Git Update Log

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New update:
- guaranteed that a holy city is being created when a religion is founded
- the Crusade event can fire for Catholic civs targeting the Orthodox holy city
New update:
- fixed a crash on scenario start
- 1700 AD Portugal starts with Manorialism
New update: when viewing the city screen of a city controlled by another player (e.g. via espionage), the currently trained unit is displayed using their art style.
New update: fixed access to slave trade for players without colonies
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: fixed spaceship art, corrected power icons
New update:
- made sure espionage missions correctly interact with culture conversion
- made Viking UHV always counts all cores of European civilisations that spawn before 1050 AD
- Vikings start with Elective
- Continent wide wonder effects include subcontinents and nearby islands
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: added and updated pedia and strategy texts
New update:
- The Kremlin affects only land units
- Neuschwanstein does not affect slaves and satellites
- Emerald Buddha Temple obsoletes with Radio
- displayed Secularism effect of ignoring state religion requirements
- fixed a bug where a religion can be founded multiple times
New update: player espionage weights against respawned civs are reset to 0
New update: fixed a bug that caused unintended founding of religions

The original cause of this was a previous change to make sure that Arabia founds Islam with a holy city even if they do not found Mecca on their first turn. I have reverted that implementation and solved the problem is a different way, hopefully without introducing other issues with religion founding.
Merged a pull request by Steb: replaced some tech quotes, minor GP name changes
New update:
- players start with accurate city maintenance costs at the first turn of a scenario
- 1700 AD Spain starts with Administrative Centers in Mexico City and Lima
- existing resources are no longer removed and immediately restored at the first turn of a scenario
New update: espionage weights are reset to 0 when switching civs
New update: fixed contested areas in stability overlay
Merged a pull request by Imp. Knoedel: corrected German text for Brazilian UHV
Merged a pull request by Imp. Knoedel: German translation and general text fixes
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: financial advisor takes power income modifiers into account
Merged a pull request by Imp. Knoedel: icon for light cavalry, unit combat type is displayed in tile tooltip
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: actual building effects take commerce from power into account
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1:
- resource cap for corporations is global instead of resource specific
- fixed Brazilian UP
- actual building effects take effects from multiple dirty power buildings into account
- added scroll function in financial advisor income panel
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