IsrNES4: Novus Ordo Seclorum

Orders Sent, and Those were the most detailed orders i've ever sent.....ever. Not the longest but the most detailed, in the sense of hoe i'm doing this or that and its ramifications.

And i made no war either......... Israelite, you take my game up a notch
.....And when i said Major Respected Branch of Hellenic Polytheism, i ment on Cyprus, not the whole of Hellenic Relgious places
To Brittany
From Eire

We just did a whole pan-celtic dealio, of which i posted its contents in the story on the page before this. Just check it out, and mention it in your orders. Essentially everyone has agreed with it so far.

OOC: Orders forthcoming...
@joesph, you seem very optimistic on religious councils of sorts ;)
The wording on economy got me a bit confused

I have 4 points to spend two from my base economy and two from my protectorate?
Since my beloved Mughals were taken, I'll join as Teotihuacan (in Mexico) after the update.
Ah shoot, I can't send orders now!! SAT's and stuff tomorrow, gotta study!! :cry: NPC me for now Israelite.... :(
The Farow said:
How much longer till deadline. I have some stuff to do and I can't send orders right at this minute.

The deadline passed about seven and a half hours ago. Everyone who posted after my previous post is late.
What does on time specify?
One would presume "if I get them after I've written your section, you = fail."
I ment when is he expecting to have the update up
I am hoping to finish the update tomorrow. However, I may postpone the finish till Sunday if the college fair I'm going to tomorrow takes up too much time, and at the very latest Monday if homework prevents a finish Sunday.

More immediately, I am missing a number of important orders. The most important I can think of at this moment (impotant for various reasons) are the Mughal Empire, Egypt, and Nan. However, I need several other orders including Gaul and Kaan.
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