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Iron and Blood: Redux - Game Thread

Battle Standard of General Cyrus​

Civil War in Sind!

In a shocking move, the Shah has decided to move from the traditional isolationism of Persia and intervene in the recent civil war in Sind. The tribes of Sind, who united previously to fight off Afghani raiders, have splintered and now fight bloody wars against each other. The Shah has decided to support Chief Abdul al-Awarzi's claim to rule Sind. He has sent the Immortals, Persia's Special Forces, led by General Cyrus to assist al-Awarzi...

From the Journal of Mahmoud Kabad:
Sind is hell. Having only arrived last month, our numbers have already been diminished to half. I don't blame General Cyrus, but these damn Sinds. You cannot trust them. The ones who offer us shelter in the evening offer us daggers in our throats in the morning. But we have had some successes. Thanks to General Cyrus we have conquered Karachi, the largest city in this region. We have done so in the name of the devil al-Awarzi, but I am no fool. The Shah will never surrender this land and al-Awarzi is truly idiotic if he thinks we will surrender this land in the future. Already Persians have moved into old Sindi towns and villages, freshly cleansed of enemy tribes. These Sinds truly are bastards, murdering their own brothers. We Immortals have done little real fighting, mostly training the locals in how to fight for themselves. I lead a troop of 100 Sindis. I can't even trust my own men. Well, I must stop writing now. General Cyrus calls. It is time to move. We will finish this damn mission if it is the death of me, and it most likely will.


6 IC Usable:
2 IC into Factories in Iran
2 IC into Factories in Sind
1 IC into Sind
1 IC into Science
The RNG hates me.

1 into Taiwan
1 into Shanxi
1 into Sichaun
1 into Japan
Pestilence has struck Dixie agricultural lands.

Immediate Effect: That's horrible - lose 1 city

This makes sense... how, exactly?
Oh noes! My Colombia!

Empire of Brazil
6 IC

1 IC - Colombia
2 IC - 1 Factory in Brazil
2 IC - 1 Army
1 IC - Supplies
Oh noes! My Colombia!

Sorry, I didn't realise that it was in your orders...

I'll give you my bit of Colombia for... Erm... Something exciting!
1836, In the Year of Our Lord
The Metis council met again. This time, there were delegates from each native tribe that had joined the resistance. "I am sorry my brothers, in order to be able to stand up against the Europeans, we must become somewhat like them. We must build factories to help supply an army which we will no doubt need in the future." Councillor Dubois was interrupted as a messenger entered the room. "I have a strategic genius here that wants to raise an army and can pay for it. the council talked for a while. "We will allow him to do so. We need to improve our economy so we can support a standing army. I propose that we build a factory in each territory using whatever funds his army does not need. We will be able to supply them in the future and will probably use them for defensive purposes." said Councillor Lindsay.
In the year 1841, the factories were finished and the increasing turmoil in Quebec forced the Metis to settle the territory of Ontario as a blanket just incase the Quebecois were taken over by a warlord.
Metis - 10 IC
2 IC into expansion in Ontario
1 IC to the Natives in Southern Oregon
1 IC to an army in Saskatchewan
2 IC to 1 factory in Saskatchewan
2 IC to 1 factory in Yukon
2 IC to 1 factory in Midwest
Cities don't die in famine, they die in war.
Cities in this game are a representation of population.

4 into factories
2 into Bengal

After repeated faliurs in convincing Bombay to join, the project became increasingly unpopular with the citizens of Madaras. Ths reflected greatly on this years elections. Kapur Sidhu has won, meaning the first sucessful transition of power in the young republic.

Here is a part of his inauguration speach:
People of India, if Bombay does not wish to join us, that is their rightful choice. What we should do, is improve out nation, so the people of Bombay see for themselves the virtues of being part of a united India. I hope to continue leading our nation to a more industrial and brighter future!

"The word Mexico comes from the ancient Mexica people who once lived where we do know. They became the mighty Aztec Empire later on and may have conquered the world if the Spanish hadn't introduced to them a plethora of diseases. But the Mexica people can rise again! This can only be achieved if all Mexicans start believing in the old gods of the Aztec Empire. The European God brought to us in the form of Catholicism has ruined our nation! I, as God-Emperor of Mexico, declare Aztec Religion to be the only Religion of Mexico. Also, some moralists in our nation would like to get rid of slavery, the Aztec Empire used slaves frequently, so we should too.
-Porfirio Montezuma, first Emperor of Mexico, February 15, 1842

after this, some Mexican official thought the man had gone insane, and some openly conspired against him, hoping for popular support. This was a disaster, the army was sent upon them and they were all killed within minutes, The new Aztec Empire would need to remove such impediments to progress.

Speaking of progress, 2 new factories opened up in Texas.

5 IC
2 factories in Texas
1 IC into science
Orders edited
The Russian Empire

With a heavy heart, Tsar Nicholas I, tells the ambassador to Siberia that no further money will be forthcoming for some time and he is to stay there and get familiar with the natives. However, he was pleased the ambassador was able to get agreement reached that secured the borders with Manchuria. He also may send him to negotiate a similar agreement with Mongolia and limit the northern and eastern expansion to Central Asia. Kazakhstan and Siberia are considered critical provinces.


Adophe Adam, the ambassador who successfully concluded the negotiation with the Swedes and the Norwegians, was appointed to be the Ambassador to European Union. Following the Tsar's decision to exit from the EU negotiations for reasons explained earlier, he still wanted to maintain contact.

What soon came to light was the new EU ambassador's poor understanding of geography and that has caused quite a diplomatic embarrassment for Russia. So in an effort to remedy this, Tsar has given another 1 million roubles to Sergey Uvarov, the Minister of Education, to expand the schools and a massive university in the capital - Moscow.

Moscow University

With funds running low, an expansion of the nation's industrial base was required. However, to honour the agreement with the Scandinavians, this area will also be developed, so another 2 million roubles in loans have been allocated to Scandinavia and another 2 million roubles have been made available in Russia.


2 IC for 1 Factory in RUSSIA
2 IC for 1 Factory in SCANDINAVIA
Emperor Pedro II has died!

Our great emperor of Brazil, Pedro II, has died, at the age of 57, on June 3, 1840, of what is assumed to be a heart attack. It was a sad day, with news quickly spreading across the country. His work led our nation into a new era, an era of industrialization and rapid growth. Some say we will never have such a fine leader as he was ever again. Without him, our nation would still be in great turmoil, always on the verge of civil war between the Muslims and Catholics, conflicts that were solved by him. He united the great Amazon jungle and their peoples with the rest of the empire, and spread further, northward into Colombia, allowing a Brazilian port on the Caribbean to be possible.

His legacy can never be forgotten by our peoples. But a new leader must rise to the throne, one that can meet the standards of a new Brazil, and possibly even one that can exceed those standards. It was decided by the emperor himself on his deathbed, that his eldest son, Antonio Santoro, to become the Emperor of Brazil. He believed that Antonio was a good leader, good enough to lead an entire country. On June 4, 1840, Antonio became the emperor at 27 years of age, and gave a speech outside of the palace about the future of the nation, and his goals for it. The country hopes these goals can be achieved.

A portrait of Antonio Santoro.
The Triumphirate of Australia Orders:

5 IC to spend:
2 IC to build a factory in New Zealand
2 IC to expand into Micronesia
1 IC to expand into Taiwan

Farsight and Tyo, do you have any objections to me expanding into the small territory of Taiwan. (My private messaging isn't loading and neither is social groups, which is taking a really long time)


The Advisory Council reports:

After the eight year terms of the three Triumphirate members, elections happened and the results were as follows. The Russian Nikolai Vadin was relelected, with a majority of his votes coming from the new South Pacific Islands. A "kiwi" as his slogan goes has alos been elected with a landslide of votes coming from New Zealand. Ambassador Joey Nicks name was written in and he got fourth place only to be beaten by Melinda Raz. He will return to his embassy work, which he says he is quite happy doing, and is quite flattered that so many people wrote his name in. While there have been many women on the advisory council, this is the first woman to be on the Triumphirate. Specifc numbers are below...

The advisory council has also had election with an adding of 10 members to be elcted due to the the new lands of New Zealand and and the South Pacific Isles. Now a quote quote the newly elected Melinda Raz....

A governement representative reports:
Due to the great sucess of our first tax breaks, we are expanding the program to New Zealand and the South Pacifc Islands. Risht now, it seems we are having the msot success in Zealand but as our nation grows economically stronger, we should be able to fully industrialize our nation. Triumphirate member Nikolai Vadin has come true with his promise to the South Pacificers who had relected him back in because they wanted to have their brothers in micronesia join them and he had promised this in his campaign. He has started a fully supported expansion act to settle into micronesia and have the people there join Australia. The advisory council also advised to exapand into Taiwan and the Triumphirate has done so, but has also sent diplomats to the nations close to there to see if this is ok with them. More reports about that will come soon.
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