Govern and make war


Feb 6, 2002
Somewhere on earth
Version 1.20 available –

Now version 1.20. Allow to use patch 1.29.

GMW website
Now it is good for the english website...

Rules of GMW

I will put also a download for terrain and interface but the leaderheads would be only avalaible in TGMW pack.

Nota: GMW and TGMW have got two differents BIC. You can take TGMW only on my FTP and only when my computer is on !!!!
I am too sorry of this...


* Download and run GMW.exe to extract all files into your civilization III main directory.

>>> <<<

(The mod is now in one 32.13 MB file. :) -- TF)
This is a very ambitious mod.

I am wondering if your mod can be played using a custom Earth map with correct starting positions.:cool:
Originally posted by Caladan
This is a very ambitious mod.

I am wondering if your mod can be played using a custom Earth map with correct starting positions.:cool:

If i put it to download it's that it can be played. Yes it's a beta but seems to work. Due to the importants modifying I need sometime to test it. But I play on it.... and i test it.
As i had said It will help me more that players report me bugs....

And for the earth map idea it's a good idea cause I used to play on earth map in civilization 2, but I test this part for the moment and after I will had some civilizations... maybe the third part will be that but if you have done some work on civilization 3 mod you know the civ.bic file is the heart of the civ rules. So if I integrate this map it will mean that I will remake all the mod......

If anyone know a tip for import map into a mod it will help me more if you can help in this way... but I hadn't seen something on that.
Wow, great start once you get all the .pcx files in there, this will be one of the greatest mods. Also, some updates from LWC hops and barley, distillaration(new civ advance), brewery 1 happy, -1 corrupt. Might want to throw that in the next update.
Ohh yeah, pesoloco is creating an engineer unit which is not yet finished, but is close that too would be a great addition.

Also, the Louvre as a small or great wonder depending on how good you want to make it.
When I tried to built this wonder named "Curia Regis" the program dies.

If I try and scroll over enemy cities it dies.

Just one quote to tell you that you can expect a minor patch soon.

Well I have constated me too the 2 same bugs. One is for the past. The resource bug with tabacco that cause crash your game when you scroll on map. (FIXED)

And yes for the wonders.... ARG... Mistake by me.... thousands excuses. I think the bug is simple to understand. I have worked on the civ.bic files but I hadn't put the new wonders PCX in the art folder and doesn't integrate that in pediaicon.txt.

I have seen on this current site that can cause crash. So It's an big mistake from me....

But I work on that... and delease a minor patch that can correct this with the hability to play with your saves (for me it's most important). To keep this possibility I haven't to add any new units or any tech.

Know bug that I have to fix:
I have constated is some game unbalancing. Very too generous for Comitentasis (same shields need for them and legion but moves x3), crossbowman got an animation bug, And I haven't test yet the modern army and kamikaze unit...

I take pleasure to play on this mod... and I will release a patch as soon as I can.
i want this mod, but i dont want crashs, ive been making my own small mod myself, and i know how annoying it is when it crashs, especially new civs, im gunna wiat till youve added your civs and stopped wonder crashs before i get, sorry ;)
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you in making this Mod the best it can be.

Just an idea in relation to incorporating an Earth Map into your Mod, why not adapt Marla Singers Earth map or Zebs Map, as a scenario addon if you don't want to be hassled with reworking the bic file.:cool:
The array of government choices is very broad.

I have a few question. Perhaps I am just looking for matching historical governments that corresponds to the new gov choice.

Revalutionary War: New name for Anarchy, correct?

Fundementalism: To you mean modern theological fundementalism, or do you mean things like the crusader states. For the modern stuff, I would use industrilization as the enabaling (really in reaction to) advance.

You have Monarchy and Feudalism as seperate govs. According to the civ guide, the civ3 Monarchy is a Feudal Monarchy. What we would consider a monarchy is really under the depotism type.

You might want to have Social Democracy use sanitation as the enabling advance.

What is corporatism? Please give anexample?

What is capitalism? Do you mean Western Liberal Democracies with a mixed, but mostly capitalistic economy? or do you mean a sort of Libertarian-ish Democracy?

How do you differentiate Republic and Domocracy? Could you give hostorical exmples for both? In my thinking, Civ3 Democracy was really a "Modern Democracy", and the civ3 Republic is really a "Classical Republic" (ruled by an olgarchy, that practives democractic procedures only for that ruling class). But I see that your list includes a "Greco-Roman Republic", so, that is already split out.

Please give historical examples of a Federation. I am guessing, Papal States, Germanic States, CSA, etc. But, I think those could come under Classical Republic.

What is a Virtual Democracy? Do you mean the AI is ruling and making decisions? Or do you mean a a sort of Direct Democracy enabled by modern information technologies.

What do you mean by empire? In my own in process gov mod, I have a Beurocratic Empire to represent the British Empire hey day, or the old chinease emprire. Sort of expantionistic; ruling enabled via civel service of sort. Needs a code of laws. Is this what you had in mins?

Can you give differenting historical examples for fascism and military dictatorships?

Why not just combine those and the communism into a "Totalitarian Dictatorship"?

Great work!
I'm happy to see my mod incorporated into another, sort of giving me some sort of legacy. :egypt: hehe.

I can answer some of these government questions too, since I made most of them.

*Revolutionary war is just a rename of anarchy
*Greco-Roman Republic is just a rename of Republic since the US is obviously not a republic in the sense used in the game or whatnot, sort of gives it a better reference.
*Fundamentalism is fundamentalism, regardless of technology.
*Capitalism is capitalism based on small business, what existed in Adam Smith's time.
*Corporatism is corporate based capitalism, what the modern US uses. Abe Lincoln and Tom Jefferson warned against this.
Originally posted by ComradeRed
I'm happy to see my mod incorporated into another, sort of giving me some sort of legacy. :egypt: hehe.

I can answer some of these government questions too, since I made most of them.

Yes your mod was great for me ! And I've played on it more hours.
But I've changed some governments features (see my site for details). In summary, The (it's my preferred government form) Greco-roman republic is similar as republic except on two features:
- The Greco roman republic support 1 unit by town or city and 2 by metropolis. The legion concept: each city provided some legions cause of the roman nationality concept. You have to do your military service in legion to win your nationality or to have title and to become an judge, a prefect or to get another function.
- The Republic has an assimilation rate more important (10 for Republic and 2 for Greco-Roman Republic). Difference is in Republic nationality is more easy to win.
- none government form exceeds 3 in worker rate.

You can find all differences between governments forms on my site.

But I give some example here: (now integrated to civilopedia with definition of each government)

Revolutionary war: other name for anarchy.
Despotism: First governments’ forms.
Fundamentalism: Egypt ancient times, Israel ancient times, Arabian empire, Iran nowadays, (Israel nowadays?)
Feudalism: All European governments forms toward the year 1000.
Monarchy: France absolute monarchy, Austrian absolute monarchy, Prussia.
Soviet communism: USSR, China (before 90's).
Marxist communism: Paris in 1871 ("commune" government), Spain under war (1936), Ukraine during October revolution...
Techno-Marxist communism: Not yet. Sci-fi governments.
Social democracy: All USSR Republics sisters during the cold war.
Military dictatorship: Chile (under Pinochet), Iraq, some governments during the cold war (Nicaragua, Costa Rica), some Africans governments form, Japan's empire (1942), Pakistan nowadays...
Fascism: Italy and Germany between 1936 and 1945.
Corporatism: not yet. Cyberpunk possibility. But possible since the invention of the corporation concept. For me it is the corporations rule. Maybe USA today but I don't think...but Russia with Gazprom could enter in this new era (I hope someone know Gazprom!).
Capitalism: USA nowadays, England (XIX century)
Greco-Roman Republic: Greece and Roman Republic.
Republic: France Republic, Weimar Republic.
Democracy: Japan (nowadays), Suisse, USA modern time until 1975, all constitutional monarchy (democratic form), Korea (nowadays), Italy....
Empire: Chinese middle realm, Roman Empire, Charlemagne's empire, Charles Quint's empire, French Empire and British empire until the 60's.
Federation: USA at beginning (but now also but in the game it will be capitalism), EEC in few years?. Germany also.
Virtual Democracy: Not yet. Sci-fi governments.

For now I haven't add the propaganda resistance factor ( a little later). If you something that you think have to be removed or improved say it !

Sorry addition on february 23. : If I have made difference between Fascim and Military dictatorship it's because one keep its democratic form (fascim, Hitler was elected, Mussolini was called...) and after the fascim use terror to keep power. Military dictatorship is a gouvernment by one military man who have take power by force and keep it by army. So there's really difference. Spain after 1936 war was fascim or military dictatorship? I think it was military dictatorship but as I'm not Spanish...
Looks like a well concieved and thought out mod. Not to mention detailed. Can you let me know what the wonders do. I visited your site, which is also pretty nice, but the link to the wonder descritions is not there. (there is a mention on the side-navigation bar for it but it does not go there.

Also.. any recent crash repotings?
Originally posted by sealman
Looks like a well concieved and thought out mod. Not to mention detailed. Can you let me know what the wonders do. I visited your site, which is also pretty nice, but the link to the wonder descritions is not there. (there is a mention on the side-navigation bar for it but it does not go there.

Also.. any recent crash repotings?

Thanks to your compliments. I want to improve it even. ;)

The site will have to be improved. But you will find an edit on the download page. On it I have precised that I will release the wonders page and the make war page (units features) soon but I have to work on it before.

For bug crash, no new report. :) .

For next version (0.3) I will add some things:
- Add fire longbow man unit.
- Add APC unit.
- Replace of Iroquois by Naturals Americans.
- Remove of grenadiers unit.
- Some civilopedia adds I can do. (I want to make the government part).
- Some game play change to balance more even the mod.
- Rename of Fundamentalism by theocracy.

For the earth map integration I will add it when the final version will be ready. I promise but now it will be too early!
I'm getting a 404 error while trying to download the top link for the full install. Ya might check and make sure it's uploaded.
Originally posted by rangers85
I'm getting a 404 error while trying to download the top link for the full install. Ya might check and make sure it's uploaded.

Corrected. It was uploaded but mistake by me....
You can find it now.
Why has Fascism got such a high assimilation rate, Ralendil? IMO, it should be zero.
Originally posted by Optimizer
Why has Fascism got such a high assimilation rate, Ralendil? IMO, it should be zero.

Before answering to that I precise something, I am not fascist no more and there are no possibility for me to join this political ideology!

Well as It have been specifying I can answer.

As you have seen Fascism and Military dictatorship has got strong assimilation rate. It is because in these governments types, opposition is eliminating by the State. So if you kill all opponents, population will be assimilated more quickly :) . Nobody could oppose resistance against that.

Note: I will release the 0.3 in beginning of March.
Something hurt you? Something have no place in this mod? Something have to be added? An idea to purpose? Tell it…
This is a great modpack. I like the added units and governments. Although the wonders remain a bit of a mystery without the Civpedia entries. Nevertheless, they are great and most are pretty much self explainatory.

I played with this modpack a bit over the last few days. I used a Large map and played as China. Previously I attempted to play as Native Americans but, they were still Iroquois. (that's one apparent glitch.)

At around 1545 A.D. the game "performed an illegal function." and I had to quit out of Civ III entirely. I attempted to start again through the Auto Saves and did so a few rounds back. Once I got to year 1545 A.D., the same error occured.

I was not doing all that well with my Chinese Civ, and wasn't building a wonder, but I noticed on a thread above that one of the wonders was causing a crash. Perhaps one of the computers completed that wonder in my game?

I attempted to create different units to hopefully avoid a crash, but each time, come 1545 A.D. the darn thing shut down.

I hope that this modpack is successfully de-bugged, because it is truely a great one.

Thank you for your great work!

Oh yea, a couple of other things. The war galley seems like a great idea, but I don't quite understand what the difference is from the galley. It does hold only one unit, but it seems its stats and movement are identical. Perhaps there is some special ability I haven't noticed.

Also, great job inventing the Mercenaries! Land pirates, the game just isn't the same without them. Is there an upgrade to these?

Ok, thanks, and I look forward to reading your response.
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