or it could halve the XP penalty for purchasing units (ie. 3/4 xp for purchased units on empire). Neither idea got much excitement.
I think orders is often underestimated, also doesn’t it drop distress? That’s pretty huge
Yeah, Orders do a lot. A single Order in your capital city is good (eg from St. Basil), but it doesn't come close to having Orders in many cities.I think orders is often underestimated, also doesn’t it drop distress? That’s pretty huge
Yup, I was just having fun using Zulu to combo Orders, Ikanda, Hero Worship, and Zealotry. It's devastating synergy. Let's just say the AI wasn't having a great time...Orders are pretty good if you have war in the horizon, it will help you maintain very good amount of faith generation to spread/maintain your religion, to buy GPs and if you go zealotry you can buy powerful full xp units every turn, without needing the requried building (good for conquest). I think the "problem" is there are other religious buildings offering very good bonuses (mandirs, cathedrals, mosques are all very powerful too imho), so people look at orders and you can replace it's most unique component (morale everywhere) by building/buying units in the city with heroic epic. Only downside for me when it comes to orders is it's not very attractive for small civs, but the scalability is probably the best any religious building can offer imho.
Prora also does this already for Autocracy.Regarding Alhambra, maybe a pillage bonus for all units could be attractive (bit of science/culture on pillage for all units on the empire? I know vikings promotion already covers the pillaged tiles so it would feel like less unique), it's something used for warmongering and not for deffensive purposes, so I think it could be fitting for an honor wonder.
yes, and drop the freedom policy to 3/4 XP on purchased units too. So you have to have both Brandenburg and the freedom policy to get full XP on purchased units.I think the problem there is that it would be made obsolete by the Freedom policy that grants purchased units their full XP.
I know, but I think Prora comes in way too late (specially compared to the other 2 ideology wonders). Imho it has the weakest bonus of all 3 wonders as autocracy civs will have to go wider than most, and the happiness is tied to policies, and the culture is less noticeable if you go wide. The free policy is very strong though, but any ideological wonder provides this.Prora also does this already for Autocracy.
yes, and drop the freedom policy to 3/4 XP on purchased units too. So you have to have both Brandenburg and the freedom policy to get full XP on purchased units.
That freedom policy is OP anyways; it more than deserves the nerf
I personally like Brandenburg, the GG is almost always very nice and I appreciate the extra XP when it comes to training ranged units/airplanes. Only exception would be if I am either Rome (tons of ggs) or playing heavy faith generating civs with zealotry and orders, or a civ with good GPT and honor + autocracy (as you get much more xp on training, and more combat xp too), then I usually buy the mercenary unit available at the specific era and produce the others.Right now, Brandenburg is simply a horrid wonder, especially after the H Epic change. Basils’ free order gives comparable bonuses on top of St Basils’ actual wonder bonuses. The wonder’s only real value is its largesupply boost
it also happens when i produce units, not just a settler.Denn, this should only happen when you're building settler units. Stagnating was always here, but losing 1 pop when done was implemented only a few patches ago.
I remember @HeathcliffWarriors explaining this recently. Pretty sure the AI actually does take military threat into account starting 5-tiles from their border. You have those Hoplites and an archer precisely within that range, and he's worried.So Hiawatha just gave me the "Move or Declare" dialogue from this situation:
Spoiler :![]()
He had a Warrior escorting a Settler on the tile immediately NE of the bottom Hoplite on the turn I moved that army where they are now.
Am I missing something? I know with 100% certainty I would not have the option to ask that if I found an army 4-5 tiles away from my nearest tile, and I've never seen the AI do it from so far out either. Feels like I got cheesed.
I remember @HeathcliffWarriors explaining this recently. Pretty sure the AI actually does take military threat into account starting 5-tiles from their border. You have those Hoplites and an archer precisely within that range, and he's worried.
I personally like Brandenburg, the GG is almost always very nice and I appreciate the extra XP when it comes to training ranged units/airplanes. Only exception would be if I am either Rome (tons of ggs) or playing heavy faith generating civs with zealotry and orders, or a civ with good GPT and honor + autocracy (as you get much more xp on training, and more combat xp too), then I usually buy the mercenary unit available at the specific era and produce the others.
Rest of the time I'm quite happy if I can get Brandenburg. I personally believe there are other wonders that aren't as attractive as Brandenburg in any era (Taj Mahal, Chichen Itza, Notre Dame, Oracle, Cristo Redentor, CN Tower), to me those wonders feel even more "niche" than Brandenburg.