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Which is the first of these that you disagree with?

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I'm agnostic toward evolution. I really don't know where diversity of species came from. Evolution is one theory and maybe its true, but we can't say for sure.

Diversity of species comes from the differences in DNA, and hence different genes that bring about genetic diversity.
I'm agnostic toward evolution. I really don't know where diversity of species came from. Evolution is one theory and maybe its true, but we can't say for sure.

Then educate yourself. :)
What if you disagree with 3 and 4? I chose 3.
I'm agnostic toward evolution. I really don't know where diversity of species came from. Evolution is one theory and maybe its true, but we can't say for sure.

Open a college level biology textbook and read a few chapters and you will see it all makes sense.
Agnostic doesn't necessarily just mean "I don't know." Some might interpret it to mean "I don't know, and I don't think it's possible to know." Just to clarify. ;)

Education can still eliminate any agnostic feelings toward the theory of evolution. I used to be a Creationist, and then I read some books, and now I can actually scientifically support the theory. There is no reason to be agnostic on such a topic. :)
What if you disagree with 3 and 4? I chose 3.

Working under the assumption that disagreeing with any of those statements means that you disagree with all those after it, it is right to choose 3 if you disagree with both three and four. Hm... I'm beginning to wonder if those infamous Florida ballots of 2000 were designed similar to this poll...
Education can still eliminate any agnostic feelings toward the theory of evolution. I used to be a Creationist, and then I read some books, and now I can actually scientifically support the theory. There is no reason to be agnostic on such a topic. :)

An interesting quote from who-knows-where: "An agnostic is just an atheist without the strength of their convictions." Agree, disagree? Or agnostic!? :lol:
I don't know what to believe about the origens of the earth. But the Bible does say that all was created in seven days.

That cant be possible in our universe.

How can life evolve into all the different species, the earths oceans filled, and the atmosphere develop all in seven days?
Oh btw i disagree with no 4. Since life could of sponteanously at more then one point on the earth.
An interesting quote from who-knows-where: "An agnostic is just an atheist without the strength of their convictions." Agree, disagree? Or agnostic!? :lol:

Sounds like a reasonable quote. Evolution is a bit different from believing in God though. :)
I don't know what to believe about the origens of the earth. But the Bible does say that all was created in seven days.

A graducal collection of space matter/dust through gravitation. The men that wrote the Bible did not know about retroviruses, I am pretty sure they were just as clueless on the origins of earth.
An interesting quote from who-knows-where: "An agnostic is just an atheist without the strength of their convictions." Agree, disagree? Or agnostic!? :lol:

Nope religion is designed to be unprovable and undisprovable. I dont believe in God, but it is logically facile to assert that God certainly does not exist. Personally I wish everyone would stop the futile attempts to "prove" either side and get on with something more useful or fun. Like unnecessary root canal work or somesuch.

Evoloution is different in that it is proven insofar as any scientific theory is proven. Denying it is just childish.
Why did people rush to option 5?

Option 4 makes much more sense.

Life did probably did not start from one organism but from several spontaneously generated organisms in several locations at different times.
Why did people rush to option 5?

Option 4 makes much more sense.

Life did probably did not start from one organism but from several spontaneously generated organisms in several locations at different times.

Ever hear of organisms reproducing asexually? Life could easily have started from a single organism.
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