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My CivilizationIV.ini is messed up!

Are you re-installing BtS too? This is probably were your problem lies.

Should be no need to re-install Civ IV. But since you have did you Patch Civ IV after you re-installed? That is a must.

Yes, I installed Civ IV and then BTS then manually applied the 3.19 patch.
Yes, I installed Civ IV and then BTS then manually applied the 3.19 patch.

But did you Patch Civ IV 1st with it's last Official 1.74 Patch Before you installed BtS?

And are you clearing out the Cache (completely deleting it's contents) found in C:\Users\Name here\AppData\Local\My Games\Beyond the Sword ?
(this is the path for win10 x64, but if using win 7 or 8 is very similar)
Hmmm, not sure about the 1.74 patch. I installed Civ IV, then BTS and that installed a patch but I don't know what version. I then manually installed 3.19. I'm going to try cleaning the cache and if that doesn't work try installing the game again. It's not like I've done anything yet....
Thanks everyone for all the help. Wow, intrepid, dedicated modders and helpful game support! You guys are aces! :goodjob:
Now a days I only install Civ IV, BtS and the 3.19 patch everything is included in that group of installs.
Spoiler :
I used to do the lot Civ IV, Warlords, two patches, BtS, more patches; but after being informed I only need ed the three I tried it and everything is fine.
Now a days I only install Civ IV, BtS and the 3.19 patch everything is included in that group of installs.
Spoiler :
I used to do the lot Civ IV, Warlords, two patches, BtS, more patches; but after being informed I only need ed the three I tried it and everything is fine.

Good bit of info, Thanks.

Luckily I've never had to re-install Civ IV or BtS. Remove and replace Mods yes, no re-installs. :D

Yeah, tried reinstalling yet again and still not working. I contacted 2K support and they requested a picture of the original discs and boxes and they're supposedly sending me a key for the Steam version. hopefully get it soon and it will work, haven't played C2C for days!! :(
Well, I got a Steam key for Civ IV complete. Still have the same problem with the ini file. Played vanilla Civ as well as several turns of BTS and still have that stunted file. Guess I'm done with Civ IV. So long and thanks for all the fish. :(
I had a shortcut to C2C using the ini file. Something like ini=CivilizationIV.ini. At any rate, it was working fine but when I went to play this afternoon, all it would load is vanilla Beyond The Sword. I made a new shortcut this time using mod= /mod C2C SVN (don't remember the specifics) and it worked fine loading C2C. However, during the game, I tried to promote a Town Watchman but nothing happened. I exited the game, checked the My Games folder and looked at the CivilizationIV.ini. I remember it having a bunch of text, including the movealong=chipotle thing I was looking for. However, now it just looks like this;

I have to ask this, if your Town Watchman would not promote Why are you looking at Any .ini file? This makes No Sense. The .ini has Nothing to do with TW promotions.

And That file looks like Civ IV's .ini Not BtS. And BtS is the one you would use to make a short cut. But still has absolutely nothing to do with a TW not promoting. I think you're chasing a rabbit trail.

I think you're maybe hung up on looking at the wrong .ini file on the wrong level. And neither are your problem.

1st step/question, Can you actually play C2C? And do you use the SVN or are you using the v36 release from last year?

If yes to the 1st then hope is not lost. Answer to the 2nd will tell what path needs taken next.

EDIT: The .ini file location is in My Documents\My Game\Beyond The Sword\ The file is at the bottom of the list starting with assets; CivilizationIV.ini. There can and really should be a CivilizationIV.ini.bak And a CivilizationIV.bak. Is this were you are looking?

Also since you are using Civ IV Complete some of these files may be/are in different locations, iirc. You Really have to give the locations and what OS you are using. Win 10? win 7? is it x64 or not?

Too much guess work from too little details given I'm afraid SteelSterling. Details are a Must, the more you can give the Easier to find the cause.

When I meant promoting, I meant I used Ctrl+ to auto promote to see if the line cheat code = chipotle was still there and it wasn't. That's when I checked the CivilizatioIV.ini located in C:\Users\My Name\Documents\My Games\beyond the sword. I use the SVN version of C2C. I also got all my settings the way I wanted and created a new profile (while in the C2C main menu) called C2C profile, but I have not been able to find it anywhere. The video options seems to be okay but audio and game options seem to revert to what they are on a new game.
Using Win10. I have both a CivilizationIV.ini and CivilizationIV.ini.bak file. If I copy an old .ini file over, the game renames it with the .bak extension and then just makes its own .ini file
Did this start happening when you were trying to use an Older Save game?

If so then you will need to abandon that game Or revert Back to the SVN version you Were using when you started it or last successfully updated. There was a recent SVN that broke save games because It was used to rearrange the game set up Options (some were removed or hidden). BUG would also have been affected by that particular SVN version.

Have you tried starting a New game with current SVN?

EDIT: Also have you went into USERS\"Name of user here"\AppData (for win 10\Local\My Games\Beyond The Sword\cache. In the cache file Delete everything in there. In this same place is a folder under cache named Profiles. In it is a file named Default Profile.pfl this might be what you are looking for, maybe.

EDIT2: If you delete the cache (and you should) you will need to start a Play Now game for C2C. Play 1 turn and then exit. Next go back and start a new game with Custom Game and set it up with the "newly ordered" Game set up Options for how you want to play. There are some New Options and some of the Old are gone now.

Of course you did not answer what OS you are using either.

I don't have the most recent SVN. Not even sure of the number. I believe I last updated 3/9 in the evening. I was continuing a game. I was playing in the morning, went out, and when I started the game had the problem. I had been using a shortcut I created with an ini file for C2C. That's when I first realized something was wrong. I started anew game of C2C SVN and again created a profile called C2C Profile but can't find it anywhere.
I'll try updating the SVN and try a new game.
When I meant promoting, I meant I used Ctrl+ to auto promote to see if the line cheat code = chipotle was still there and it wasn't. That's when I checked the CivilizatioIV.ini located in C:\Users\My Name\Documents\My Games\beyond the sword. I use the SVN version of C2C. I also got all my settings the way I wanted and created a new profile (while in the C2C main menu) called C2C profile, but I have not been able to find it anywhere. The video options seems to be okay but audio and game options seem to revert to what they are on a new game.
Using Win10. I have both a CivilizationIV.ini and CivilizationIV.ini.bak file. If I copy an old .ini file over, the game renames it with the .bak extension and then just makes its own .ini file

This last part is normal Civ IV and BtS behavior.

I don't have the most recent SVN. Not even sure of the number. I believe I last updated 3/9 in the evening. I was continuing a game. I was playing in the morning, went out, and when I started the game had the problem. I had been using a shortcut I created with an ini file for C2C. That's when I first realized something was wrong. I started anew game of C2C SVN and again created a profile called C2C Profile but can't find it anywhere.
I'll try updating the SVN and try a new game.

That 3/9 update would've included the SVN version that Broke all older games. We actually have had several. But the one that reordered the Options is the one that most likely messed you up.

Yeah get SVN 9176 and start new game After you have cleared that cache file I posted about, USERS\"Name of user here"\AppData (for win 10\Local\My Games\Beyond The Sword\cache.

Then do a 1 turn Play Now Game Before you start a normal Custom Game with the New Game Set Up Options List.

I wanted to thank everyone on this thread for the discussion. For the longest time, I have had the issue where my game options were not retained in between sessions. Running C2C as an admin fixed that issue.
And yesterday, I was started to have a problem where I could not get my interface to appear in any game I started. Ctrl-I did not do anything, in fact, when I opened the BUG interface nothing was displayed! In this case, a cold boot fixed that one.
Strange things this weekend - I wonder if Day Light Savings has Nything to do with it? :)
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