If Obama gets bumped off, then what?


May 17, 2004
Sweden / France
I'm not a big thread-starter, but for once, out of sheer morbid curiosity, and in light of things like:

- The reported rise of right wing militias
- The plethora of conspiracy theories about Obama's intentions with that health care reform, birth certificate, etc.
- The US historical tradition of killing presidents in general (it is one of the world's most dangerous jobs after all)

Anyone care to guess how long before a serious attempt is made on Obama's life?

But much more importantly, apart from Biden becoming president if such an attempt succeeds, what might happen in the US?:scan::confused::shifty:
But much more importantly, apart from Biden becoming president if such an attempt succeeds, what might happen in the US?

A whole lot of plagiarism.
I'm guessing support for his policies would increase and would really stunt the murderer's cause. Perhaps even so much so that even Joe Biden could win reelection.
Well it only took 4 posts for someone to endorse such an assasination, so maybe that gives us a clue.

You do know that he's joking, right? (Hint, his avatar and user title are a Stephen Colbert joke)

Anyways, If Pres. Obama dies, expect allot of JFK parallels, in terms of how the public remembers him, and how Biden preforms. Hopefully without a 'Nam analogue.
You do know that he's joking, right? (Hint, his avatar and user title are a Stephen Colbert joke).

I can't be expected to recognise sarcasm after only 226 posts. I really should have got the Colbert reference though. Oh well, false alarm. I wonder how long it will take for a genuine coded endorsement.
Black people will not react well to the right winger white reaction. It's a recipe for disaster.
Black people will not react well to the right winger white reaction. It's a recipe for disaster.
This. You might as well go "HAY GUYZ RACE RIOTS PLZ".
Anyone care to guess how long before a serious attempt is made on Obama's life?

Some nut building a dirty bomb isnt a serious attempt on Obamas life ?
Some nut building a dirty bomb isnt a serious attempt on Obamas life ?
Someone already did? Did we discuss it on CFC OT?:confused:

Well, apparently attempts at US presidents' lives tends to get underreported in my nook of the woods, unless successful.;)
I'm not a big thread-starter, but for once, out of sheer morbid curiosity, and in light of things like:

- The reported rise of right wing militias
- The plethora of conspiracy theories about Obama's intentions with that health care reform, birth certificate, etc.
- The US historical tradition of killing presidents in general (it is one of the world's most dangerous jobs after all)

Anyone care to guess how long before a serious attempt is made on Obama's life?

But much more importantly, apart from Biden becoming president if such an attempt succeeds, what might happen in the US?:scan::confused::shifty:

Biden becomes president and we move on from there.

Unless..... Biden was the guy that did it. Then things get a little more confusing...
Biden becomes president and we move on from there.

Unless..... Biden was the guy that did it. Then things get a little more confusing...

It would be Pelosi then, wouldnt it?

It would be a catastrophe for America, far worse than when JFK was killed IMO. I dont think it'll happen, but I wouldnt entirely rule it out either
There would be even more false diefication, and a mediocre president would be remembered as some sort of super hero. Or in other words it would be just like JFK.
Obviously it matters who and how.

If it's just a lone nutter, trying to impress some girl, the politics might be less convoluted. Otoh, how many would at this point believe a "crazy loner" assassin?

The implicit assumption is of course that someone from the radical side of the political spectrum opposing Obama is the one what did it.

What might the reaction of liberal Americans be?
Seriously? People assassinate world leaders to impress some girl?
Iirc that was the rationale for the guy who plugged Reagan. He was wooing Jodie Foster that way, or so he somehow managed to convince himself.
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