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Ideologies that just annoy you.

Orthodox Mormonism.

The people who won't drink coke, or read the newspaper on sunday.
Free Market Capitalism.
Islam thinks rape is ok. Rape victims can get lashes for being raped under sharia law.

No, the Saudi government thinks it's bad for a woman to be with men whom she doesn't know (with which I happen to agree), and that she had it coming to her when she was raped, so it's her fault (with which I don't agree). Shar'ia says nothing of the sort you're implying. Don't confuse modern Islamic nuts with the root of the religion, just as you shouldn't confuse modern nuts of, well, anything, for speaking for their group as as whole.

Just so you know, those men, the rapists, were tried and sentenced much harsher than she was.
ideologies that annoy me


the free market will solve everything

the government will solve everything

the ideologies that you can have wars over concepts/inanimate objects(drugs, terrorism, etc)

the "family values voting" ideology. family values is like incest it's best kept inside the family. True family values can't be legislated, you can't make laws that say you have to hug your children and say i love you a certain amount of times per day. It's nothing more than a nice phrase for anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage sentiment which really has nothing to do with your family
oh, yeah...

- American Patriotism (the more extreme the worse)
Full stop.
No point Patriotism- Me down to a T.
You're the one praising the Soviets. The Soviet Union was the lowest point of human history. Yes, you're evil.

Thats where we disagree.

I believe that Nazi Germany was the lowest point of human history.

You can go ahead and call me evil. But really, you don't know me, you don't know what I stand for or believe in... I don't support Stalinist Russia. I support Free Speech. I support equality.

You have no grounds to judge me... this lil' argument should have ended when I posted that joke... the thread should have just moved on and been left at that. Now I have to interrupt this thread and argue my own morality and good will.

Thank You very much.
I am not so much annoyed by certain ideologies, but more by people who think they have to devote themselves completely to their "cause".
People who think every government intervention -including taxing- is a massive infringementof their personal freedoms, or leftist whi will even defend North Korea from criticism.
I am also very, very annoyed by people who always follow party lines and/or still base their political opinions on 20th century left/right dualism.
The ideology that Americans are the best nation on the world and that they control everything.
that would be called 'american exceptionalism.' i tend to agree with you, despite my nationality. if americans worked towards the human interest, we might have a mandate, but we work towards the american interest and call it the human interest and so one day we will be left exposed with our ideological bankruptcy. America, the international demagogue.

notice, americans say 'God bless America' not 'May God bless America.' it may be semantic, but leaving the 'may' out sounds almost like giving God a demand. so even american foreign policy towards God is a list of demands. that has always bothered me.

and to some others, the ideologization of Islam did not begin to occur until the late 19th C. and happened in reaction to modernity (the Wahabbis being the exception) and could be said to be a product of modernity. Jamal al-Din al-Afghani is the first figure to rise to prominence as a modern Islamic activist. Westernization and modernization are difficult to disentangle from each other. As societies began to modernize, they also began to westernize, which brought with it a degradation of the moral fabric of society. Secular governments (in Egypt, notably the Farouk monarch and after his deposition, the Nasr regime) began to fear for their legitimacy from these reformers, and so the secularlists began to coercively repress, which in turn led to the advocation of violence on the part of Islamic activists (Sayyid Qutb from prison began to advocate violence against government but not until the 1950's, 75 years or so after Afghani's initial activism) in order to counter-act the government repression. Islamic activism came before the violence, the violence is there as a piece of armor in response to secular violence, exterior to the true cause. If one wants to understand the essence of Islamic activism (i'm not saying you do), he must look beyond the armor.
*Communism (especially when suburban types preach this type of lameness)
*Hard Core Capitalism
*Liberalism (in the modern American sense, like Hillary Clinton)
*Anarchism (are you serious?)
*Anti-Hip Hop-ism (people who hate hip hop, yet are totally ignorant about it)
*Anti-Bushism, as practiced by adolescent Green Day fans
*Political Correctness-ism
*"Family Values"-ism
*"Marijuana is evil and should be illegal"-ism
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