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NHL CFC Playoffs Pool III

If the Sens get swept they should get booted out of the NHL, that kind of threat should waken them up
I'd like to give a big middle finger to Ballsille or however you spell his name. Move the team from Nashville? Go straight to hell, or at least the next best thing (Canada). There's not a Canadian team (or American) that has fans that make as much noise as the Preds do. Seriously, I'd kill for Vancouver to have as good fans as Nashville does.
@Pasi, I disagree strongly, but agree at the same time. Nashville had the 8th worst attendance in the NHL, with the 3rd best record. In the States, teams that win get fans, normally. Nashville was the exception. (*THIS COMES FROM A NASHVILLE FAN!*) The few who existed were loud. THat is much smaller than Winnipeg has. The petition for a team to move to winnipeg has MORE signatures than the Gaylord Centre had average attendance, including playoffs. I hope they dont move, but at the same time, Canada WOULD be good for the team, BUT I hope THEY dont move. Phx/Dal/Fla/TB/Car/Atl, I wouldnt care if they moved. I would be happy.
Winnipeg really deserves a team. They miss the Jets so much.

Nashville is one of my favourite teams, however.
That's a decent number. Of course, it can't match Canada.

Get used to seeing more of Ottawa, Ducks.
Someone told me that I should cheer for Ottawa because they're a Canadian team.

..and? As if a team in Ottawa represents me somehow? I live closer to Tijuana than Ottawa. It's pseudonationalism like the whole "they're Canada's team" that makes no sense to me. I don't want Anaheim to win, but I don't care who wins. Since Buffalo was eliminated I've just stopped caring about these playoffs.

It would be nice for Anaheim to win so that I could say my team lost to the champions, that we were beaten by the best.
Someone told me that I should cheer for Ottawa because they're a Canadian team.

..and? As if a team in Ottawa represents me somehow? I live closer to Tijuana than Ottawa. It's pseudonationalism like the whole "they're Canada's team" that makes no sense to me. I don't want Anaheim to win, but I don't care who wins. Since Buffalo was eliminated I've just stopped caring about these playoffs.

It would be nice for Anaheim to win so that I could say my team lost to the champions, that we were beaten by the best.

In an economical win, you should want this series to go in 7 games so that the most games are played in Ottawa, making your country that bit richer.
Series game give a small boost to the very local economy.
I didn't cheer for the Flames or the Oilers when they went the distance, but I also didn't cheer for the Lightning or the Hurricanes. You may have an interest in the actual sport or final, but I find it ridiculous that some of us are trying to paint this into Canada's team. There is but one "Canada's team", and that's whatever squad we send out to the various World Events.

If the Sens win the Cup, they will win it for Ottawa, NOT Canada.

I have a lot more respect for the Leafs fans who do not want Ottawa to win than for the fans of other teams who are suddenly cheering for the Sens.

That being said, come on boys! I want an Ottawa victory to make it to the Icelandic newspapers.
I believe the Oilers fans are the single loudest fans in the NHL, and they sell out 90% of the time.

The whole "Canada's Team" annoys me as well, I would prefer if the Cup went back to Canada but if it was Detroit vs Ottawa I would be cheering for the Wings and not the Sens. But since its the Ducks, well screw the Ducks and go Sens. Oh and good for Pronger getting suspended.
Pronger gets a one game suspension, McAmmond may be unable to play.

Ducks will be without Pronger for Game 4

OTTAWA — The Anaheim Ducks will have to play without Chris Pronger — again. Pronger was suspended Sunday for Game 4 of the Stanley Cup finals for his forearm to the head of Dean McAmmond that knocked out the Senators forward and made his status for Monday night's pivotal game questionable.

That's a good call, That was a damn dirty hit.
I didn't cheer for the Flames or the Oilers when they went the distance, but I also didn't cheer for the Lightning or the Hurricanes. You may have an interest in the actual sport or final, but I find it ridiculous that some of us are trying to paint this into Canada's team. There is but one "Canada's team", and that's whatever squad we send out to the various World Events.

If the Sens win the Cup, they will win it for Ottawa, NOT Canada.

I have a lot more respect for the Leafs fans who do not want Ottawa to win than for the fans of other teams who are suddenly cheering for the Sens.

That being said, come on boys! I want an Ottawa victory to make it to the Icelandic newspapers.

Im only cheering for the Sens because I took them in my pool. I already prepared a flag that says "Sens Suck" to be used in Ottawa on my car if the Sens loose. :p
I agree with both P and Pasi. It's something I felt like posting before, but I was sure I would have been jumped because of, you know, who I am. The misplalced patriotism in hockey in Canada is very annoying. The Ducks have more Canadian players anyway...
pboily said:
That being said, come on boys! I want an Ottawa victory to make it to the Icelandic newspapers.
You're in Iceland now or you'll be later? Any chance of seeing you at the airport on your way back (since we now have direct flights to Reykjavik)?
I support the Sens because they're one of my favourite teams.

Canucks, Sens, Sharks, Preds.
I can't stand people who say the Ducks are a joke of a franchise and talk about how gay it would be if they won the cup. If they win the cup then they are the best team in the NHL, everyone is just being a homer and looking for an excuse as to why their team didn't get there. I find it highly amusing that every Canadian trashes the Ducks left and right just because they are in SoCal, suck it up, Ottawa is down 2-1 in the series and being outplayed left and right, its really pathetic that there is so much whining about the Ducks. So their name sucks? They have a championship class team and continue to make it deep in the playoffs, when is the last time Montreal or Toronto has made it to the Eastern Conference finals or the Stanley Cup finals?
Or it could be because we just don't like them. I don't have to support a team or like them or anything just because they're a good team. I don't know anyone here in Edmonton that actually cheered for Calgary when they went to the cup.
About the last game:
I heard there was some dispute about one of the Sens goals (Alfredsson apparently kicked the puck into the goal).
Well, obviously I didn't see the game. Can you tell me about that a bit?

I think its quite interesting, that the third game offered more goals than the two previous games combined. What the heck happened? Did the defence loose interest? :)
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