Git Update Log

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New update:
- fixed some assertion violations in debug mode
- fixed relationship stability from good relations with more powerful civilisations
- if a conqueror event triggers a declaration of war, vassal agreements are also canceled
- made sure Indraprastha can spawn even on Marathon speed
- clarify civilopedia text for the raze stability penalty
- fixed a bug affecting tile culture
- removed tile culture debug message again
New update:
- clarified congress message in case you are not invited due to being involved in a global war
- reverted to release DLL
New update:
- if a civ is already scheduled to collapse, it will not get further stability checks
- the game will automatically save before every collapse
New update:
- fixed a bug where unit betrayals could resume long after the initial spawn war
- added debug assertions for the overflow bug
New update:
- attempt to fix the city commerce inconsistency bug
- Baby Boom event cannot be triggered by peace with minor civs
- Congo starts with Elective
- Central Planning: requires Labour Unions
- Public Welfare: requires Social Services
- State Party: requires Macroeconomics
- Republic: -1 food from Paddy Field
New update:
- fixed a crash
- satellites can do recon missions
New update:
- cannot capture unique buildings that require an earlier tech unless you also have the tech for your version of the building
- AI civs cancel defensive pacts before declaring war after a congress assignment is refused
- corrected relation stability from civilisations with equal power
- limited additional specialist food from all sources to +1
- reduced Sewer cost to 150
New update: fixed Argentine Grenadier Cavalry sleep animation, thanks to PPQ_Purple.
New update: fixed a crash related to the soundtrack when winning the game.
New update:
- fixed cultural ownership of tiles after a civilisation is resurrected
- culture rate modifier is not displayed if it is 0%
- fixed inconsistencies when city culture changes (city culture now grows as expected)
- temporary culture conversion of tile and city culture is reset when a civilisation flips an area on spawn
- minor civilisations and barbarians do not benefit from temporary culture conversion
New update: merged the rewrite branch.

Completely new code across the entire mod, especially in Python. Functionality should not have been meaningfully changed, but a lot of code has been consolidated and thoroughly tested, with some bugs found and fixed. Please keep an eye out for errors I could not identify via automated testing or autoplay.
Merged a pull request by merijn_v1: WB updates and stability overlay fix
New update:
- fixed Korean dawn of man text
- removed an obsolete stability variable
- disabled autosaves on collapse again
- periodic events account for game speed
- fixed Indonesian UHV display
New update:
- appropriate art for Stock Exchange in the Renaissance and Industrial eras (and earlier for whatever reason)
- Satellites and Slaves cannot receive extra food from civics or wonders
- fixed worldbuilder city screen
- fixed first Jewish URV goal
- ITER effect reduced to +1 commerce for every 20 power consumed in the world
- corrected interface commerce tooltip to not factor in power commerce modifiers twice
- fixed UHV goals related to the best city in some category (e.g. largest or most cultured city)
- first final victory check for UHVs
- fixed end of game demographics screen
New update:
- fixed a bug that prevented stability checks from occurring
- fixed stability check on capital being moved
- dynamic name changes that rename the entire civilisation are properly tied to period changes
- fixed a bug that prevented civilisation name changes
- corrected criteria for Carthaginian name change
- improved Greek tech preferences
- fixed a bug that prevented AI wonder preferences from being taken into account
New update:
- reorganised game setup to eliminate bugs and inconsistencies
- better mapping from civ to slot
- corrected starting periods
- prevented trading company events from firing in the 1700 AD scenario
- fixed old style popup handling
- fixed a bug in the city screen
New update:
- add some missing files
- fixed Roman and Arabian autoplay and victory screen
New update: fixed worldbuilder and interface interaction handling
Merged a pull request by Emperor Norton: fixed fascist names for Sweden and Norway
Last edited:
New update:
- fixed period transition and capital relocation conditions
- fixed Portuguese victory screen
- fixed Leaders civilopedia section
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