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Modern Warfare 2 - discussion and recruitment

Dear god, I thought I was the only one

I had one "guy" one playstation online account up yo lord knows how many kills and level 50 something. I was at .80 kills to death ratio and needed 1400 kills to make it even, I was pissed, but the fact of the matter is, it is the highest among 23 friends!!!!!! Most people are in the mid 60s.

There are just a few groups of guys out there owning everyone in sight ........

So because I've improved so much (but can't make up 1400, that will take an eternity) I started a back up, I know he will be at over 1, ..... I am only using him on free for all.

I hate to sound like a nerd, but I suck at FPS, when I get a 1 to 1 kill death ratio, that's when I say "I won". Don't get me wrong, I went 30 and 4 in a free for all match just this morning, and always come out top 3 now ........ But the ratio is haunting me.

Anyway, I've been doing some research on accuracy %s. Seeing as how I am only top 3 million in kills (out of 7 million PS3 players), but I am top 250K in accuracy and the best out of my friends, I decided to look into it.

Here is what I found.

85% accuracy puts you in the top 10K players.
25% in the top 100K
23% in top 250K
21 in top 800K
15% in top 3.5 million
12 in top 7 million (the bottom in reality)

I thought the gaps would be less drastic, but at least I know, I am a good shot *shrug* Yes I now using Shotgun only close up means high accuracy, but that's not what I do.

I think I would be much higher if it said "Accuracy with Assault Rifles"

My KD ratio is about 1.2 at the moment but I have a negative win loss ratio. I think its because of my defensive play, don't do much attacking so I don't die as much. I'll have to look up my accuracy but I'm sure its terrible. Its very hard to run around with RPD and extended mags with scavenger and not shoot at everything all the time.
K/D ratio - I started a spreadsheet to track my stats and so it tells me my recent k/d. I am usually 1.7-2.5. EDIT: My actual k/d is (EDIT: 1.14 - whoops missed a digit there. Don't want you guys to think I'm better than I am), but I sucked for the first 2000 kills or so. At 7k kills now. It's kind of funny, but since I prestiged I am just trying to level up and not worrying about it.

And illram, the absolute key for offense on Demolition is to know the good locations in the enemy spawn for tactical insertions. Since you are forced to spawn on the other side, this saves you the run and you can defend planted bombs immediately.
Since my win loss ratio is 1.14, and my K/D ratio is .9, I have concluded for my own personal well-being that win/loss is more important than K/D. :lol:

Seriously though, no matter how much I chip away at my negative K/D ratio with positive games, I very quickly destroy it with one or two bad games. My problem is I will often hover around 1:1 K/D ratio, going slightly above or below most games, and then once in a while totally blow it with a 20-30 game or something. So my K/D ratio is not really getting higher at this point. It's very frustrating so I am now trying to just not worry about it. I mainly play objective based games and try to go for objectives, so I end up dying a lot. But, since I am getting the objectives done (and still get a lot of kills, albeit with a lot of deaths) I usually wind up at the top or near the top of the leaderboard. It's always funny to see me at the top going 30-35, with the person in second going 40-6 or something...

My accuracy also isn't very good, hovering 14.60% right now. Then again I run and gun with SMGs and do a lot of spraying with the AUG, so that probably doesn't help. I pretty much only snipe on Afghan and Wasteland, maybe Derail sometimes.

@Syterion: Yeah, I am getting to love the Tactical insertion. I do love my grenades but it's pretty useful to spawn near key points in the map. The rub is of course figuring out where those key points are. (I still occasionally will think I a throwing a grenade only to pull out the flare.. d'oh)
My win/loss is 1.2 I think, though I haven't looked at it in a while. I think it's way more important than your k/d, especially for objective. I usually just do whatever role the team needs, whether it's capture monkey or slayer. I'm probably best at just being a stealth guy that doesn't let the team advance because they're getting shot in the back all day. Today I was playing Dom on Derail and the other team was mostly sniping (which just doesn't work in objective) and I was just all up in their spawn shooting them while they're trying to focus across the map. I think I was 30-9 with like 4 double kills from the AT4 (Temptation to blow them up even though I could knife them was too much). The best thing ever, though, is planting a claymore behind someone and leaving.
I saw this video the other day about a kit which the guy claims breaks the game. The example he gave was 103:3 kills:deaths. One-man Army Pro; Danger Close Pro; [3rd perk]; Rifle+tube; Clays. Kill streaks involving missile; harrier; chopper gunner. To me, it does look broken - just fire your grenades, reload the class, repeat. Beware the occasional bad language.

I dont care about statistics. I know that when I load up a sniper class, I kapown people. Normally I try to go for the objectives in a most hardcore way so I die often. No biggie, I make us win games.
My win/loss is 1.2 I think, though I haven't looked at it in a while. I think it's way more important than your k/d, especially for objective. I usually just do whatever role the team needs, whether it's capture monkey or slayer. I'm probably best at just being a stealth guy that doesn't let the team advance because they're getting shot in the back all day. Today I was playing Dom on Derail and the other team was mostly sniping (which just doesn't work in objective) and I was just all up in their spawn shooting them while they're trying to focus across the map. I think I was 30-9 with like 4 double kills from the AT4 (Temptation to blow them up even though I could knife them was too much). The best thing ever, though, is planting a claymore behind someone and leaving.

I love the games where its clear the other team is more concerned with kills than actually winning. Of course I hate getting stuck on those squads as well!

As for the OMA game breaker, noob tubers are annoying but it's part of the game so I have to deal with them. (And I have had my fun with the noob tube occasionally.) Game breaking for me is the EAD glitch, where people are just constantly calling in air drops and getting constant AC-130s, Chopper Gunners, Sentry guns, etc. Sometimes the whole team gets in on it and they plant 3 or 4 sentry guns around their little defined EAD area and they just sit there the entire game guarding it and getting their care packages. Of course these teams also will wind up losing the match, if its objective-based since none of them are actually trying to accomplish the objectives, but it's still annoying.
Your KDR is listed on a chart, but that is about it.
Ultimately, if you are good and having fun, you're going to have a KDR of at least 1:1 and an accuracy percentage of at least 15 percent.
For me it's just my competitive nature. If I am either winning the match or going positive I am having a good time. Usually.
Does win/loss ratio or kill/death ratio do anything?

If not, who cares?

Why would anyone ever play video games? To get a good score/be a good player. KD ratio and win/loss ratio are indicators of that, so one tries to get good ones.
Ultimately, if you are good and having fun, you're going to have a KDR of at least 1:1 and an accuracy percentage of at least 15 percent.

Im above 1.0, but I still have matches where I get pwned nonstop. I do play domination mostly, so its only natural that in games where your team sucks, you're going to die a lot in attempts to capture the points. On the other hand, killstreaks can you give a nice boost. On maps like Derail you can easily take Hardliner + sentry gun, airstrike and an attack helicopter and once or twice get all of them. That really gets your kills up quite nicely.
my k/d is hovering around 1.40 at the moment. sometimes it goes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, but its pretty constant.

my win/loss ratio is rubbish, but thats cause i leave lots of games early... if my team is crap, i refuse to get spawnkilled repeatedly by the enemies chopper gunner. also i play a fair bit of free-for-all, and i tend to take a slower approach, meaning i rarely top the leaderboard in kills, but often have the best k/d.
my deathstreak is almost always higher than my killstreak, but just as long as I get 10 kills (my average) or higher than I consider myself to have done a good job.
Can anyone look into what the accuracy rates are on the PC version?

I am guessing it's higher......
I saw this video the other day about a kit which the guy claims breaks the game. The example he gave was 103:3 kills:deaths. One-man Army Pro; Danger Close Pro; [3rd perk]; Rifle+tube; Clays. Kill streaks involving missile; harrier; chopper gunner. To me, it does look broken - just fire your grenades, reload the class, repeat. Beware the occasional bad language.

That kid just happens to be REALLY good at the game (he has videos of him using normal classes, and just going berserk on them), and that's why you can do that. It's not that easy to use that class and go 50-5. The grenade launchers (pro pipes) are specialty weapon. They dominate the close-midrange. But very close combat and midrange and farther they are not very good (they don't explode before a certain distance, and take a while in the air). So it takes intelligence to use them such that you are always in the range where they are useful. It's not just that simple to own with that class. That said, you can spawn trap very easily with that class and lock down certain sections of some maps with that class (since the constant claymores and grenades in certain places that have the right range can make you near unkillable). But smart opponents can take you out of your comfort zone.

A basic rule in this game is that you can win with any class with smart play, and lose with any class with poor play.
my k/d is hovering around 1.40 at the moment. sometimes it goes a little higher, sometimes a little lower, but its pretty constant.

Bad teams are the main if not the single reason why a k/d ratio goes down for me, and I bet for anyone. I really think anyone with rather high k/d ratio do the same: leave when their team is bad and cornered. I don't, but I don't care about k/d. Basically, k/d his pointless if you don't leave games where your team is bad, because it's more of a measure of how lucky you were with the quality of the teams you got into, than of personal skill. Mine in CoD4 is about 1.15 or 1.2 I think.
Well, I tried Hardcore TDM and HQ last night. Let me save you all some trouble, if you haven't tried it yet.

Hardcore (anything) = 5 or 6 snipers/campers, 3 or 4 noobs running around getting wiped out. 1 or 2 decent players trying to actually capture the HQ and getting wiped out by snipers/campers.
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