Democrats secretly plotting to kill old people: Yes/No?

Democrats secretly plotting to kill old people: Yes/No?

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So there you have it. It's not a wacky reactionary conspiracy theory after all. mrt actually believes it would be beneficial to society as a whole to kill everybody once they have outlived their 'usefulness'.

Actually i'll tone it down to make it more insidious; The government should not pay for services that would in effect lead to more consumption of services down the road by prolonging a poor quality of life, once the old person no longer pays income taxes. No free loading, right Republicans?
If we kill old people that would surely solve our Social Security and Medicare crisis.

Democrats '10!
Killing old people would be a boon to the Democratic demographics.
I'm very happy that you're treating my contribution with the care and attention it deserves. But nevertheless I disagree: Making people choose doesn't contradict what I say. It's just liberals way of rubbing it in. Democrats are sadists. I'm pretty sure it's my BFF Ann's next book. Or maybe she already wrote it, hard to keep track...

So it's sadism to want to help people and make their lives better and longer? As opposed to conservatives that want to throw everyone under the bus? :rolleyes:
So it's sadism to want to help people and make their lives better and longer? As opposed to conservatives that want to throw everyone under the bus? :rolleyes:

Are you guys really not catching Tarquelyne's INTENSELY thick sarcasm or what? Chill a bit.
I think he took my earlier post as a challenge.

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