How do you end 'cancel culture'?

And yet you and others continually fail to demonstrate this apparent oppression....

have you ever talked to, or listened to, a person of color about racism or something in your entire life?

White people have 2500% the generational wealth that black people have. This adversely impacts, well, everything, given capitalism. From child nutrition, to schools and education, the type of jobs and therefore income available as a result of that - the evidence is pervasive everywhere. The drug war is hyperfocused on minorities. Fathers in jail can't raise families. Single mothers are not exactly known to be an advantaged demographic with an easy life. I could go on, but breakfast awaits.
That seems a simple question but it is actually quite complicated. But I'll give it my best shot. I'm not an economist or an expert on various things related to this so take my ideas with a grain of salt and I can only talk about this in broad strokes. And because I don't want to be here all day I'm going to simplify a few things.

To understand what would make a good system we first must understand what makes Capitalism unprosperous.

The basis of Capitalism is theft, essentially. Even supposedly mutually beneficial trades are often biased heavily in favour of the wealthier party. The theft takes many forms, the extraction of surplus value from workers (essentially workers will always be paid less than the wealth that they create for their boss because otherwise their boss would not make any money), war, Imperialism...All this creates a funnel that accumulates wealth in an ever exclusive class of people (Capitalists). The proof is in the pudding, ever since Capitalism "won" in the 90s wealth inequality has skyrocketed and is continuing to do so. I would not define a society where the 1% of the 1% live in luxury while the rest struggle to survive as truly prosperous. Prosperity must be enjoyed by all.

There are many other ways that Capitalism destroys global prosperity (probably the most pressing exasperating and being completely unequipped to deal with crises such as climate change and pandemic) but I don't want to be here all day so I won't go into them.

The only people who are truly willing to engage with positive alternatives to Capitalism are on the Left. Centrists and Liberals think that Capitalism can be restrained with simple reforms. It can't. Capitalists will spend an amount equal to or less than the amount of money they lose to any proposed reform to repeal said reform. If a government tax a Capitalist $1,000,000 and then the Capitalist spends $900,000 on "lobbying" (read: bribes) to overturn that tax, then they've effectively made $100,000. So now the government has less money to pay for essential services, which disproportionately impacts the working class. The Far-Right's solution to the ills of Capitalism usually boils down to "lets discriminate heavily against/kill [insert group of people they don't like] and that will fix everything". There are many compelling reasons to not listen to them that I shouldn't have to spell out in detail.

The Left is a broad church that has many differing thoughts and opinions and honestly I'm not entirely sure yet where I slot into it. What I do believe is that we need to redistribute the wealth of the world along more equal lines so that everyone can enjoy the prosperity of humanity. And there needs to be (preferably global) state that is given broad discretion to prevent the reestablishment of Capitalism by molding society in a way that makes it impossible.

As for societal damage...I'm going to assume you mean cost in human lives as that's really the only societal damage I care about. Capitalism already millions yearly through lack of food, water and medicine. We have the capacity to provide everyone with adequate food, water and medicine - it just isn't profitable, so it doesn't happen. I believe that the dissolution of Capitalism and its replacement with a system that actually provides for the needs of its citizenry is the only way to prevent these needless deaths. Whatever struggle that happens with the dismantling of Capitalism I am certain that the result will be less death than what already happens.

Anyway we are getting seriously off-topic here so if you want me to answer any more questions about this topic, start a new thread and ask them there.
I appreciate your thoughtful answer but you haven't really offered an alternative.

I'll start a thread
I did once. His response was that he was a person, not a color, and he was sick of white liberals trying to use him as a prop to push their politics.

“I have spoken to a person of color, actually. He went on a long rant about how identity politics and white liberalism have forced him into a box, a box of color, when all his life he just wanted to be judged by the content of his character. He ended his rant by putting his hand on my shoulder and saying ‘Amadeus, don’t let the white liberals use my melanin as a prop for their racist agenda.’ I learned a valuable lesson that day and have vowed to carry on his memory. I didn’t end up hiring him though; his resume was fine, but he wasn’t really a good fit for us.”
Why do you assume my post is about him and not you?
I did once. His response was that he was a person, not a color, and he was sick of white liberals trying to use him as a prop to push their politics.

Do you think such an opinion in anyway ameliorates the institutional racism baked into American society
have you ever talked to, or listened to, a person of color about racism or something in your entire life?

Regularly actually and I can tell you the black people I know don't agree with your premises either.

White people have 2500% the generational wealth that black people have. This adversely impacts, well, everything, given capitalism. From child nutrition, to schools and education, the type of jobs and therefore income available as a result of that - the evidence is pervasive everywhere. The drug war is hyperfocused on minorities. Fathers in jail can't raise families. Single mothers are not exactly known to be an advantaged demographic with an easy life. I could go on, but breakfast awaits.

So how are black people currently being oppressed? Horrible things happening in the past doesn't equate to racism today, there are groups of people that have advantages and disadvantages because of past circumstances, that's undeniable and the unfortunate reality of an unfair world. Do you think reparations would be a fair and just way to fix the imbalance? You must have at least thought of a solution to all these problems if you are aware of them?
So how are black people currently being oppressed?

the white unemployment rate is nearly more than triple for black,
some front-liners got they gun in your back
bubblin crack, jewel theft and robbery to combat poverty
and end up in the global jail economy
stiffer stipulations attached to each sentence,
budget cutbacks but increased police presence
and even if you get out of prison still livin
join the other 5 million under state supervision
this is business!
no faces, just lines and statistics
from your phone, your zip code, to SSI digits
the system break man, child, woman into figures
two columns for who is, and who ain't ******
Just casually asking whether or not black people are being currently oppressed during a year in which there's been historic civil disobedience and marches directly related to the fact that the police continue to victimize, kill and attack the black community

Asking the real questions folks
Do you think such an opinion in anyway ameliorates the institutional racism baked into American society
I’m not sure what it is that you are asking; am I supposed to be policing the way individual black people think and contradicting them on their own experiences, or do I need to explicitly state in my posts that I understand anecdotes are not necessarily good evidence for or against any statement?
Centrists and Liberals think that Capitalism can be restrained with simple reforms. It can't. Capitalists will spend an amount equal to or less than the amount of money they lose to any proposed reform to repeal said reform. If a government tax a Capitalist $1,000,000 and then the Capitalist spends $900,000 on "lobbying" (read: bribes) to overturn that tax, then they've effectively made $100,000.
This assumes that capitalists/entrepreneurs are inherently evil, totally consumed by greed and unable to grasp the benefits that a functioning state provides for everyone, including themselves.
That is quite pessimistic view of things.
Cancel culture sounds like mob mentality amplified by modern means of mass communication, which can be used by anyone with enough subscribers/cash for any reason. The principle isn’t new in the slightest: Countries gang up and cancel other countries, groups of politicians cancel other groups of politicians every day, fighting for influence. How do we end it? We don’t. It’s an instrument of achieving influence/market share gains and it will be used more and more as Capital monopolises and it’s different groups wage war in the intellectual space for their place in the hierarchy under the sun.
This assumes that capitalists/entrepreneurs are inherently evil, totally consumed by greed and unable to grasp the benefits that a functioning state provides for everyone, including themselves.
That is quite pessimistic view of things.

97 millionaires signed that letter. There are approximately 46.8 million millionaires in the world. That's approximately 0.0003% of millionaires, not enough to be even considered a rounding error. Additionally, not a single billionaire has signed this letter. Meanwhile the other 99.9997% of millionaires and 100% of billionaires are hard at work at minimising the amount of tax that they have to pay.

This isn't speculation, this is lived experience. Briefly, Australia had a beautiful mining and carbon tax that significantly reduced CO2 emissions and injected millions into social services that desperately needed them. But thanks in large part to a massive lobbying effort on the part of fossil fuel corporations and their allies, the government who passed those laws were defeated in a landslide and both taxes were scrapped and CO2 emissions skyrocketed and the average person lost out. In late 2019/2020 we had the worst bushfires on record. I couldn't leave my house for literal months without a gas mask because the smog was so bad. And according to our national science agency (CSIRO, which has been absolutely gutted because science is less important than tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires), things are going to get so much worse. They estimate that Australia will 5.1 (Celsius) degree rises in Australia. Things are going to get so much worse.

Millionaires and billionaires are inherently evil. Having that much wealth while others starve is inherently evil. Millionaires and billionaires could easily give away most (I don't know the exact number but probably in excess of 90%) of their wealth and still live extremely comfortable lives. But they don't. "But what about Bill Gates and Warren Buffet? Didn't they say they were going to give away all their wealth before they die?" Well, 1) they give away way less than they earn every year (3%-4% of their net worth every year, other billionaires give away <1% to charity) 2) the Bill Gates foundation is hilariously corrupt, regularly giving money towards corporations that Gates owns shares in and in one particularly notable example giving money to a private school that his own kids go to 3) frankly with all the nonsense that they have pulled, I don't buy for a second their "pinky promise" that they're going to give a meaningful amount of their wealth to actual charities.

How exactly are the countries that we live in "functioning"? 1.3 billion people are in multidimensional poverty and 734 million of them are in absolute poverty. In 2019 it was estimated that 79% of American workers lived from paycheck to paycheck. Our Capitalist states function perfectly well for the wealthy to be sure, but these "functioning states" don't provide for "everyone" and they never have. And under Capitalism they never will.

For the sake of argument lets say that there are capitalists out there aren't totally consumed by greed. Those people will never get to the top of the rat heap. If someone has morals and is willing to leave money on the table by adhering to said morals, then they will get out-competed by someone who doesn't care about morals. People who have morals, who have lines that they won't cross for money, they will never become millionaires or billionaires (except outside of inheritance and if the heir to a millionaire truly grew a conscience they would stop being a millionaire at the first available opportunity). They will never gain the ability to bring entire nations to their heel to extend their own interests.

I am not a pessimist. If I was a pessimist, I would believe that there is no alternative to this.
The abridged, five minute version of the post:
  • That letter represents 97 millionaires, 0.0003% of the 46.8 million millionaires in the world and 0% of the billionaires in the world. I sincerely doubt that they share the beliefs of the people in that letter.
  • That post represents personal experience. In Australia where a carbon tax that significantly reduced emissions was overturned due to billions of dollars in lobbying and advertising being spent by fossil fuel corporations was overturned. And that kind of nonsense happens all the bloody time.
  • A m/billionaire's definition of a functioning state is completely different to yours or mine. They are perfectly happy and profit off of a system where billions of people live in poverty.
  • I'm not a pessimist. If I was a pessimist, I would think that this state of affairs would last forever.
I'm going to trademark the term "whitesplaining" before it catches on in the near future!
A m/billionaire's definition of a functioning state is completely different to yours or mine. They are perfectly happy and profit off of a system where billions of people live in poverty.
I believe you are unfairly "othering" m/billionaires and unfairly demonizing capitalism.
The latter, in spite of its shortcomings, is still a system under which greatest strides have been made - globally - in all categories of HDI.
The former are not some different species, but human like you or me. If anything, they have better education and more time/opportunity to spend reflecting on world than your average global citizen.
If a group like this were wholly so self-centered, lacking in empathy and unable to see the benefits of collective action as you insist, then we'd be screwed anyway, because no economic system would be able to transcend this flaw in our species. Fortunately, I believe our entire evolutionary history suggests otherwise.
Another angle worth thinking about: How about 'cancel culture' that come from the right side of the spectrum? Are movements to deny gays the right to marry not also part of 'cancel culture'? Why is it that they have the right to express their beliefs without people jumping up and down about 'cancel culture'?

Is the whole notion of 'cancel culture' really a defensive reaction by the right wing?
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