Merijn new civs and other projects


Black Belt
Dec 29, 2008
The city of the original vlaai
Welcome to this thread. In the thread you can find all the projects I work on or have worked on.

Nothing is perfect. If you have ideas, suggestions or anything you want to say about a project, please do. I really appreciate your input to make the modcomps better.

Regular download
- Create a backup of the Dawn of Civilization Mod folder (rename to "Dawn of Civilization2" or something)
- Download the mod (link in the spoilers)
- Unpack in the mods folder

Git version
See the 2nd post of this thread.

All Civs combined (except Atlantis)
Regular download:

Git branch: AllCivs


aka S-tralia
Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Australia
Credits to novicenoble, who created the original modcomp.
Starting: 1850 AD @ Sydney.
Leaders: Menzies, Curtin

UP: The Power of Mining Industry: Mines on mining resources provide double hammers and commerce increment
UB: Immigration Office. Replaces Customs House. Does not require a Harbor and coast. 1 free trade route.
UU: Digger. Replaces Infantry. Starts with the Drill I promotion.

UHV1: Control Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea and 3 pacific islands in 1950 AD
UHV2: Gift 10 Diggers, Marines or Mechanized Infantries to other civs by 1950 AD (Gifting units require defensive pacts)
UHV3: Be the first to discover Microbiology and Television.

Also includes the Sydney Opera House wonder. +1 :) per culture level in each city.

Burma (not available yet. I will work on it after the new map is fully released in a main version)
Spoiler :
Regular download: Not available yet
Git branch: -
Starting: 849AD @ Pagan.
Leaders: Anawrahta, Bayinnaung

UP: The power of Monks Kings: Religious buildings provide +1-2 (what is best for balance) GPP.
UB: Paya. Probably replaces library. A free priest (and artist) slot?
UU: Arambai. Replaces Lancer/Cuirassier/Hussar. Bonus not decided yet.

UHV1: Build the Swedagon Paya, X monasteries and Y temples in Z AD. (I think I will limit it to Buddhist religious buildings only)
UHV2: Settle 5 Great Priest, Great Scientist or Great Artist in your cities. (And each of them at least once)
UHV3: Control all of South East Asia in 1580 AD.

Hungary (not available yet. I will work on it after the new map is fully released in a main version)
Spoiler :
Regular download: Not available yet
Git branch: -
Starting: 895AD @ Budapest
Leaders: Istvan, Maytas, Kossuth

UP: The power of Horsemanship: Mounted units recieve a defensive bonus and have a first strike chance (Mounted units are both Heavy and Light cavalry units)
UB: Vegvar. Replaces Castle. Bonus not decided yet.
UU: Huszar. Replaces Lancer. Bonus not decided yet.

UHV1: Not decided yet.
UHV2: Control X% of Europe and have the largest army in Europe in Y AD.
UHV3: Be the first to adopt Tolerance and have Friendly relation with at least 5 (Christian?) civs in Y AD.

Kievan Rus (not available yet. I will work on it after the new map is fully released in a main version)
Spoiler :
Regular download: Not available yet
Git branch: -
Starting: 882AD @ Kiev
Leaders: Yaroslav I, Bohdan Khmelnytsky

UP: The power of Chernozem Soil: City tiles provide 2-3 additional food and/or grain resources can support more cities or farms produce at least 3 food
UB: Veche (Hall). Replaces Courthouse. Bonus not decided yet.
UU: Druzhina. Replaces Lancer. Bonus not decided yet.

UHV1: Build the St. Sophia Cathedral and 2 Orthodox Cathedrals by 1200 AD.
UHV2: Control a continuous empire from the Barents Sea to the Mediterranean in 1200 AD.
UHV3: Produce X food by 1250 AD (similar to the RFCE UHV)

The Russian spawn will be delayed to 1283 AD.

Mamluks (Islamic Egypt)
Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Mamluks
Start: 969AD @ Cairo
Leaders: Saladin (no longer LH of Arabia), Baibars (no longer LH of Egypt), Nasser (no Longer LH of Egypt)

UP: The power of Madaris: +2 science to science buildings
UB: Souq. Replaces Market. 10% culture
UU: Royal Mamluk. Replaces Lancer. 25% vs. Heavy and Light mounted units

UHV1: Control North Africa, Hejaz, Levant and Mesopotamia in 1300
UHV2: Make Cairo the most populous city and have 30 population in cities on the Lower Nile in 1380 AD
UHV3: Have the highest culture and research output in 1500 AD

Added al-Mustasim as a Arabian replacement LH for Saladin.

Manchuria (Qing Dynasty)
Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Manchuria
Credits to soul-breathing and some chinese players for the base mod
Start: 1636AD @ Changchun
Leaders: Kangxi, Cixi

UP: The power of Prosperity: Improved resources adjacent to cities provide additional food and production
UB: Piaohao. Replaces Bank. 15% food storage
UU: Eight Banner. Replaces Cuirassier. 50% withdraw chance

UHV1: Have 25% of the world population in China and Manchuria in 1800 AD
UHV2: Have the highest food, production and commerce output in 1850 AD
UHV3: Be the first to discover eight Industrial and eight Global technologies

China is replaced by Manchuria in 1700 AD scenario.

Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Nigeria
Start: 1180AD@ Edo (Benin city)
Leaders: Oduduwa, Ewuare, Aminatu

UP: The power of the Shield of the Warrior King: Fortified units can get up to 50% defensive bonus
UB: Iya. Replaces Walls. -20% maintenance, doesn't obsolete
UU: Yan Lifida. Replaces Lancer. Doesn't require iron, does recieve defensive bonus

UHV1: Control the largest army in Africa in 1600 AD
(Any civ that has at least 1 city in Africa is a competitor)
UHV2: Acquire 2000 gold by selling resources by 1750 AD
UHV3: Control a Hit Movie and spread Oil Industry to a city by 1950 AD

Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Philippines
Start: 900AD @ Tondo (Manila)
Leaders: Lapu-Lapu

UP: The Power of Embassies: Naval units can establish embassies. Embassies provide 2 gold in your capital.*
UB: Port. Replaces Harbor. 10% gold
UU: Balangay. Replaces Galley. Cheaper and higher withdraw chance.

UHV1: Establish 7 embassies in 1400 AD.
UHV2: Have at least 8 different happiness resources by 1500 AD
UHV3: Have 5000 gold in 1600 AD

*To establish an embassy, move your naval city in a foreign coastal city. You need OB and at least pleased relationship with the city owner to establish an embassy. You can only establish 1 embassy per civ. You can see your embassies in the victory screen.

South Africa
aka Boers
Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: SouthAfrica
Credits to novicenoble, who created the original modcomp.
Start: 1852 AD @ Pretoria
Leaders: Kruger and Mandela

UP: The Power of Voortrekkers: Additional infrastructure in new and acquired cities
UB: Plaas. Replaces Star Fort. +2 food
UU: Kommando. Replaces Cavalry. Starts with the Mobility promotion, can enter jungle and rainforest

UHV1: Allow no Europeans in South Africa by 1902
UHV2: Secure or get by trade 5 gems resources by 1947 AD
UHV3: Build and ICBM by 1979 AD

Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Swahili
Start: 960 AD @ Kilwa
Leaders: Shirazi, Dawud, Barghash

UP: The Power of Sea Trade: Foreign trade route yeild increased by 100%
UB: Ziara. Replaces Monument. 1 free trade route
UU: Dhow. Replaces Cog. 2 gold when stationed in a foreign city. (max 1 per city)

UHV1: Acquire 4000 gold by trade by 1500 AD (trade routes, diplomacy, trade missions, dhows)
UHV2: Build an Islamic Grand Mosque by 1500 AD.
UHV3: Found a city in Australia by 1650 AD.

Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Sweden
Start: 1523 AD @ Stockholm
Leaders: Gustav Vasa, Gustav Adolf, Karl XII
(Gustav Adolf is not the LH of the Vikings anymore. The Vikings got Christian IV as a lategame LH replacement)

UP: The Power of Nobel Prizes: Settled GP provide 2 :) and 1 gold
UB: Riksbank. Replaces Bank. 25% GP birth rate
UU: Karolin. Replaces Musketman. Starts with the Marsh and Drill I promotions

UHV1: Control the Baltic Coast, Kattegat and Skagerak by 1700 AD.
UHV2: Control or secure by trade 7 Fur resources by 1800 AD.
UHV3: Have the highest approval rating in the world for at least 50 turns by 1970 AD.

Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Vietnam
Start: 257 BC @ Co Loa (Hanoi)
Leaders: Trung Sisters, Chieu Hoang, Ho Chi Minh
UP: The Power of Guerilla Warfare: Units in cities, wooded plots and on hills have 2 first extra strikes
UB: Dinh. Replaces Civic Square. Free City Garrison I promotion for new units
UU: Rattan Archer. Replaces Longbowman. 1 additional first strike, 10% higher withdraw chance, does collateral damage to 1 additional unit

UHV1: Have 8000 culture by 1200 AD
UHV2: Generate 3 Great Generals by 1500 AD
UHV3: Do not lose a single city until 1950 AD

Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Zimbabwe
Start: 1075 AD @ Great Zimbabwe
Leaders: Rushvingo, Mutota

UP: The Power of Stone Cities: extra production and commerce on city tiles
UB: Kraal. Replaces Smokehouse. 1 production on pasture resources
UU: Rizwo Warrior. Replaces Pikeman. 50% vs gunpowder units, doesn't require iron, can enter marsh, jungle and rainforests

UHV1: Build four castles and kraals and Great Zimbabwe and control them in 1600 AD
UHV2: Monopolize Gold, Silver, Gems and Ivory in Sub-Saharan Africa in 1500 AD*
UHV3: Ensure there are no European colonies in Subequatorial Africa in 1700 AD

* Monopoly means have at least 1 copy of those units yourself and have no major civ one of those resources improved in Africa. More detail explanation.

Includes the Great Zimbabwe wonder. 1 food, production and commerce on city tiles.

2nd UU and UB
Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: 2ndUUB
Modcomp that grants a 2nd UU and UB to each civ.

Native American Camp
Spoiler :
Branch: Camps
The camps replace the unit spawn in North America. Instead of natives spawning at time intervals, they spawn from camps.

Camps spawn at intervals. There is a maximum number of camps that can exist at the same time, but this maximum increases over time. After a camp is defeated, a new one will appear after a couple of turns.

Each turn, each existing camp has a chance to spawn units. Getting rid of the camps means getting rid of the unit spawn. Beware that camp units can defend themselves and grow stronger over time.

Playable Barbarians
Spoiler :
Regular Download:
Git branch: Barbarian
A hybrid between the Warlords Barbarian mod and Dawn of Civilization. You can play as the barbarians.

UP: Power of Plunder. All units start with the raider promotion. Recieve gold from doing barbarian activities.

UHV1: Acquire 10000 gold by razing cities and raze at least 10 capitals
UHV2: Acquire 10000 gold by killing units and 5000 gold by pillaging
UHV3: Acquire 5000 gold through piracy and sink at least 50 ships

Camps are the cities of your "civ". There are 2 types of camps, a land based one and a sea water based one. Both function similarly. You can buy new units in your camps. Additionally, you can buy experience for units that are on the same tile as camp units, but unlike the Warlords mod, the costs will increase with the amount of experience a unit has.

Every couple of turns, you can buy additional camps. The first camp in a certain region is free, but the costs of every next camp will increase. Lost camps do not reset the costs. And be sure to protect your camps, if you start a turn without any camps left you automatically loose the game.

Barbarian takeover
The random spawn of barbarians is still in the game. When a barbarian unit spawns, you get the opportunity to take over the barbarian spawn at the costs of some gold. If you didn't accept to take over the units will spawn regularly.

Accumulating gold
You can accumulate gold by doing barbarian stuff, like killing units, pillaging, sinking ships, razing etc. Use this gold to buy new units and do even more barbarian stuff.

- You are at war with every civ, even the normal barbarians. (There can only be one true barbarian player) The AI barbarian has a slightly different flag for recognition.
- You autoraze all cities. Even ones that are otherwise protected from being razed.

Spoiler :
Regular download:
Git branch: Atlantis
Start: 1400 BC @ Atlantis
Leaders: Kleito

UP: The Power of Poseidons Trident: Can build improvements on water tiles
UB: Garden. Replaces Amphitheatre. 2 health and 2 culture
UU: Turma. Replaces Horseman. Starts with the Amphibious promotion and doesn't have a city penalty

UHV1: Control 2 cities in Greece, Egypt and Scandinavia
UHV2: Make Atlantis the most cultured and most populous city in 10 BC
UHV3: Control 7 world wonders in 10 BC

Credits to Sinsyne for the inspiration.

I made it because I wanted to test myself if I was able to code the UP and learn how the improvements work in general. This is more a joke civ. As a result, it isn't as polished as the other civs. Only the 3000 BC scenario works. And the balance might be off by a mile. But I uploaded it so you can enjoy it as well.

Leoreth - For DoC, coding help, suggestion
novicenoble - the original South Africa and Boers civs
steb - various GP names and more
1SDAN - Spotting bugs, general input
Wikipedia - civilopedia entries
RFCE team - art, ideas
RFCA team - art, ideas
History Rewritten - art, ideas
Realism Invictus - art, ideas
Every other person I used content from. Please PM me I used some contect of you and your name isn't on this list.
Everyone who played these modcomps and provided me with ideas and feedback.
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Installation instructions
Regular download

Currently unavailable. Please wait until the release of v1.15.

Git users:
To access my modcomps, you first have to set my fork as a remote. This only needs to be done once. Once you have set up my fork, you don't need to do this again if you want another modcomp of me.

Setting up a new remote
(I assume you use Tortoise git)
Right click on the Dawn of Civilization folder, click TortoiseGit --> Settings.
Go to the Remote menu. (Git --> Remote)

- Click on one of the remotes in the list, change the name (in the box after "Remote:") to something you like. (I suggest merijn_remote or something)
- Replace the URL with the following URL:
- Click add new/Save, select yes if it asks to fetch the remote branches
(Although it may seem you replaced the already existing remote, you are actually adding a new one. I know, it seems wierd, but it works)

Installing modcomps
- Right click on the Dawn of Civilization folder
- TortoiseGit --> Fetch
- Select my remote and click ok

- Right click on the Dawn of Civilization folder
- TortoiseGit --> Create Branch
- Give the branch a nice name
- Select base on: Branch --> remotes/REMOTE_NAME/xxx
REMOTE_NAME is the name of the remote you used when you set up my remote (merijn_remote in the example)
xxx is the modcomp branch
- Click ok

Switching between modcomps/main mod
- Right click on the Dawn of Civilization folder
- TortoiseGit --> Switch/Checkout
- Select the branch
(The "develop" branch is the main mod)
- Click ok

Updating the main mod/modcomp
- Switch to the branch that contains the modcomp/main mod you want to update
- Right click on the Dawn of Civilization folder
- TortoiseGit --> Pull
- For the main mod, select as Remote: origin and as Remote Branch: develop
- For modcomps, select as Remote my remote (merijn_remote) and as Remote Branch the branch you want to update
- Click ok
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I'd like see a civil rights-related UHV for South Africa. And for Australia, something related to helping out in World Wars like "capture and liberate x cities in Europe" instead of the gifting units thing?

Also, with the Australian start date, would it be possible to start the game as a vassal of England of whichever civ has more cities in the country? That would keep some incentive for the player to settle cities there.
Controlling all of Australia would be boring, but Australia and New Zealand (if we want to interpret the civ to be representative of wider Anglo culture in the region) did and do have sovereignty over many (formerly British) territories in the Pacific. If there is a wider territorial goal that includes New Zealand, New Guinea and some Pacific Islands it could be more interesting.

I'd also like to see some goals that have synergies with Australian abilities. For example, if the first goal was population oriented, it would encourage using the UB and also expansion into historical areas as per the above. I could also imagine a goal based around mineral extraction and associated corporations.
I'd like see a civil rights-related UHV for South Africa.

I'm open for ideas. Do you have a good one in mind?

And for Australia, something related to helping out in World Wars like "capture and liberate x cities in Europe" instead of the gifting units thing?

Gifting units require defensive pacts (or vassals) now. I like the unit gifting representing the help of Australia in wars. I think I will add a condition that units should be gifted to at least 3 different civs to make it more interesting.

Also, with the Australian start date, would it be possible to start the game as a vassal of England of whichever civ has more cities in the country? That would keep some incentive for the player to settle cities there.

I think it is possible, but I don't think it's really necessary. The AI doesn't care if a civ spawns later. And it doesn't matter that much for the human player as well. As England, you need to settle it for your UHV. For the Dutch, the UHV is over by the time Australia spawns.

If something like this would be implemented, I think it should apply to some other colonial civs as well.

Controlling all of Australia would be boring, but Australia and New Zealand (if we want to interpret the civ to be representative of wider Anglo culture in the region) did and do have sovereignty over many (formerly British) territories in the Pacific. If there is a wider territorial goal that includes New Zealand, New Guinea and some Pacific Islands it could be more interesting.

I was think of something like this. At least it can serve as a placeholder UHV.

I'd also like to see some goals that have synergies with Australian abilities. For example, if the first goal was population oriented, it would encourage using the UB and also expansion into historical areas as per the above. I could also imagine a goal based around mineral extraction and associated corporations.

I would like to see that too, but I don't have very good ideas for synergy.
I'd also like to see some goals that have synergies with Australian abilities. For example, if the first goal was population oriented, it would encourage using the UB and also expansion into historical areas as per the above. I could also imagine a goal based around mineral extraction and associated corporations.

UP: The Power of the Outback. Liberating and Gifting cities grants you some :commerce: & :science:. Capturing cities in Oceania grants :hammers: towards worker units.

UHV1: Ensure that every resource in Australia and New Zealand is improved by 1910
UHV2: Gift 10 Diggers, Marines or Mechanized Infantries to other civs by 1950 AD
UHV3: Be the first to discover Microbiology and Television.
I'd had a suggestion in another thread that perhaps they should be encouraged to prevent Japanese invasions in the Pacific, with a UHV like "ensure all territory in the Pacific region is either Australian, Indonesian, or independent in 1950." Of course Japan AI never really does the WWII thing, so it'd really end up with Australia having to kill a lot of European cities, so it might not really work.
Why are they not released even as beta? A SVN, git, or something? Many of us would be happy to test and report to you how things work in real games. Also it feels like you are teasing us but don't show even some screenshots! :cry:

Also, what about Celtic and Central Asian civs? Is it very hard to make them playable before we finally see one of them in the main mod? Turkic Khaganate is probably one of the most needed civ for the middle game.
Why are they not released even as beta? A SVN, git, or something? Many of us would be happy to test and report to you how things work in real games. Also it feels like you are teasing us but don't show even some screenshots! :cry:

Also, what about Celtic and Central Asian civs? Is it very hard to make them playable before we finally see one of them in the main mod? Turkic Khaganate is probably one of the most needed civ for the middle game.

I love your enthusiasm. But some things are not finished yet, like the Australian UHV. The main reason I created this thread before the release was to get inspiration for the first UHV, so I can code it now and it is ready when v1.15 is launched. It is not meant to tease anyone.
There are screenshot of the civs on the forums. You could search for them. I will post ones when I have some nice ones.
Also, it is very convinient for me to base the release on an official version.

As for other civs, the one I'm working on now have priority. I really don't know what I will work on after those.
I wonder if the Swahili UHV3 could be more difficult? I mean I know UHV1 is going to be the main challenge, but you could just plop a settler on a galley and settle a city in 1650 to cheat your way past it. Maybe they could have a goal of controlling Somalia or even Oman (their historical rivals) as well?
IIRC there are capes which makes it impossible to reach Australia directly with galleys. Otherwise I will add them.
My idea was that the challenge should come getting the requirements to reach Australia (Optics) in time, while also focussing on your economy to achieve the first UHV. The end date could be earlier if that makes it more challenging.

I didn't play many games to see how doable the UHVs are. Maybe some UHV are way too hard or way too easy.
IIRC there are capes which makes it impossible to reach Australia directly with galleys. Otherwise I will add them.
My idea was that the challenge should come getting the requirements to reach Australia (Optics) in time, while also focussing on your economy to achieve the first UHV. The end date could be earlier if that makes it more challenging.

At least in an older version where I colonized Australia as the Tamils there weren’t capes, but I agree that there should be. With that in mind the goal makes sense.
I see that there currently aren't any capes, so I will place them. I think I got confused with the capes near New Guinea. They do exist, but are meant for preventing Polynesia discovering the world.
I see that there currently aren't any capes, so I will place them. I think I got confused with the capes near New Guinea. They do exist, but are meant for preventing Polynesia discovering the world.

Y’know, technically Polynesia can get around that. If you send a settler to New Guinea and settle S of the cape you can send boats through it to bypass it.

Pretty pointless workaround, but it’s there!
While it is sad I cannot actively work on the modmoding now, great to see old dead mod living in another form again. I sure that UHVs and UPs can be polished further.

Originally I used 1900AD spawn for Australia, but it seemed too late to do meaningful UHV play. It might work with a new set of UHVs.
Australian UP was given in that way because west coast Australian cities were very poor in overall productivity. I thought at least Perth, Darwin, and Carnarvon shall be more attractive to Australian player than expanding into SE Asia.
That is a nice addition, specially since alot of Africa is deserted.

Also, could you please add some Middle East/Asia Minor civs? Such as Assyrians, Hittites.... To be honest, i'm just suggesting this because i really hate the barbarian units that spawn (Vultures and Hittitte Chariots that have 5 STR and bonus dmg to melee)
I still think that Australia should spawn late, it makes no sense for it to spawn in 1788.

The starting date of Australia was a point of discussion when novicenoble created the modcomp. I agree it is not the most historical starting date, but for gameplay reasons it is better to start ahistorically early. Maybe a little later is possible, but much later would be bad for gameplay. Do you have a good suggestion for an alternative starting date?

While it is sad I cannot actively work on the modmoding now, great to see old dead mod living in another form again. I sure that UHVs and UPs can be polished further.

Originally I used 1900AD spawn for Australia, but it seemed too late to do meaningful UHV play. It might work with a new set of UHVs.
Australian UP was given in that way because west coast Australian cities were very poor in overall productivity. I thought at least Perth, Darwin, and Carnarvon shall be more attractive to Australian player than expanding into SE Asia.

The UP is one of my favorite elements of Australia. IMO it's a fun UP, it is useful in general and suits Australia very well, both gameplay wise and historically.

That is a nice addition, specially since alot of Africa is deserted.

Also, could you please add some Middle East/Asia Minor civs? Such as Assyrians, Hittites.... To be honest, i'm just suggesting this because i really hate the barbarian units that spawn (Vultures and Hittitte Chariots that have 5 STR and bonus dmg to melee)

As I mentioned before, I don't have future plans besides polishing the current civs.

The choose new civ based on my feeling to work on them. Some civs I just don't feel like to work on, even though I do think those civs should be added to the game. An example is the Turkic civ. I think that one is one of the best candidates to be included, but somehow I don't feel like working on it myself. (yet?)
The starting date of Australia was a point of discussion when novicenoble created the modcomp. I agree it is not the most historical starting date, but for gameplay reasons it is better to start ahistorically early. Maybe a little later is possible, but much later would be bad for gameplay. Do you have a good suggestion for an alternative starting date?

Is it feasible to have a different starting data depending on whether the civ is human- or AI-controlled? I agree that a 1788 start date is probably more fun to play, but it makes no sense in the context of a historical simulation, considering how other post-colonial civs are handled.

Also the Sweden start date is wrong :)

That is a nice addition, specially since alot of Africa is deserted.

Also, could you please add some Middle East/Asia Minor civs? Such as Assyrians, Hittites.... To be honest, i'm just suggesting this because i really hate the barbarian units that spawn (Vultures and Hittitte Chariots that have 5 STR and bonus dmg to melee)

I don't know if I will mod another civilization after I release my Israel modmod, but if I do, it will most likely be the Assyrians.
The starting date of Australia was a point of discussion when novicenoble created the modcomp. I agree it is not the most historical starting date, but for gameplay reasons it is better to start ahistorically early. Maybe a little later is possible, but much later would be bad for gameplay. Do you have a good suggestion for an alternative starting date?
Well, I still think that it should be 1901, following the same logic is Canada. I think that 1 civ starting so late is not a big problem, and there are still quite a few turns before the end of the game.
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