NukeNes Preview: After Victoria


See ya! It has been a fun decade!
Jan 27, 2006
Ok. I swear upon the pink shirt I'm wearing that if this fails, I will not attempt to mod for a long, long time. This nes will be a path if Nuke Neses are to be great or to perish. I recently got Victoria Empire under the sun, and I was hooked. At a christmas party, my cousin saw I w as playing it, and gave me a few tips. He even loaded up a mod he designed. We started a grand campaign as Britain together, and ended up conquering most of the world. I wanted to go past that though, which brings me here. The rules will be simple. Stats, simple. Updates simple, but I hope that will make it fun.

The Alt history

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The Victoria Wars

1837: Victoria becomes Queen of the United Kingdom, Hanover declares itself free from the Union because women cannot inherit under their laws. Belgium and the Netherlands end their civil war, and of the major European powers, only the United Kingdom signs the Treaty of London, which guarantees Belgian independence. This is enough to have most major powers back off of Belgium though. Queen Isabella II of Spain makes Spain into a Constitutional Monarchy

1838: Assassination attempt on Victoria ends in failure, however, the Prime Minister is killed. Parliament passes the Reform act of 1838, giving Victoria the powers of Prime Minister until the Prime Minister is replaced (which does not happen in TTL, giving Victoria the role of practically an Absolute Monarch). Victoria and her British Empire declare war upon Burma. Elections in the United Kingdom bring the (Liberal) Tories to power

1839: Spain has crisis when supporters of Carlos throw Spain into a state of War. France is about to step in, when Isabella throws herself at Victoria's mercy. At first Victoria refuses, but when the colony of Cuba, plus an ally on mainland Europe, is offered, Victoria cannot refuse. Britain steps in, and defeats the rebels. Spain becomes practically a satellite state of Britain and would remain that way until Victoria's death.

1840: Burma is annexed after the last major partisan activity is destroyed. Queen Victoria marries Prince Albert. The Ottoman Empire declares war on Greece to regain control of the Balkans.

1841: Britain steps into stop the Ottomans, due to Britain guarenting the independence of Greece. The Ottomans are defeated easily, and in three weeks, Istanbul is in British hands, with the Sultan prisoner. Greece expands, and Britain gains the Greek islands, Crete, and Cyprus.

1842: Hawaii suffers a food shortage. Victoria, always a kind person, annexes Hawaii. Missionaries and food arrive shortly after. France declares war on Switzerland. Guatemala becomes a free nation.

1843: Russia declares war on Prussia, the Reform act of 1843 gives Victoria the power to not have to follow the Constitution during war time. War is declared upon France and her ally Egypt. Nicuragua becomes a free nation.

1844: Calais landings, British army smashes through the Holy Land, and capture Jeruselum. French Guenna is captured.

1845: Cario is captured, and Egypt is annexed. France surrenders Calais and her American holdings.

1846: Haiti goes bankrupt. Britain gives Haiti a loan. Russia and Prussia sign a white peace. The Reform Act of 1846 allows Victoria to restage an election.

1847: Haiti is unable to repay loans, Victoria decides that they can repay her with land. Haiti is annexed.

1848: France insults the British ambassodor. Simply to show the world the might of Britain, war is declared upon China.

1849: China surrenders Hong Kong and her other southern provinces.

1850: The people of Haiti ask for unification with the Dominican Republic. Victoria complies, and the Domincan Republic is annexed by Britain.

1851: Prince Albert Dies, Victoria, in her own way of mourning, conquers Dutch Gueina.

(1852-1862 is really boring with various tiny wars and industry building, getting back Prestige, and getting my Navy and Army back up. By 1860, I am the biggest Military and Industrial power, as well as having the highest prestige. France conquers Vietnam and Sardina-Peidmont while I was eating dinner, and 2 Sicilies seems to have conquered the Papal states)

1863: American Civil War begins, Siam annexed by Britain to connect her Asian holdings.

1864-1866: War is declared in favor of the Confederates. The US is conquered, and turned into a satelite. The CSA is also attacked, but I cannot conquer them, so we got a white peace. Victoria starts an idea of a commonwealth. Victoria is crowned as Queen of America, while the United States "elects" a president, which happens to be of Britains Liberal ideology.

1867: United States of Centeral America reunifies.

1868: Canada is released as a sattelite, Victoria crowned Queen of Canada

1869: China annexes Tibet, Great Britain releases Australia as sattelite, Victoria crowned Queen of Australia

1870: Germany unifies, war with France, Calais got in peace settlement.

1871: Victoria is declared Empress of India, after the East India Company loses power and the minor Indian states are conquered.

1872-1900: Pax Victoria, Britain goes through era of peace, alliance with Germany formed. Victoria becomes an Absolute Monarch, daily exersising powers, ends all voting rights. There is a Parliment and Constitution, but it is just for show. Victoria controls every aspect of her empire. 3 new laws are passed, due to Victorias saying of "Loyalty, Work, Church" which makes it illegal to have Public Meatings, free press, or saying something bad about the Queen, to be unemployed, and a special tax is put on all non Protestants. Victoria also becomes Queen of Spain who has conquered Portugal

1901:p The Antwerp Crisis occurs when Victoria is attacked in her visit to the city to the funeral of the Belgian King. Victoria is crowned Queen of Belguim.

1914-1918 is the biggest of Victorias wars, when France, Austria, and Russia duke it out with Germany, Slavia Britain, and the British Dominions of the USA, Canada, Australia, and Belguim. Britain is blockaded, and untill 1916 when Germany captures the entire northern coast of France is Britain able to help. Paris is captured, and the French Coalition surrenders. Yugoslavia is formed, Germany gets Poland, and Britain gets Vietnam.

1920: Saddest day in history, as Her Imperial Majesty, Queen of Britain, Empress of India, Queen of Belguim, and Queen of Spain, Victoria passes away. New kings of Belguim, Spain and Britain herself are crowned.


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A few National Backgrounds

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Backgrounds for After Victoria

From strongest to weakest


Great Britain-The assencion of Queen Victoria to the throne was the beggening of a new era of Britain in all forms. Withen her first year of Queen, she guaranteed Belguim independence. This foreshadowed Victoria's coming greatness in the world. The British fought war after war after war, gaining the Carribean, South East Asia, East Africa, India, the Holy Land, Arabia, and even the United States of America under the "protection" of the British Crown. In her reign, she even made Belguim and Spain her puppets. Victoria also transfered all of government control from Parliment to the Monarch, making Britain an Absolute Monarchy. War with the Paris Pact (France, Austria, and Russia) brought Britain closer to Germany as the two fought the pact on three continents. The war brought Britain even more lands than she already had, but the war caused her industry to decline dramaticly. With the falling industry, the Republic of Ireland became independent, and Victoria recently passed away. Edward VII has risen to the throne, but can he rule with the same vigor of his predecesor?

Russia- The Russian Empire mostly withdrew from the chaos that was the world. They did invade Prussia and Sweden once or twice, but that was really it. They built up their Industry, claimed Alaska, suppressed revolts, and little else. However, when Germany was formed, the Russian Tsar truly felt threatened. He approached the French, one of the most powerful nations in the world, second only to Victoria's Britain, with an alliance. The Austrian Kaiser also joined the alliance, resulting in the Paris Pact. They fought the Germans in Poland for four long years, gaining a few miles, and losing them, never really winning or losing untill 1918, when a peace was signed. Now, without losing anything from the war between Industry, soldiers (fewest casualties in the war besides the 1200 Australians) or stability . the Russian Empire is ready to take the stage as the power that can match Britain

Great Powers

Sweden-No one payed much attention to this Scandanavian country. The Swedes tried to gather international attention by annexing Denmark, but nobody cared. Frustrated, the Swedes continued building up their industry to rival that of Germany, Russia, and even Britain. In the Great War, the Swedes wanted to act, but against Russia would be suicide, as the defenses in Finland and Saint Petersburg would be inpeneterable, and against Germany and Britain would be equally stupid for reasons comparing to the Russians. Now, Sweden stands before the World, untouched by the horrors of the Great war, ready to claim their position as a Super Power

Germany-The German Empire united after centuries of division. Otto von Bismark, Chancellor of Prussia, convinced the Kaiser to fight a series of wars, destroying some of the lesser German states armies, while building the power of the Prussian army, untill all the German Princes had to submitt to the Prussian Kaiser. The German Empire, noticing the instability of Europe made an alliance with Britain. This proved to be fatal, as the French had ambitions in Belguim, which Victoria was queen of. Germany fought a three front war with France, Austria, and Russia. Germany got minor territotories in the war due to small breakings in fronts. Now, Germany is rebuilt. Will she go into the Lowlands, France, or even Russia?

France-France is a fragile state. From 1850 to 1870, France was on the rise. Sardina-Peidmont fell to France's armies, Vietnam became a new French colony, and a puppet had been placed in power in Mexico. Things were looking up. However, Germany unified, and crushed the French armies like they were bugs. Britain, seeing this weakness, declared war on the French. Within weeks, Paris was waving the British flag. France was humiliated beyond belief, and was forced to surrender Calais. France, wanting to make sure this never happened again, set out to make alliances. Originally, they wanted alliances with Germany the Ottomans, Greece, and Russia, but the Austrians defeated the Ottomans soon after. Austria and France became allies quickly, but that ment Greece and Germany would not sign a treaty with France. Russia was threatened by the Germans though, so Russia offered the Frinch a deal, and the three powers became the Paris Pact. The French were able to stop the British at sea untill the faithful battle at the Mouth of the Thames destroyed the French navy, and it could not be reinforced due to German control over the northern coast. Paris was once again taken, and France was humiliated beyond words. Now, France must rise again to glory, or die trying.

Austria-Austria has been called the beaten man of Europe. The Austrians had been kicked out of Greece, kicked out of Italy, and even kicked out of Germany. In the 1860s, the Austrian puppets in Northern Italy wanted to unite with their Southern Brethen. The Austrians could not let that happen, so in a series of wars, hard line negotiations, bribery, deciet, incompetence, and more, Italy was not to be unified. A few years later, the Austrians tried the same tactics with the German princes, but Bismark had control over them, so the Austrians were badly beaten in a war with them. Eager to gain back parts of Germany, Austria joined the Paris Pact, which increased the Austrian decline, as almost all of the Fighting in the Great War on the Austrian front took place in Austria, and the German Army occupied the Austrian Capital for nearly the entire war. Austria was forced to cede some more German territories, but even more they had to grant Slavia their traditional terretories and some of the Balkans to Greece. Austria stands at crossroads now, but which way shall they go? To Glory? Or to a bloody end?

Japan-Japan is a nation who is relatively new to the Great Powers club. The Japanese didn't modernise until the late 1800s, and was desperately playing catch up. By 1910 though, Japan had caught up. To show the world their power, the Japanese fought two wars. One against the independent Korean nation, in which Japan gained control over South Korea, and China gained the North. A year later, the Japanese betrayed their allies, and took Korea for themselves. When the Great War broke out in 1914, the Japanese found them selves choosing sides. The Japanese and British were good allies, so in 1914, the Japanese seized the French port Dalian. The Japanese are now respected as one of the greater world nations, but they must expand more or they will not be able to keep up with the resource rich empires of Europe.

Independent Powers

Brazil-Brazil- Brazil prospered from a duo of very intellegent rulers, with Queen Maria II who reigned for 50 years, and Queen Anitta who has reigned for 23 Years. Queen Maria II fought wars with Urguay and Bolivia, annexing both of them. Then, 40 years of peace and prosperity have followed, with Brazil rapidly increasing her power. Her grand daughter Anitta, 18 years old at her assencion, was attacked by Argentina, Venezuela, and Peru, in what is called the great South American War. Supported by her idol, Queen Victoria, Brazil was able to fight superior numbers with British navies, bullets, and industry. Following in her idols path, Anitta used the war to declare Brazil an Absolute Monarchy. The war raged for 15 years untill all but Brazil were defeated. The other South American governments were replaced, but Anitta's Kingdom of Brazil stands to the world, embracing her place as a Great Power.

Confederate States of America- The CSA is the true inheritors of the American dream. In 1861, Thadeus Stevens and the Republican Party swore to emancipate the Slaves. This proved to be fatal. The British and French were sympathetic to the Confederate cause, and sent supplies to the south. The British declared war on the Union, and turned them into a puppet, ending the War between the States. The British also showed intrest in making the Confederacy a commonwealth, and in 1864 the Great American war occured. Neither side could gain a decisive victory, so a white peace was signed three years later. The Confederacy supported rebellions in the Carribean and Mexico, trying to expand their influence but to no avail. In 1910, the Confederacy was forced by Britain and Germany to adopt a more free policy. The only place where slavery is found now is in Texas. The economy has been shifted towards Industry, but Confederate Cotton is still king.

Mexico-Mexico suffered from war and threats of it for the early 19th century. In 1836, the Mexicans fought a war with Texas that would be fought on and off until 1850, when Texas was annexed. The Mexicans always had to fear the American Eagle clawing into their back, but in 1861, Mexican prayers were answered, and the American problem was gone for good. However, a threat over the seas occurred, as Napoleon III wanted to turn Mexico into a puppet. He sent Maxamilion with troops and supplies, and soon, all of Mexico was under the puppet Emperor. When Agustin came to the throne though, he immediately cast aside the French strings, and bribed the French troops and generals handsomely for their loyalty to him. With Mexico free and independent, where will they turn to now?

Netherlands-The Netherlands opened up 1836 with a civil war with Belgium. They fought long and hard, but the Belgians could not be beat down enough. They were forced to sign the London treaty, which recognized Belgian independence. Most European leaders did not recognize Belgian independence, but when Britain did, it meant that the Dutch would not unify with their northern brothers, yet. They remained quiet untill in 1851, the British captured their South American holdings. Now, the Dutch are ready for revenge, but will they take it, or let is go?

Two Sicilies-The tale of Two Sicily’s is a tragic one. Two Sicily’s was a puppet of Spain, France, and Austria at one time or another. When they finally had independence, they partook in the War of Italian unification, only to be beaten back time after time after time. Can Italy unify, or will the cold war of France and Austria vying for rule over Italy continue?

Boer Republic-The Boer Republic was once great. Sprung off from the state of Oranje, the Boer Republic grew until it held most of South and Central Africa. Below the equator, the Boers ruled. However, the Boers were attacked by the British, and their tiny army was destroyed. Forced into Central Africa, can the Boers rebuild their glory?

Turkey-Turkey is the successor state of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans once were feared in the Balkans, but in the 1870’s, Austria fought a series of wars to gain control of the Balkans, as well as the coveted city of Constantinople.



Republic of Ireland-

Monarchist Spain (Yelllow)-

Minor Powers


Republican Spain (Brown)-

Quiang China-China was a proud nation, but maybe too proud. Once, China held their heads high, but now they hide them in shame. In 1848, the British told China they could become a puppet or lose their lands. The Empreor knew Britain was stronger, but he would rather die than live as Britain's servant. Britain declared war. The British crushed China. Ironclads destroyed Chinese junks with ease, British rifles were stronger than Chinese muskets, and British tactics destroyed Chinese generals. In one year, almost all of China was in British hands. However, partisan activity was a nusiance, so Britain took the southern portion of China. China was humiliated beyond words. China tried reedeming herself with a war against Korea, but a few years later was backstabbed by the power hungry Japanese. China has modernised now, but can they pull their fragile country together now?





United States of Centeral America





Commonwealth Spain (Red)-



United States of America (Master: Britain)-

Canada (Master: Britain)-

Australia (Master: Britain)


Spoiler :

Sample Nation Stats

Nation Name: Great Britain
Ruler: King Edward VII*/King Edward VII
Government: Absolute Monarchy
Capitol: London
Ideology: Liberal
Distent: 30%
IC per turn: 20
IC to spend this turn: 20
Army: 40 Infantry Divisions 5 Calvary Divisions, 10 Militia
Navy: 5 Battleship squadrons, 10 Heavy Cruisers, 30 Light Cruisers, 5 Submarines
Airforce: 1 Biplane Squadron

Nation Name: What your nation is called.

Ruler: Who leads your nation. There are two names (although they could be the same name) here. The first one is the Head of State. He is who people in your country associate as the ruler of your country (An example of when the HOS is more important is George W. Bush*/Condelezza Rice). The other is the head of government. This person is who runs the day to day things of your government. Some times the HOS is just a figurehead, and the HOG actually rules the nation. (An example when HOG is more important is Queen Elizabeth II/ Tony Blair*). A * is put next to which is more important, although it can change. (In my Alt Hist, Queen Victoria had the Act of 1838, which made her Absolute Monarch practicly, because she got duties of Prime Minister. If the British player negated some of these acts, then the HOG may become more important.

Government: What type of government you have. These can change (You're a Absolute Monarchy, you allow a real constitution, you become a Constitutional Monarchy, a revolution changes the government, or a President seizes power)

Ideology: I have 6 general Ideologys. Fascist-Progressive-Conservative-Liberal-Socailist-Communist. This is generally how you run your country. An NPC will ally with you if you have close ideologys. Some parties may call them different things, but I will provide their Ideology (ex: Republican Party rises to power but in the stats it will read Conservative).

Dissent: The higher this is, the more likely you'll be seeing a rebellion of sorts. Beware the voice of the people.

Industry and Cities: Industry is the heart of your nation, if your industry collapses so will your nation. Some nations are decidely more powerful industrial forces than others, and this will be reflected. ICs are the spending points of your game, ICs are needed for research and production of units. To increase industry you must pay a price double of your existing amount. I.E. to raise from 4 to 5 you must pay 8 IC or to raise from 7 to 8 you must pay 14 IC. You can trade IC points for tech or weapons from other nations.

Army: Pretty easy to guess what this stat is for. Here are the prices and unit types (for now). Irregulars cannot be bought and will come only though events, and by starting with them. Types of units will grow as the game goes on, with some nations perhaps creating superior equipment when compared to others.

Infanty: The basic ground-pounder soldier. he takes the brunt of the fighting, a staple for any army. 1 Infantry Division for 1 IC.
Cavalrymen: Light mounted soldiers, useful for scouting and raids. 1Cavalry Division for 1 IC.
Navy: Guess what boats are for? Sinking other boats!
Battleship: The second heaviest ship available, capable of pounding smaller ships into dust. These are the pride of any navy. 1 Battleship Squadron for 5 IC.

Battlecruiser: A poor man's battleship, slightly faster and significantly less armed. Useful for escort and fighting against nations without Battleships. 1 Battlecruiser Squadron for 4 IC.

Heavy Cruiser: A fast and relatively well armed ship, no match for a Battlecruiser or Battleship, but still formidable. 1 Heavy Cruiser Squadron for 3 IC.

Light Cruiser: Less equipped than a Heavy Cruiser, but faster and useful in escort services. 1 Light Cruiser Squadrons for 2 IC.

Destroyer: anti-sub ships, also useful for light escorts, though they haul out running if a Battleship turns up. 1 Destroyer Squadrons for 1 IC.

Submarine: Useful for terrorizing the sealanes, the modern pirates. 1 Submarine squadron for 1 IC.

Air Force: Air Force has just come into play. Right now, all it does is scout, but later it may drop bombs, attack soldiers, and possibly be in Naval warfare.
Biplanes: 1 Squadron for 1 IC Provides reliable air recon for the first time ever. Used with radio, the biplane could be the entrance into a new era of warfare.

Reserved Nations

germanicus12-Great Britain
The Loser-Sweden
dldnjstjr-Confederate States of America
lord joakim-Brazil
a_propagandist-Quiang China
mrpwn3r-United States of America
Lord Iggy-Boer Republic
Charles Li-United States of Central America

you can post
Certainly an interesting history! I'll think about joining, although I seem to be in enough NESes to take up lots of my time already. If I do join, I'll take Indonesia if no one else has by then... :)
I might be interested in joining I want to see the rules first though. I would be interested in playing as Germany if I was to join.
Certainly an interesting history! I'll think about joining, although I seem to be in enough NESes to take up lots of my time already. If I do join, I'll take Indonesia if no one else has by then... :)

That would be the Dutch :)
I would be interested in playing Britian. This seems like an interesting Alt history.
Rules are up :D

@germanicus, the British will be a very hard nation to play as. I know you are a solid player, but be sure you are ready for the challenge
Ok, Europe and American cities are done, Britain, Russia and Sweden alt histories are also up.

Anyone going to claim a nation?

I will give germanicus, Fuschia, and Justo 24 hours to claim Britain, The Netherlands, and Germany respectivly :)
I will confirm the British, I feel confidence in my abilities. :goodjob:
Welcome both :D

So, the 1st and 4th strongest are gone...

What are the second and third strongest, respectively?
Second is Russia, third is Sweden, both have national backgrounds up

Working on germany's background now

Btw, the nations are in power ranking
Japanimation for me please
Sweden please for me!
If I may have Greece, thank you very much.
Added all of you, will send out info PMs
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