Guess the map 15: GDP or population?

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could count as a clue.

If I understand it aright, If US had an overlay showing states
These are correct
populous states would be in dark green and it's only our large low-population states that draw the country as a whole toward lime green.
This is not really correct. The overlay would add to the value in most states.
new map

Percent of GDP attributed to agriculture? Percent agriculture under plastic?
1963? The answer is simple, then. Only three things of importance happened in 1963, and two of them are really significant.

1. Doctor Who premiered.
2. I was born (though not on the same day the other two things happened).
3. I think we all know the other thing that happened.

So clearly the map has to do with one of these.


Okay, serious question: Is it to do with culture?
Where the foreign expats live? Oh 1963. Franco was still in charge.
I know what it is because I've seen it before, that's a great one.
Is it political or agricultural?
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