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Foods You Despise

Do you like Cilantro? Do you Like Candy Hearts?

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Never mind...
Jan 7, 2003
I realize we've had this thread before, but it's been a few years and I just had one of those chalky little candy hearts and it spurred me to make this thread. Does anyone actually like those things? I've never met anyone who does. :dunno:

What other foods or tastes do you hate the most? I hate:

  • Licorice or anise flavored things (espeically jagarmeister, ouzo, etc)- This is tough because whenever I go to the bars somebody ends up buying me a disgusting jagerbomb and trying to force me to drink it, even when I tell them I hate the stuff. I usually try and secretly dump it somewhere if no one will take it.

  • Creamed Cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese- This might be sort of an allergy or something because even though I hate the taste of these, I tend to get sick (and in multiple fashions, not just vomiting) sometimes hours later.

  • That frosting that's really sugary that comes on cakes/cookies bought at the supermarket- This stuff is just gross. I hate whenever somebody buys those cakes or cupcakes from the supermarket bakeries for some sort of function and passes me a piece of it I don't want. Again, if no one will take it from me I usually try to secretly ditch it.

What's interesting is I recently read that cilantro, one of my most absolute most favorite flavors in the whole wide world, tastes like soap to a certain percentage of the population while tasting different to most others (see here if you are curious: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html). Are a lot of other foods that way? Is that licorice/anise flavor another one like this? Because I don't understand how anyone can like that....
I love how the two specific foods covered in the poll are two of the ones I hate specifically.

I always want to throw up when I take a bite of potato salad or when I accidentally bite into a green pea.
Yeah, I can't stand potato salad. Or chicken salad, really.
I love how the two specific foods covered in the poll are two of the ones I hate specifically.

I always want to throw up when I take a bite of potato salad or when I accidentally bite into a green pea.

Never had potato salad, but I wholeheartedly agree that peas are disgusting.
There is not a lot of food I dislike.

I really dislike Fish which isn't battered tbh.
I hate supermarket icing too. The stuff is just not appealing at all.
I realize we've had this thread before, but it's been a few years and I just had one of those chalky little candy hearts and it spurred me to make this thread. Does anyone actually like those things? I've never met anyone who does. :dunno:

What other foods or tastes do you hate the most? I hate:

  • Licorice or anise flavored things (espeically jagarmeister, ouzo, etc)- This is tough because whenever I go to the bars somebody ends up buying me a disgusting jagerbomb and trying to force me to drink it, even when I tell them I hate the stuff. I usually try and secretly dump it somewhere if no one will take it.

  • Creamed Cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese- This might be sort of an allergy or something because even though I hate the taste of these, I tend to get sick (and in multiple fashions, not just vomiting) sometimes hours later.

  • That frosting that's really sugary that comes on cakes/cookies bought at the supermarket- This stuff is just gross. I hate whenever somebody buys those cakes or cupcakes from the supermarket bakeries for some sort of function and passes me a piece of it I don't want. Again, if no one will take it from me I usually try to secretly ditch it.

What's interesting is I recently read that cilantro, one of my most absolute most favorite flavors in the whole wide world, tastes like soap to a certain percentage of the population while tasting different to most others (see here if you are curious: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/14/dining/14curious.html). Are a lot of other foods that way? Is that licorice/anise flavor another one like this? Because I don't understand how anyone can like that....
I pity the people who think cilantro tastes like soap
What is cilantro? :mischief: Just for the record you should also give it's other name, which is Parsley.

I don't like brussels sprouts, rockmelon (aka cantaloupe), sardines, and licorice.

FAIL! Cilantro is the leaf part and coriander is the seed part. Parsley is not Cilantro!

Monkey Brain, the texture is awful
Chihuahua, there is something about the taste that makes me want to gag
bleu cheese
ricotta cheese
cottage cheese
hollandaise sauce
fruit cake
raw spinach
nearly all fried food
milk chocolate
white chocolate
maraschino cherries
bar syrup (in my drinks, of course)
most imperial ales and imperial stouts
all white wines
grape tomatoes (but not cherry tomatoes!)
sweet tea
Whole, 1%, and 2% milk
pretty much all candy that isn't dark chocolate or Three Musketeers
extremely creamy caesar dressing that is only make creamier by adding lots of fat to it
balsamic vinegar
white vinegar
garbanzo beans (but not hummus?)
cookies made with too much butter
Bacon?!? You hate bacon?


(I hate cottage cheese, eggs, and i'm not crazy about milk. I guess I'm kind of a food rasist)
Bacon?!? You hate bacon?


(I hate cottage cheese, eggs, and i'm not crazy about milk. I guess I'm kind of a food rasist)
So you'd prefer that all dairy would just stay in da cow?
I'm not picky when it comes to food, i have something of an iron stomach, but supermarket own brand/value bread really annoys me, it stinks of chemicals and vinegar when you sniff it, probably due to preservatives, yet it goes moldy overnight and is about as tasty and nutritious as a piece of cardboard, it makes rubbish toast too, even ducks would turn up their noses at it.
Who the hell hates cilantro? Cilantro is pretty good.. obviously you don't just eat cilantro on its own and only use it as an additive to .. say.. tacos or burritos. On its own it does not taste that great - I agree

Here's the foods that I hate:

- Black licorice (tastes like plastic mixed with gasoline mixed with mint)
- Flaki (Polish tripe soup that's way too popular)
- Super soft bread. I will only eat that stuff in toasted form - untoasted it is way too soft. Give me rye bread for my sandwiches or go away

There isn't really much else I hate. As for Cheezy, he's probably Muslim
Never had potato salad, but I wholeheartedly agree that peas are disgusting.

I eat my peas with honey, I've done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny, but it keeps them on the knife.

just coconut so far.
Who the hell hates cilantro? Cilantro is pretty good.. obviously you don't just eat cilantro on its own and only use it as an additive to .. say.. tacos or burritos. On its own it does not taste that great - I agree

Here's the foods that I hate:

- Black licorice (tastes like plastic mixed with gasoline mixed with mint)
- Flaki (Polish tripe soup that's way too popular)
- Super soft bread. I will only eat that stuff in toasted form - untoasted it is way too soft. Give me rye bread for my sandwiches or go away

There isn't really much else I hate. As for Cheezy, he's probably Muslim
Have you really tasted gasoline?
What is cilantro? :mischief: Just for the record you should also give it's other name, which is Parsley.

At first I was like "Cilantro isn't Parsley!"

Then I did some googling and apparently cilantro is coriander :crazyeye:

WTF! My mind has been blown

Have you really tasted gasoline?

What do you think we ate in communist Poland?

By the way, you can smell gasoline, and 70% of your sense of taste comes from your sense of smell.
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