Nurnberg to Water Mill
Change New Koln to Courthouse
Change New Salzburg to Courthouse
Change Frostvale to Forge
Change Kiev to Forge
Change Hamburg to Guild Hall

Leatherneck > Cav
Cav > Cav
Trencher > Adv
Cav army > Line Inf
Cav army > Cav
Leatherneck > Jeep
Cav army > Commando
Sci slider to 50% - Motorized Trans. still in 1 turn.


Bombs fall, one of our ships gets shelled by their arty, and their commando makes our Adventurer retreat.
Motorized Xfer->Tank warfare, up in 4 turns at -167gpt
Pollution strikes Konigsberg, Amph Inf->Wealth
Frankfurt: Amph Inf->Wealth
7th Seal: Port->Major Port

Turn 3 (1816 AD):

Cav > Commando
Horse Hoodoo change to Water Mill
PF > Line Inf
Cav > Adventurer, promotes
Cav army > Jeep
Adv army pillages more


Tibet wants to negotiate. We point out a short pier as a great place to take a walk.

One of our roads gets pillaged by a Sioux adventurer.
Lose an Adv to a Cav.
New Berlin: Aqueduct->Wind Mill
Nurnberg: Transport->Town Clock

Tibet starts Emancipation Proclamation

Turn 4 (1818 AD):

Our arty + 2 cannon sink an enemy Iron Frigate off the coast at Leptis Magna! Wahoo, that's fun.
PF army > adv, hussar
Cav > adv, promotes
Cav > Cav
Cav > Inf
Change Konigsberg to Amph Inf
Change Frankfurt to Amph Inf, we'll still have enough gold to cover research costs on Tank Warfare


We lose two Cav, one to a Commando, the other to a Hussar.
Kiev: Forge->Water Mill
Hamburg: Guild Hall->Amph Inf
Leptis Magna: Fishery->Amph Inf
Salzburg: Amph Inf->Guild Hall
Regensburg: Water Mill->Toll House
Koln: Water Mill->Forge
Dortmund: Town Clock->Guild Hall

Turn 5 (1820 AD):

I make a wonderful discovery: Transports can carry Artillery!
We land an invasion force on the largest island in the middle of the map. I'm guessing that pacifying this island will take just
PF army > Commando
Cav Army > Hussar
Leatherneck > Adventurer
PF > Stormtrooper
I don't know if you have played yet or not, but if you haven't then fill up the remaining two armies with Adventurers and send them out pillaging Tibets main lands. They will have long since replaced all the roads and mines. Keep the armies to high grounds and pillage continuously. It is the only way to slow the down Tibet and can have a huge effect.

Edit: I crossposted.
I did a bit of MM, sci slider to 50%, Tanks still in 2 turns, +24gpt


A few bombs drop, a few enemy troops move. It's quiet.

Leipzig: Fishery->Amph Inf
Almarikh riots. We hire an actor.
Sevastopol: Laborer->Wisemen German
Konigsberg: Amph Inf->Amph Inf
Munchen: East India Company!->Amph Inf
Brandenburg: Town Clock->Amph Inf
Kiel: Windmill->Amph Inf
City of 1000 Smells: WaterMill->Factory

Turn 6 (1822 AD):

Royal Guard > Jeep
Cavalry > Ghurka, we control Jomda! Making Harbor.
We now have an agent in Bear Butte!
Cavalry > Horseman
Cavalry > Commando
Sacrifice a few workers for culture expansions in our northland - it gets us a few tiles closer to the dom limit.
Cav > Leatherneck
Cav army > Cav


In a blinding moment of stupid, I landed an invasion party next to Wounded Knee, thinking, "Hey, I'll raze Wounded Knee quick"

...I lose a Cav army to an Armor :(
We get Tank Warfare->Machine Tools
Utica: Edison's Workshop->AV7 We learn Machine Tools and Total War. Next up, Thermodynamics.
New Bremen: rax->Harbor
Luneberg: Water Mill->Guild Hall
Bremen: Town Clock->Guild Hall
City of 1000 Smells: Factory->Amph Inf

Turn 7 (1824 AD):

PF army > Jeep, Flak
PF army > Rifleman
Machine Gunner > Aztec Rifleman
Amph Inf > Colonial Marine
Amp Inf > Line Inf
Cav > RIfleman

Sacrifice a Worker and Slave in Smolensk to get a border expansion. 3 more tiles.
Sacrifice a Worker and a Slave in Baruun-Urt to get a border expanion. 1 more tile.
Cav > Inf
Many Forges changed to Wind Mills


Lots of bombs, we lose a PF army to Commandos and an elite Cav to a two-pronged attack.
Sioux wanna parley. Tough luck for them.
We lose an Amph Inf to an Aztec Rifle
Moscow riots. We adjust.
Jomda riots. We adjust.
Konigsberg: Amph Inf->Amph Inf
Frankfurt: Amph Inf->Amph Inf
Gomo: Shrine->Wealth
Bonn: Guild Hall->Amph Inf

Turn 8 (1826 AD):

Cav > Machine Gun
Cav > Rifleman
Cav > Commando
Cav army > Dragoon
Cav army > Jeep
Line Inf > Leatherneck
PF > Leatherneck


Lose Adventurer and PF to Leatherneck and Cav

Horse Hoodoo: Water Mill->Amph Inf
Leipzig: Amph Inf->Army

Turn 9 (1828 AD):

Cav > Inf
New Dortmund founded in our tundra, making Granary
New Brandenburg founded near our Fur colony, 4 tiles gained. Making Courthouse.
Royal Guard > Adv
Cav > Leatherneck
Machine Gun > Rifleman, we own Teayo! Making Courthouse
Cav army > Line Inf


Our Leatherneck and Adventurer both repulse Commando attacks. One of our Cavs dies in the same wave.
Thermodynamics->Marxism (next player, feel free to change this)
Utica: AV7->Av7
Almarikh riots again. I think I have it stabilized now.
Tabriz: Forge->Water Mill
Darhan: Machine Gunner->MG
Konigsberg: AmphInf->A.I.
Munchen: AI->AI
Regensburg: TollHouse->Artillery
Nurnberg: Town Clock->AV7
Dortmund: Guild Hall->AV7

Turn 10 (1830 AD):

Amp Inf > Adv
Cav > Rifleman

Notes: I have 5 enslaved Workers standing by in Leptis Magna. They're meant to be brought out to the small islands in the center and sacrificed in the towns there for border expansions.

Also, I have a lot of troops Fortified in the area around New Bremen and an Adventurer Army fortified near Oslo. Don't forget them!

Finally, note that we have three empty Armies in New Frankfurt, waiting for Amphibious Infantry or AV7s to fill them. It didn't seem worth it to fill them with elite Cavalry, so I kept them on ice while our research progressed.
Preturn: Going to work on one or two jeep armies. They have enough defense to survive I think and they can pillage 12 squares per turn. No oil and aluminum for Tibet is worth alot in my book as they can't build more tanks. AV7 Armies seem a good idea too, but they will have troubles with Jungle and Marsh surrounding us. Amphib Army as well I think for taking coastal cities. Defend the exposed Army better as the Commandos can get to it.

IBT: A lot of bombardment. Cav Army Survives Commando attack.

1832 AD: Kill 2 units. I spot the Bombardment units - Tibet has Heavy Artillery with range of 3 (and actually seems to be using it).

1834 AD: Capture final town on the island we were invading (Aztec). Kill 2 more nearby units. Form Jeep army
I think I may go for Amphibious Armies: Idea is to use the Jeep army and Amphibious armies to take coastal towns. The Jeep army can pillage and also defend the Amphibious Armies after the town falls. I bring over a transport for this.
Jeep Army catches 2 workers which I disband.

1836 AD: Kill 4 units in Kumbum with my two amphibious Armies. Jeep army pillages Aluminum and catches 3 more Workers which are disbanded (5 so far).
Kill 3 more units on the other contininent. Tibet no longer has Aluminum.

1838 AD: Amphib armies heal while Jeep army pillages oil. Tibet has no Oil, Aluminum, Saltpeter or Rubber now. Catch 3 workers with Jeep army and 3 with Adv Army( 11 workers disbanded so far).

1840 AD: Capture and Disband Kumbum with Amphib Army. This destroys Newtons, Gut Bible, and Colossus.
Raze Gerze - another coastal Tibetten town with the other Amphib Army (when healthy at least).
Another Jeep Army and a AV7 Army created.
Looks like the Ambib army may have enough HP that it is as strong as the Jeep armies. So far no Jeep army has been attacked by Armor.
3 more worker Disbands.

IBT: Crystal Palace built. Capitol can build amies every 2 turns!
Invasion of the small island near the other continent - several troops are landed.

1842 AD: Reload Amphib Armies onto boat. Send troops in transport to defend island - kill all but 1 1hp Elephant. Capture 5 more workers (19 total).
Tibets Armor cannot reach us - that is why they are not threatening our towns. I had thought armor was able to go through jungle, but realized that was the reason

May want to set up a way to draw the Armor toward a city.

1844 AD: I try capturing Toba up in the north (amphib Armies)

IBT: Aztec town in Islands (Islands Elephantium started invading) flips.
Oops - lost the Adventurer Army. I will replace it.

1846 AD: Abandon Toba and Capture Rutog (even farther north). My idea is to lead the Armor way north and then attack the southern towns.
Unload armies near Dawu just north of our territory. They will raze inland towns.
Capture Yankton and the Aztec town back on the islands. Two more towns in the island group.

1848 AD: Move next to Sikkim.

1850 AD: Sikkim is too well defended.
Capture Nyima and Abandon Rutog. Pillage around Nyima so the Armor cannot get there in one turn.
Unable to capture Tibet city on islands.

We should retreat from Sikkim next turn to the coast and jump into a Transport. We need a lot more troops to handle the Artillery Bombardment and the large number of troops. There are about 8 or so. I suggest a goodly number of Artillery and enough units to take the city in a turn to avoid the bombardment.

We have a AV7 Army that can land on the retreating Sikkim force if it looks in danger from bombardment. (so retreat to coast and land the army on top. Then retreat everything back to town.

We should leave Nyima next turn. If any unit can capture it in 1 turn then abandon it. Otherwise keep it another turn to lure the Armor up north.

Keep the Jeep Armies pillaging. Remember that a square that looks pillaged could be improved again. Try to catch more workers. We have caught a bunch, but there are more.

Jeep armies are not attacked by Armor if healthy. Still it is better to be on mountains since the armies can be bombarded. If they get injured, then let them rest to heal on a mountain.

Keep Oslo pillaged - after we do so the Jeep army can go pillage elsewhere (and then come back to grab any workers improving lands).

It looks like the Amphibian Armies can take out almost the entire Aztec cities. Only one requires going inland. Don't forget to keep the Jeep army somewhat close in case the two armies are low in health and need defending.

I think a better strategy than trying to attack Sikkim would be to go after the Sioux cities. I would send the AV7 and Cav army down south(probably with a bunch of Artillery. We could keep the cities (hopefully the Armor are all in the north now), or raze them.

I would continue to build armies until we can't anymore. We can use some more AV7 armies for example.

The Save
What do you think of this plan (both from previous comments made and my thoughts on the matter):

1) Use Jeep Armies to keep Oil and Aluminum pillaged (as well as the rest of Tibet).

2) Use the 2 Amphibious armies in the transport to Destroy the Aztecs to the North.

3) Use the AV7 Armies south of the line in the picture to capture those cities to the south. We might leave Oslo until Sioux and Aztecs are gone.

Once the Aztecs and Sioux are destroyed, we are safe from a Diplo loss (my biggest worry is that some other city will switch to the UN so starting this right away (rather than my poorly planned attack on Sikkim) seems to make sense.

Keeping Aluminum pillaged means they cannot build the space ship.

Keeping the Oil and Aluminum pillaged will keep Armor from being upgraded or built. Note that if they do get it reconnected then all armor may be upgraded if they have the tech.

General pillaging will mean we can continue to catch up in tech and keep them from building units very quickly. We will be able to win by Domination or Conquest before Tibet can win.

I am guessing that once we get Panzers, we can start attacking Tibet again. We have 8 odd required techs left until we are Modern and can start researching Tanks.
Sorry guys, I played one turn to much.

The game is now really easy. The sioux has nothing against our amph. inf or our tank-armies. The tibetian has only one armor down there, I think.
The small island is now completely ours. The south is invaded and many cities captured. The big tibetian cities will be of course a bigger prob.

I lost one jeep-army because the mountain was occupied by a flak. One of the jeep-armies from the south should head north to cut the oil. I think tibet will reconnect it soon.

I got a leader, which should be used for the wall street in münchen. The 3 stock exanges are finihed in 3 turns.
The hospital is build to get the battle medicine.
The supreme court is also build

The victory is near!


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Greebley, Empire posted in my game that he is busy until Monday and can't play
0- Switch some builds.

1- Start Central Bank in Berlin.

Hurry Central Bank in Berlin

Capture Stavanger

Capture Oglala

Capture Baqen


2- Finish Guerrilla Warfare, Start unionization.

Finish Central Bank

Supreme Court Completes, increasing our cash by about 80 Gpt.

Capture Zanda

Capture Birka

Capture Copenhagen

Capture Nakota


IBT- Lose Zanda to the Aztecs, along with a cav army.

War College produces a Storm Trooper.

3- Capture Hunkpapa

4- Not Much


There are still some unmoved units. Next player can decide

Wounded Knee only has a jeep in it.

Sacrafice workers for culture.

Keep the sliders at 9.0.1, so that we can get the full centeral bank benefit (+50 gpt when >= 1000 gold)

Continue Ampib assults on both coasts, with warship bombardment

The Save
Looking good. We are up to 55% land area now.

Tibet has only a peasant and worker left. With their land decimated, I think the UN will be to slow in any city. I think we can freely destroy Oslo to grab more land.

Elephantium I would grab ALL land south of the Jungle. Once we have it settled we can see how close we are to domination. I am guessing we will be quite close - a few amphibious assaults on towns could push us over before the armor can get to us if we were still a bit short.

I would continue to build Amphibious Infantry Armies so we can assault and take multiple towns (probably Aztec ones) after we settle south of the jungle. That way we may never have to fight the 55 Armor that Tibet owns.
OK. Then it's Greebleys turn. We will see, if he gives you a chance to take another set of turns. In about 10 turns 66% land seems to be possible on my point of view.
Preturn: Bunch of moves still to do so I do them.
Switch Capitol to Army which is much more likely to be useful than Wall Street.
Switch some of the hospital and sewer system builds to AV7 and amph inf so we have units to fill the armies with.
Other switches based on the game not taking very long (Workers on far continent, settlers to fill gaps, etc).
Capture Aztec town near our initial landing

Motorized infantry Grabs Copenhagen (I defended Birka rather than Copenhagen - we had one army to cover both because Copenhagen is easier to take back.
Armor appears near Aztec town.
A few random attacks

1882 AD: Abandon Aztec town ( it wasn't a keeper). Bombard the Armor nearby.
Capture back Copenhagen.
Capture Wounded Knee and Bergen (Tibet towns south of the Jungle). I am going to try to replace them.
Get a Great Leader - Think I will use it for Battlefield Medicine

IBT: No attacks on us

1884 AD:
Capture coast Sioux town of Santee near the border.
Capture Stockholm.

1886 AD:
Capture Little Bighorn.

IBT: Build Battlefield Med.
Lost a town that I failed to realize was in Jeep Range.

1888 AD: Capture back town I lost.
Bombard and Capture Trondeim.
Capture Oslo but lose a AV7 army doing so.
Capture Yanktonai amphibiously.

1890 AD: Capture Bear Butte, but fail to capture Dakota though I kill several defenders. That is the last Sioux town.
Up to 63% of the land area. I think we will be able to go over without heading north of the Jungle.

1892 AD: Capture Dakota. Build some towns. We are close now.

1894 AD: We hit 66% I squeeze every square I can to lessen the chance we will drop back down. This includes sending some new Amphib Armies to grab a Aztec town.

No flips or captures. We win by domination.

Good work team. We struggled against a technically superior AI and won.

I am glad we didn't have to fight the 55 tanks. I think we still would have won, but it would have been more work.

Two pictures:

Nice job Greebley. Can you post a save right before we won so that we can see all the end game stuff?

My thoughts on the game:
We didn't anticipate our cash problems, which put us way back in tech.
We never had a golden age, and they are even better in RaR at 30 turns.
I think we built too many buildings.
I love Berlin's shield output (200+).
Long game. Almost got into the 1900's.

Last, I would like to invite Page and Elephantium to join the MTDG II on team FREE, go to this thread to sign up.
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