Merijn new civs and other projects

Thanks, but I prefer the current flag. The current flag is the flag used by the Qing. And I don't really like flags which are basically the civ name but in their own script.
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I'm getting a bug with the Swahili were the only gold from trade that seems to count toward the UHV is from Dhows (so not from trade routes, diplomacy, or Great Merchants). Am I doing something wrong?
SO... Let's do it (again)
We have finished First camapign as RUSSIA
and Second one will be America: welcome!
+ also I have an idea to make English Soundtrack with the same content - perhaps it will be interesting for our Community :cool:
hello i ve found a bug message

please check this.

i saw this message when i had built ITER


  • Civ4ScreenShot0000.JPG
    509.4 KB · Views: 129
Unfortunately, this is a problem caused by the main mod, so I can't fix this.

It is fixed in the main mod, but this modcomp are based on an older version that doesn't have this fix.
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