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Is Donald Trump Done for?

Making accusations that you know to be false is a crime. These guys are going to end up in prison.
You can certainly sue for tort, yes, but as for some sort of criminal accusation of slander or whatever the U.S. criminal justice system would file it under, hmm-hmm. It's so ridiculous a procedure that a prosecutor would have a hard time building up a serious case. What has Mr. Bombmailer been charged with so far?
It's not the sort of thread that generally qualifies, but do you realize "Is Donald Trump Done For?" could now be a serial thread in its second installment?!
Timsup2nothin should do it.
Well, if the thread was to be serialised (which seems a little bit premature), Tim would only have one hour left according to the normal rules.
Plenty of threads go beyond 50 pages without that meaning they are to be serialized. But this one would be great when it reached its fourth installment: Is Trump Done 4?
The timing could be auspicious, though. The question really might enter a new phase depending on the results of Tuesday's elections.

(Are you posting that last post where you want to, Sommer?)
The timing could be auspicious, though. The question really might enter a new phase depending on the results of Tuesday's elections.

(Are you posting that last post where you want to, Sommer?)
NO. But I don't see many choices...I'll take suggestions.
NO. But I don't see many choices...I'll take suggestions.

I would suggest looking at someone's name to see if they've been banned or not.
Yeah, no, Sommerswerd's probably down with the flu, given that he ignored an obvious Star Wars reference I just made.
I cant find the thread I was looking for, but my point is UNBAN TIMSUP2NOTHIN for the love of god... that is all. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to PM me.

Wait, what?
Well, if the thread was to be serialised (which seems a little bit premature), Tim would only have one hour left according to the normal rules.

As the person upon whom this dubious honor would fall, I'd like to see this thread not serialized. Serialized is like, perpetual. As long as there is CFC/OT, I expect there will be a rants thread, a raves thread, etcetera. But I imagine a bright future day for CFC/OT! A day with no trolls, no freeze-ups, no pony avatars...and no scumbag D'ump threads. To serialize this would be to accept that such a future will never come to pass.
Wait, what?
Sorry. I PM'd and corrected.
Yeah, no, Sommerswerd's probably down with the flu, given that he ignored an obvious Star Wars reference I just made.
It was so lazy Tak... no gif? C'mon there must be literally thousands out there

(and yes I know that technically that is incorrect use of "literally"... I don't care :p)
As the person upon whom this dubious honor would fall, I'd like to see this thread not serialized. Serialized is like, perpetual. As long as there is CFC/OT, I expect there will be a rants thread, a raves thread, etcetera. But I imagine a bright future day for CFC/OT! A day with no trolls, no freeze-ups, no pony avatars...and no scumbag D'ump threads. To serialize this would be to accept that such a future will never come to pass.
I heartily endorse both this and this understanding of what sorts of threads should be serialized.
At this point the only crime I can see Trump being guilty of is obstruction of Justice. Which would normally have some small amount of jail time. But hardly falls into a high crime and misdemeanor for impeachment. It's obvious he will never be impeached at this point.

So what happens when a sitting President is sent to jail/prison? Does the guy with the "football" go in there with him? And secret service as well? I'm being a bit silly, but isn't this a real possibility? It's possible the judge can make him serve his sentence after the Presidency, however.
At this point the only crime I can see Trump being guilty of is obstruction of Justice. Which would normally have some small amount of jail time. But hardly falls into a high crime and misdemeanor for impeachment. It's obvious he will never be impeached at this point.

So what happens when a sitting President is sent to jail/prison? Does the guy with the "football" go in there with him? And secret service as well? I'm being a bit silly, but isn't this a real possibility? It's possible the judge can make him serve his sentence after the Presidency, however.

The Justice Department has a policy of not indicting the sitting President. So it's not a possibility. Incidentally he is certainly guilty of many crimes other than obstruction of justice. Violating the emoluments clause in the Constitution is certainly grounds for impeachment. He has also definitely accepted bribes via his children and business interests.
The Justice Department has a policy of not indicting the sitting President. So it's not a possibility. Incidentally he is certainly guilty of many crimes other than obstruction of justice. Violating the emoluments clause in the Constitution is certainly grounds for impeachment. He has also definitely accepted bribes via his children and business interests.

The Rule of Law Lovers are no doubt extremely angry about all of these rules of law being violated repeatedly. I'm guessing these days they show up to Trump rallies to express their anger about it.
As the person upon whom this dubious honor would fall, I'd like to see this thread not serialized. Serialized is like, perpetual. As long as there is CFC/OT, I expect there will be a rants thread, a raves thread, etcetera. But I imagine a bright future day for CFC/OT! A day with no trolls, no freeze-ups, no pony avatars...and no scumbag D'ump threads. To serialize this would be to accept that such a future will never come to pass.

I would most likely vomit if my account was hacked and my avatar was replaced with a pony.

But they are good to cook.

At this point the only crime I can see Trump being guilty of is obstruction of Justice. Which would normally have some small amount of jail time. But hardly falls into a high crime and misdemeanor for impeachment. It's obvious he will never be impeached at this point.

Here's wiki's description of "high crimes and misdemeanors":

The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials, such as perjury of oath, abuse of authority, bribery, intimidation, misuse of assets, failure to supervise, dereliction of duty, unbecoming conduct, refusal to obey a lawful order, chronic intoxication, and tax evasion.

A president obstructing justice would be an abuse of his authority, a dereliction of his duty and unbecoming conduct.

One of the counts in Clinton's impeachment was obstruction of justice.

The figure to whom the entire justice department answers abusing his authority to obstruct justice is a really, really serious matter.
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