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IOT: Song of Another World

Country Name: Kebabary States
Flag of Arms:

Capital Name: Tunis (too awful to mark)
Government: some kind of disgusting corsair confederation
Religion: infidelism
Army/Navy Tradition: 2 Army, 3 Navy
Leader Name: Pasha Pook
Leader Traits:
Heard the First Hymn
Skilled Politician
Skilled Economist
Leader's Betrothed Name: Pashina Fatima
Leader’s Betrothed Traits:
Heard the First Hymn
Skilled Politician
Cultural Base: The Berbers of North Africa are independent to a fault and don't really give a damn about other countries. In fact, they give-anti damns, because the men on the coast took up piracy as a hobby during the off-seasons of sand farming. The inlanders, lacking the resources to build (or more importantly, sail) ships, have to content themselves with raiding other tribes, but it's all in good fun. The Berbers enjoy trade, slaves, fermenting grapes, and various combinations of the three.
History: corsairs, but 200 years earlier because why not
Starting Location:
Spoiler ponies :
Country Name
The country is known as either of these two names.
First is its formal name is the name of its court, as the country developed organically from this court: Der Hochdeutschbund.
Second is its colloquial name, often used in contemporary art, literature, letters and such among the zealous or clergial, Reich Gottes, The Kingdom of God. This name follows the theology of Vilan the Bard who is believed to be the Comet incarnate, and the Second Coming of Christ; Vilan preaches that the Hochdeutschbund is the Kingdom of God on Earth.

(I don't know what German looked like in the 13th century. If anyone wants to correct the above names, I'm open for it)

Flag/Coat of Arms
Different versions in spoiler (small, large, textured). Ask me if you want a different version)
Spoiler :

Capital Name
Vilanstein. Pronounced apprx Fee-Len-Stein in English. This is its location: http://i.imgur.com/ckEOpu9.png

Formally a confederacy of duchies. In practice it works more like a theocratic dictatorship/monarchy with local priests participating in confederate politics beside the nobles. Local Christianity has reformed with the ideas of Vilan the Bard, who is the spiritual leader of the confederacy's court.

The court works as such that the court (named the Hochdeutschbund) - consisting of nobles, priests and Vilan - may propose laws and initiatives which only Vilan (whose position is called a Diviner) can execute.

So to be short, probably hereditary monarchy, but with a huuuge theocratic component. Priests act in the court amongst nobles, usually representing the local peasantry. Hereditary theocratic monarchy? dunno.

I'm wondering what happens with the country when Vilan inevitably dies, but I think hereditary rule with this Jesus-God-King's political theology is what would realistically happen. Ie Hochdeutschbund will always be the Reich Gottes under Jesus' flesh, its regent.

Aside: About the incentive to join the Hochdeutschbund
As the Hochdeutschbund is in practice an independence movement of the HRE, it may seem counter-intuitive for pragmatist/opportunistic nobles to join a country with so much power vested in one guy, but there are a number of reasons why it made sense for them.

1) the HRE's administration of the region has so notoriously awful that the local nobles have long looked for an opportunity to secede.

2) following the first problem, the Hochdeutschbund has been incredibly effeciently managed, and this is attractive.

3) we're in an age of monarchies. While significant power is vested in the court's Diviner structually, in practice the nobles are able to influence this court to a much higher degree than the HRE. So people aren't whining that this doesn't become a plutocracy or republic.

4) one must look at the cultural events in the region following the rise of Vilan the Bard. The peasantry and clergy of the region are incredibly supportive of Vilan's religious movement. Particularly important, the movement is severely violent and its followers, from prince to peasant, wish to be politically united with the Diviner, the head of their faith. Basically, if you're a noble who rules an area where everyone is a zealous, violent follower of a religion you don't adhere to (because a central tenet is the establishment of a Kingdom of God under the Diviner), you're sure to see violent rebellion against you through all layers of society. In addition, your neighbours have already converted and reformed and may fight against you.

5) lastly, and this is important, even to opportunistic/pragmatic/Machiavellian nobles, Vilan the Bard is incredibly charismatic and believable. Like, he singlehandedly undermined all religious institutions of this region and made people believe he was a) a comet and b) the Second Coming of Christ. He is also said to do magic which is completely baffling to people at this point. (But as I'm unsure whether this is allowed with the rules, so he might just pick it up later, or not.)

6) the mountains are currently filling with strange creatures, dangerous things, which threaten the nobles beyond their control. Vilan's strategies are helping tremendously against these strange creatures.

For the people (peasants, clergy, and nobles) that support Vilan the Bard due to religious reasons, see below.

This is where I'm taking a few liberties but I hope it's ok.

The religion has developed from a Catholic state, here is how it differs:

1) after the Comet, Vilan showed up. First a musician ("the Bard"), he convinced everyone the Comet was Christ's flesh falling towards the Earth, and that it manifested as Vilan's flesh.

2) this means that this is the End Time before the Apocalypse. Also Vilan is Jesus' Second Coming, (meaning that he is God as well due to the Trinity) and he is to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth.

3) people wish to serve God. Due to believing that this is the End Times and the Kingdom of God, people throughout all layers may be desperate, impulsive and destructive, wishing for the policy to expand rapidly under God's/Vilan's watch. The Kingdom of God is per definition good and to God's servant, it is a virtue to spread goodness - so if you expand the Kingdom, you preserve your own soul.

Army/Navy Tradition: 5 Army, 0 Navy

Leader Name: Vilan ("the Bard")

Leader Traits: Heard the First Hymn, Skilled Diplomat

Leader's Betrothed Name
Katharina von Stuttgart
(Katharina was a somewhat obscure mystic that Vilan fell in love with and brought into the court. She is known as the Virgin of Vilanstein (die Vilansteinjungfrau) and is the main theological writer of Vilanic Christendom. She is at the moment half finished with a new Evangelium (about Vilan) and Revelation (about life after Vilan's earthly death) that is to be added at the end of a new Vilanic Bible.)

Leader’s Betrothed Traits
Heard the First Hymn, Scholar of the Spectrum

Cultural Base
Basically it's German mixed with the above Vilanian zeal. Priests are nearly as influencial as the conederatenobles, and they follow the Diviner to their grave. I think I've detailed this enough.

I think I've talked about this too. It was and is some equivalent of feudal rule but eventually developed this theocratic system. There was a minor battle with the HRE upon secession, which had very little support from the HRE's interior, which is why the Hochdeutschbund succeeded. Currently the two countries are in a shaky peace. That is, if @Zappericus agrees. Otherwise the secession saw no battles.

Starting Location
The dark red area south of the HRE :) Already on the map

Links for canonical discussion:
You call two words the colloquial version? I believe you overestimate the industry of the common man. Or me.
People don't do that? ._. Oh well. The Reich? Gotterreich? Dunno.
That may work. The problem is that the way people think is going to be much much different than OTL Swabia, so the colloquial word was intented to reflect this attitude rather than a geographic designation.

It could be that people of Vilanic faith uses some form of Reich Gotters and foreigners say Swabia.

I'll have it be up to Tyo.
It doesn't matter what or who their are, everything will be reunited under the Imperial Banner.... or burned to ash.
I'm going to play really agressive in Europe, Mare Nostrum must be restored.
It doesn't matter what or who their are, everything will be reunited under the Imperial Banner.... or burned to ash.
I'm going to play really agressive in Europe, Mare Nostrum must be restored.

To attack fellow Christians in this time of crisis? In this time of chaos, heresy and apostay? For shame.
Updated Sign up, now with cool map.
Spoiler :

Country Name: The Archbishopric of Verona-Bologna

Capital Name: Verona
Government: Archbishopric
Religion: Roman Catholicism
Army/Navy Tradition: 4 Army 1 Navy
LeaderArchbishop Giovanni
-Heard the First Hymn
-Scholar of the Spectrum
-Skilled Diplomat
Culture: Based in the traditions of the fractured nation that is Italy the people of Verona-Bologna get along with their lives in a fairly easy going way often oblivious to the politicking of the upper echelons of society. In higher society their is a constant polite war being waged in court as to who can come closest to the Archbishop. A game that the archbishop will play himself to gain even more political leverage over his subjects.
A culture of learning exists both in the Abbeys and the University in Bologna - the first institution of its kind in the world. Following the great fall even more scholars flock to the halls of Bologna and the secluded cloisters of the monasteries to engage in theological debate over the true nature of the supposed death of God.
Given the nation's history this is one of the dominant forces in court and the people of learning are often some of those with the highest ranking in the courtly hierarchy.

A Map of the Archbishopric and Surrounding Areas
Spoiler :

Cities of The Archbishopric as Numbered on the Map:

1. Verona - Seat of the Archbishop's power and where he most commonly holds court.
2. Padova - Originally part of the archdiocese of Venice, the diocese of Padova was placed under Verona in the Papal act of reorganisation following the fall. Padova is possibly the second richest in terms of learning. After the University of Bologna the University of Padova founded just before the fall is one of the greatest centres of theological and philosophical discourse in the world. This was almost certainly why the dioceses was included in the Papal act,
3. Modena - A significantly sized city and one of the most productive and richest in the land, Modena represent the Archbishop's military and economic base. It was previously the seat of an Archbishopric before the Papal act and is for all intents and purposes still the most important city in terms of the Archbishopric as a nation.
4. Ferrara - Centre of the nation's financial sector Ferrara is the location of the Archbishopric's mint as commissioned by the Pope.
5. Bologna - By far the most important city in the Archbishopric it is Bologna that inspired the creation of the Archbishopric as an independent nation state.
6. Ravenna - Once the capital of the Western Roman Empire the city of Ravenna is now just another wealthy city in the Archbishopric.

While in Rome the Agency dealt with the theological and scholarly pursuits under the nose of Papal authority at the University of Bologna scholarly thought was blossoming in cross-disciplinary works trying to cut to the truth of the matter. The rising star that was Bologna quickly came to eclipse the thinkers of Rome and so the Agency soon began to try and put the thinkers of Bologna in order and establish a uniform method of doing things. not liking this thought the Scholars of Bologna petitioned to the pope to create a separate branch of the Agency run out of Bologna so that their discussions could be fast and unimpeded by the intervention of the Papacy. Celestine III agreed to an extent and commissioned the Papal Act of Bologna in which he created the Archbishopric of Verona-Bologna and granted freedom of thought to the scholars of that area understanding that the Archbishop, appointed from the school of divinity at Bologna, could keep the studies from becoming too heretical whilst still allowing them the unparalleled freedoms.
That this germanic babarian claims to be an emperor, that this bigot wannabe holy Pope rules rome and that these amoral venician merchants control so much roman terretory.
In his majestys eyes, this is all heresy and the only way to solve this is with the boots and swords of true roman soldiers.
I would normally eat popcorn, but kebabs are so much more appropriate here.
Yeah the same military who lost more than 50% of their nation's territory to some yahoos from Arabia within 30 years.
You fight nonstop war with the Sassanids for nearly a hundred years and then you can talk about this stuff.
And btw we gave them syria and Egypt on purpose, the Emperor back then was simply a very kind person. (^^)
So if the Byzantines at one of its strongest point could not handle the Persians alone, what chance do you think they'll have now that they are much smaller than before against the entirety of Christiandom.
It seems that your education is not nearly enough to understand the complex matters we talked about.
So now we'll to talk in a way you might understand.

Evil sassanid baddies tried to take all of byzantine clay. We fought for many,many yearsand in the end beat up sassanid baddies.
But many years of fighting killed many roman soldiers and destroyed much of our clay. So Byzanz was very weakend after finally winning war.
Yahoos used this moment of weakness and took away our clay.
It seems that your education is not nearly enough to understand the complex matters we talked about.
So now we'll to talk in a way you might understand.

Evil sassanid baddies tried to take all of byzantine clay. We fought for many,many yearsand in the end beat up sassanid baddies.
But many years of fighting killed many roman soldiers and destroyed much of our clay. So Byzanz was very weakend after finally winning war.
Yahoos used this moment of weakness and took away our clay.

A united Christiandom is much stronger than the Sassinid Empire militarily.

Byzantine Empire without Egypt, Sicily, and half of Anatolia is much weaker than it was when it fought against the Sassinids.

You propose to conquer all of former Roman Empire, an action and statement which would surely bring the wrath of a United Catholic crusaders and abandoning what actually kept the Byzantine Empire alive as long as 1450s (instead of crumbling into dust much earlier).

As you seem unfamiliar with actual Byzantine Empire's strengths, here are some tips for a new Emperor.

-Byzantine Empire is financially stable, more or less, but frequent civil wars, corruption, and whatnot constantly drain the treasury. A politically savvy Emperor is more or less required to wrangle the state into shape.

-Byzantine Empire is surrounded by enemies, all of which will pounce at any opportunity to grab its lands. It is 'plausible' for Byzantine Empire to defeat any one enemy, but that situation will almost never arise, as the enemies that surround the Empire will usually band together to be a force that completely eclipses the Byzantine army. Thus, a strong ally is needed to watch the Empire's back while its forces are pinned to any front. Neglecting to do so will result in disasters (aforementioned Muslim conquest of Syria, Egypt, Africa, etc etc etc...).

-Byzantine Empire, due to its religious beliefs, lack the means to get strong allies easily. A diplomatically savvy Emperor is more or less required to do any bit of conquest.

For example, look at the accomplishments of Alexios Komnenos I, who stopped the decline of Byzantine Empire and recovered much territories from the Turks. One of the main reason why he was able to do so was not only because he was politically and diplomatically savvy, but also because of his diplomatic savviness. He was the one who asked the Pope for help, who managed to send a surprisingly large contingent of crusaders to Anatolia on their way to Jerusalem, helping the Byzantine Empire recover the eastern sections of Anatolia from the Turks.

In fact, the moment that the Byzantine Empire stopped its territorial reclamation and fell back into decline was the moment when relations with the Latin Catholic Church completely broke down in 1185, culminating in the next crusade completely sacking Constantinople and leading to its financial ruin.

So if you want to completely abandon diplomatic relations with the West and abandon the political savviness that kept the Empire strong for so long, it's really your funeral.

If I were you, I would drop the imperialistic ambitious talks regarding the Catholic world and keep the Pope and the Venetians sweet while focusing on expanding east into Anatolia and South into Syria so that they are willing to support your conquest against heretics and heathens. A bit too late now, considering that you have alienated most important players in the formerly Roman world.
Ot : Wow history lessons (*I knew all off this already ^^).

You opinion is yours, King of Britain. The empire never planned to abandon diplomacy, just not with dirty merchants or catholic cleriks.
The Kaiser, for one, is not amused by the heretical rantings of some ambitious easterner heathen.

Deus vult.
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