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How important is music in your life?

How important is music in your life?

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Formerly God
Jul 1, 2001
Some people are obsessed with music. Others are bemused as to why some people are obsessed with music. Some listen casually, others listen constantly. Some get actively involved, others enjoy just listening.

How do these things apply to you?

Are you involved in making music in any way? Or Dj'in at all? Whats your opinion of nightclubs (if yoru old enough) and what kidna music nights do you enjjoy?

Personally, I am obsessed with music, i'd say my life more or less revolves around it. I listen to music all the time, if I can't I get withdrawl!:lol: I get involved via DJ'in on a casual basis. I can play a bit of bass/guitar on a very basic level. I go to metal/rock clubs at least once or twice a week, and occasionally to Bristol/London for 'big' clubnights. I like a fair bit of goth/EBm/80's electro stuff as well at clubs as well, but i've never been to any ones on a big scale.
Every week or two I might listen to a music station during my commute, but I'm not very into music at all.
I listen to music when its convenient, eg on the computer or cleaning etc. but I don't go out of my way to listen at every possible occasion, aka no iPod...
music makes me happy, i miss it after a while (holidays etc) dont mind not hearing it all the time.

LOVE live music/festival.
I listen to it when I'm driving, other that that, I'm not really into music.
I like music but generally as a background to something else. Listening to music whilst driving being the best example. Same with playing on the computer or doing work. Or setting the mood for some romancing :band: :love: I can't sit and just listen to music. It's pretty dull.

I've been to the odd gig but I'm no John Peel so by the time I realise a band are quite good they're already playing venues which I think are too big. Anything above the Apollo (2000 capacity) and I'm outta there. I just don't think stadium gigs are that great. You're either too close and crushed or too far away and bored.

25 and too old for stadium gigs :old:
I am entertained by the occasional live show. However, that's about it when it comes to music. I give little more than a rat's behind about it.

Generally, I prefer silence.
I do have an irrational need to listen to music almost constantly, and it's got as far as silence seeming really strange when I'm not listening to music.

I love gigs too, I do prefer small ones though. Manchester Academy is about the right size (~1200 capacity I think), but I don't mind bigger venues as long as the sound quality's good. I just wish those Scandanavians would come to the UK more often:(
colony said:
I just wish those Scandanavians would come to the UK more often:(
Who? Lordi?
I'm trying to decide if I ought to vote for the first option or the second. I guess I'll go first. I LOVE performing, and i love listening to others music. At this point, its a decent second income for me. I'm studying it in college as well, so if the whole poly sci thing doesnt work out, I can be a rock star :)
Music isnt important
PrinceOfLeigh said:
I've been to the odd gig but I'm no John Peel so by the time I realise a band are quite good they're already playing venues which I think are too big. Anything above the Apollo (2000 capacity) and I'm outta there. I just don't think stadium gigs are that great. You're either too close and crushed or too far away and bored.

There's plenty of bands I think are quite good that have never played stadium gigs, and are never likely to play stadium gigs. Festivals aside, I think that AC/DC and Pearl Jam are the only bands I've seen at very large venues. There's only a few others that play gigs of that size that I'd want to see. Best gigs I've been to have been well established bands in pubs, unis, etc with anything from 100-2000 people. Midnight Oil, Hunters & Collectors, Nick Cave, Porkers, Bad Manners, Strange Tenants, etc, etc.
Not very. I enjoy it a lot, but don't listen very often. It isn't a priority in my weltanschauung.
Heretic_Cata said:
Finland is not part of Scandinavia. :mischief:
Seriously? I didn't know that :)
sanabas said:
There's plenty of bands I think are quite good that have never played stadium gigs, and are never likely to play stadium gigs.
True, and I try to watch those as often as possible. By stadium gigs I include places like the MEN which holds about 15,000 IIRC. As I said, I'm not John Peel so I've never heard of Midnight Oil, Hunters & Collectors, Nick Cave, Porkers, Bad Manners, Strange Tenants, etc, etc. :sad:
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