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In What Electronic Entertainment Have You Been Partaking #19: Cyberpunked

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This is how my Starlight Drive In tower block usually looks like. Has 20 apartments.

You spend a lot of time on building things aesthetically. I preferred to concentrate on form over function, patching obvious holes, getting up settlement numbers and stuffing in beds where I could.
You spend a lot of time on building things aesthetically. I preferred to concentrate on form over function, patching obvious holes, getting up settlement numbers and stuffing in beds where I could.

In testing I don't think your settlers actually care about things like roofs.

Starlight drive you can just scatter a pile of sleeping bags around
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In testing I don't think your settlers actually care about things look me roofs.

Starlight drive you can just scatter a pile of sleeping bags around

Shelter makes a small contribution to happiness:
  • A bed in which to sleep, which counts for 10 points.
  • For their bed to be covered from rainfall, which counts for 10 points.
  • One unit of food production per settler, which counts for 20 points.
  • One unit of water production per settler, which counts for 20 points.
  • One unit of defense per settler, which counts for 20 points.
but a roofs a roof even if it has holes in.
I have truestorms so i need roofs that have as few holes as possible.
It seems a lot than just a knock-off. Both Mordred Viking and Quill18 have done videos about it, if you fancy taking a look.
You're still playing that .... ?!

yup ...

Telvanni <3
Having quite some fun with TOTAL WAR: WARHAMMER II. It's the first Total War that makes me want to play the battles.

The DLC system is totally opaque so I'm just playing the base game.
In testing I don't think your settlers actually care about things look me roofs.

Starlight drive you can just scatter a pile of sleeping bags around
Roofs are the one thing they actually care about. There bed needs to have a roof over it (even if the roof is just an overhang without walls) to keep the rain off them. Without roofs they will be at the same level of happiness as if they were sleeping outdoors.
Roofs are the one thing they actually care about. There bed needs to have a roof over it (even if the roof is just an overhang without walls) to keep the rain off them. Without roofs they will be at the same level of happiness as if they were sleeping outdoors.

Ah I build roofs anyway. Usually very basic my houses tend to look like barracks.
I 'm playing Sims3; Isla Paradiso. I've chosen a human couple, both scrawny.

Husband is on the medical track; wife is a novelist. I began with two cats, but adopted a third because each of my two humans got 1,500 points for doing so. :high5:
Still better than the hovels full of junk most people in the Fallout world live in.
200 years and nobody has bothered to tidy up! Sheesh.

Heh yeah the buildings look more like 30 years old.

I tend to build a box on the bottom floor with overhanging buts on the top and a cloth type roof.
I've been head-deep into Burning Crusade Classic since its release.
To the point I got up at 4 in the morning to play all day both saturday and sunday, freaking my gf a bit :D
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