New NESes, ideas, development, etc


Regeneration In Process
Apr 8, 2001
Ekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk), Russia
Alright, there already was a thread like that before, but sadly, I failed to find it. So, I'll start a new one.

The purposes of this thread are to:
1) Share ideas for new NESes that would have been nice to have here.
2) Nagg at the people who promised to start NESes but forgot to. :p
3) Help develop existant NES ideas - the setting, the rules, and so forth.

Generally, it is supposed to help those people here who WANT to start a NES but either don't know what sort of a NES to make, either need help with further developing their ideas. I think such a thread will be useful.

So, for the start, I will nagg at a certain person. Stormbringer, where is that 1919 NES you promised? ;)
Star Trek year 2150 NES but not only existing factions,new ones could be made using a template!!!Or a 2050-2100 Future modern NES!Someone make plz!
Or star trek with the Terran Empire... you know, the mirror universe.
Nobody ever makes WWII-era NESes anymore. The last one I remember was ComNES III: The Day the Earth's Foundations Fled, but that was a month or longer ago...I don't have nearly enough skill or patience to be a Mod, so could someone do that?
Well, IMHO you should give it a try Dachspmg. You can't find out if you can mod or not without actually trying.
Dachspmg said:
Nobody ever makes WWII-era NESes anymore.
Call me crazy but just looking through past NESes, the reason most of them don't go beyond the industrial age is psychotic/immoral players with nukes...
Any space NES will be greatly appreciated:
B5, Robotech, free start, anything.
World War 2 or 3 NESes are also missing....
I had an idea...

Basically, you take a map of an existing NES, or real world at some time.

You take out a circular chunk of land where no one will miss it.

You then put in a few island chains of a totally unknown culture, preferably from a fantasy world.

If they fly dragons, all the better.

Case in point (Hint: look near the upper caspian):

Just as long as those dragonriders are all Athealist allies of Armenia ;)

I would like to see a Medieval-era NES on a world map other than the Earth world map, i.e. an NES with only humans (no fantasy elements) in the Middle Ages, but not on Earth.
no star trek, no babylon 5, no sci-fi show nes that almost noone else on this board has seen. The mod wont mod it for very long and it will die very quickly, trust me.

Modern nes is hell enough to mod, and unless youve got a way to bring the 100 countries to around 20, its going to be even worse with a future nes with space exploration and etc.

Id like to see more historical nes' and maybe a fresh start where you can only choose civilization III nations (but there would be different kinds of NPC's for variety).
Call me crazy but just looking through past NESes, the reason most of them don't go beyond the industrial age is psychotic/immoral players with nukes...

I have a cunning plan on how to partially-neutralize the nuke thing. Anyway, the REAL reason most NESes don't make it far is because mods lose interest fast.

World War 2 or 3 NESes are also missing....

I want a World War Four NES! :p
I would like to see a Medieval-era NES on a world map other than the Earth world map, i.e. an NES with only humans (no fantasy elements) in the Middle Ages, but not on Earth.

Better yet, no fantasy elements, but with progressors! There was a really good Strugatsky book on that, called "Hard to be a God".

no star trek, no babylon 5, no sci-fi show nes that almost noone else on this board has seen. The mod wont mod it for very long and it will die very quickly, trust me.

Well, maybe they didn't try well enough...
Modern nes is hell enough to mod, and unless youve got a way to bring the 100 countries to around 20, its going to be even worse with a future nes with space exploration and etc.

Well, yes, its hard. That said, Goober is getting by somehow, so...
Id like to see more historical nes' and maybe a fresh start where you can only choose civilization III nations (but there would be different kinds of NPC's for variety).

Agree with the first one, I especially want 1919. As for the second one, well, sorry, don't see what's the interest in that.

How about a Fresh Start NES where horses, etc, etc didn't die out in America and instead did in Europe? Its a challenge, but with a suitable amount of polar bears applied to the task...
Hm...I can't quite find it.

Precisely. That's why I started a new one.
What about ocean colonization or Alpha Centauri?
That reminds me - I want to play in an NES based on SMAC (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri).
I have been toying with the idea that in a few weeks I shall be starting the next installement of the American Empire nes.

For those who werent around me and Azale ran a pretty good American Empire nes based on the Turtledove GreatWAR series. The nes was based at the end of WW1. The new one will be called Triumphant Nations and based after ww2. Keep on the lookout for it, as it will be up sometime in late August, early September....
Cleric said:
What about ocean colonization or Alpha Centauri?

An easy way for a diffrent map is to make the land of earth the oceans and the oceans the land. Obviously you would make your own mountain ranges and rivers and stuff like that....
What about ocean colonization or Alpha Centauri?
That reminds me - I want to play in an NES based on SMAC (Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri).
Where's Nexus?

When I return, expect a lot of ideas here.
I have been playing with an idea for some time. It is an ancient times NES with some mythological extras. Most important might be Atlantis, but there will also be things like centaures, amazons or gods walking around. This is not mainly influenced by Age of Mythology, but more by Zeus - Master of Olympus. The map would most likely limited to Europa, Northern Africa + Mesopotania.

I will use standart story-nes rules with some extras. I will try to make the mythological aspect not too big, so it should still play like a normal story nes.

What do you think?
I could help develop SMAC NES....
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