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Very weird settle by Ethiopia. What's up with this? His capital is like, half a world away. lol

In vanilla AI can found a city 3 steps from someone's capital, simply because he so wanted to and there was an empty place.
Has anyone changed there diploapproachweights.sql since ilteroi put it in this patch? Im especially curios if people have tested how adaptive AI can be, as in they are more likely to adjust plans depending on circumstance, has anyone tested out this function? How'd it go?

I adjusted the distance to to have more of an impact when considering war and am also allowing everyone to bribe for war for the first time in ages (since it used to be just an absolute horsehockey show of wars being declared left and right). I've just reached industrial and it seems good so far! :thumbsup:
Does the AI have any patterns or preferences when creating armies? In addition to the fact that everyone stamps unique units to the point of insanity?

Here are some behaviors that would look good:

Tradition is a mixture of ranged and melee foot units, with no or few catapults. Tradition plays on defense with strong cities. The size of the territory depends on the development of culture, but the cities are close to each other, so cavalry is not a preference.

Progress - many cities scattered over a vast territory. Cavalry preference - cavalry, knights, skirmishers. Maybe scouts are like very mobile cross-country units (but need to make them stronger).

Autocracy - cities are underdeveloped, they are protected by the army, not walls or fortresses. The territory is torn apart and is growing due to the capture of cities, cities are located near strategic resources. Army - swords and catapults (as it is on the lower technological branch) - a solid wall of iron, moving slowly and grinding everything that comes in its way. Some cavalry as reconnaissance patrols. There are no or few archers.
Please note, everyone, that all of these reports regarding the AI's military behavior will not be paid attention to.

If you want them to be adjusted or fixed, please open an issue on our GitHub issues tracker ( and provide all of the requested details, including a savegame and your list of other mods.

Otherwise, we cannot do much.
Those ships aren't even close to killing a city, best they can do is annoy you. I'd be amazed if they could get you down to 3/4 health even if they did attack constantly and you had no naval units.
Regarding this, I really do think cities should be way more weak, less health, less defense UNLESS you really work that way with fealty policies for instance or some new ideas to develop (new fortification building, new policies in Authority, GP expansion, IDK...).
It really remove the "pulp" aspect of Civ5 and turns VP into a total war mod (okay I exaggerate but you get my point) and it had pushed me to even want to play military civs at all because the end game is really painful and boring with never dying units and 20+ turns of grinding to break an enemy block of units then to take down his city.
I'd like to see more damages, more cities falling and being liberated than it is at the moment.
And Hinin's tweaks to warfare goes that way and became a must to me. Sometimes I grunt when my purposely undefended city get halved by a roaming trireme or barabarian but man, I should have defended that city properly, no?
Regarding this, I really do think cities should be way more weak, less health, less defense UNLESS you really work that way with fealty policies for instance or some new ideas to develop (new fortification building, new policies in Authority, GP expansion, IDK...).
It really remove the "pulp" aspect of Civ5 and turns VP into a total war mod (okay I exaggerate but you get my point) and it had pushed me to even want to play military civs at all because the end game is really painful and boring with never dying units and 20+ turns of grinding to break an enemy block of units then to take down his city.
I'd like to see more damages, more cities falling and being liberated than it is at the moment.
And Hinin's tweaks to warfare goes that way and became a must to me. Sometimes I grunt when my purposely undefended city get halved by a roaming trireme or barabarian but man, I should have defended that city properly, no?
I take cities regularly and it's not hard at all, I think it's may be too easy. I think that problem lies in AI indecisiveness, not committing enough, not pushing hard.
I take cities regularly and it's not hard at all, I think it's may be too easy. I think that problem lies in AI indecisiveness, not committing enough, not pushing hard.
Yeah, me too, but I also think that cities are OP compared to units. I'd prefer if units for defense meant more.
Is it intended that cities settled by pioneer or colonist don't get lodge? This seems strange since such cities get all other early buildings (excluding defencive ones of course)
Is it intended that cities settled by pioneer or colonist don't get lodge? This seems strange since such cities get all other early buildings (excluding defencive ones of course)
They don’t get herbalists either.
Will likely be a couple more days till the new release, am really busy and implementing all these proposals is a lot of work.
Will likely be a couple more days till the new release, am really busy and implementing all these proposals is a lot of work.
Don't rush, a new version every month is quite impressive for a mod but if it takes longer or if you guys need a break, take one. You guys have made an amazing mod so don't worry about how long it takes.
Will likely be a couple more days till the new release, am really busy and implementing all these proposals is a lot of work.
Oh how delightful, I had thought the proposals would have come on the release. It's a November miracle
I have seen a similar pattern, but a logic with the pattern: if the CS of the city is high enough, they will chicken out on attacking the city with melee units until its hp is low enough. They won't risk melee units in attrition wars to take a city, unless they feel they are punching down hard enough.

I have seen this based on shuffling around defensive units around cities which are blockaded by triremes. The triremes would not attack if the defending unit was too strong, but would risk it if I swapped in a weaker ranged defender. If the wall was coming a few turns later, they probably would use the melee units for the coup de grace, for a safe low risk city capture. That's obviously the wrong choice here, cause the walls are coming up sooner than later. Oh, and the mountain there is absolutely screwing up surrounding the city.

As whether they should be more aggressive or not, I am not sure. How much should the ai value their soldiers lives, or at least the production investment, and how easily can they replace their soldiers? If they can replace them pretty fast, then it makes sense for then to be more bold with their tactics. If not, then it doesn't seem so smart.

I haven't played for one year, and back then AI melee units didn't have this problem. Back then they did attack the city - but somewhere among all the' patching' the AI meele units stoped attacking cities all together.

The city iin my screenshot is almost down to half of it's strength and still the melee units just 'hang around'. I mean I had an low health slinger in my city with no walls, and the ai had one trireme, 2-3 spearmen - within just a few turns the city would had fallen.

When it comes to naval units it's the same pattern. I kill them off because these units just 'hang around'.

I mean when I last played, when the AI approached with it's navy, it was extremely difficult to withstand such an attack (no matter if you had walls/castle/arsenal!). One had to have a bounch of ranged units to be able to defend the city from land. Again things have gone wrong somewhere in the patching of the AI.
What do the modders specifcally need on this issue? i can send them logs/ feedback to troubleshoot? AI seems to retreat more if your stronger ive been in situations before where ive lost cities to the ai being aggressive. some AI are too far away to fight and they send a couple of Melee ships too and they dont do much damage even to other ai However ive seen in my latest game Egypt has completly conquered Netherlands, ive decided to liberate them because i got bored and egypt AI are just walkovers no fighting at all (being a few techs ahead of the AI Egypt just gave up for bieng conquerers i expect a better fight
In all of the instances reported of AI melee standing and not attacking, were there active reinforcements available to fill the tile they were standing on on the same turn? If not, it could be the AI is strategically favouring blockading over expending a unit.
ai favours picking off weaker units and draining its hp with ranged units and finishing it off with melee, it does make suboptimal moves by doing this I think it favours killing weaker units first if it cant make a kill it will I believe blockade or retreat . Finshing off my korea game as we speak, its now defending in numbers and killed two units ( thats because i got complacent and moved them too close to cities and got finshed off by ranged and melee)
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