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Oriental Magic-Users (27 August 2006)

Ah, Singapore, one of my favorite ports when I was in the US Navy... You could get a really nice custom-made two-piece Kashmir suit for dirt cheap there. Not to mention it is a nice, clean country with all sorts of good food and stuff to do.

If you have time, be sure to hit up Sentosa Island while you're there ;)
That is a fairly absurd article, but we're veering off-topic here. ;)

Anyway, going back on topic, if it's not too much to ask, how about adding a fortify animation with a Taiji symbol apearing underneath? :)
[Hikaro] I've been to Sentosa many times. Very civilised place to sit with a gin and tonic and a book of Chinese philosophy!

[Blue Monkey] Yes, I've read that before. Basically, absolute rubbish with a typical Western-style complete inability to understand the Asian mindset in general and Singapore in particular. Singapore is neither Disneylandish nor some kind of fascist police state.

[Ogedei] Sounds fun, but I think it would look a bit odd!

As for the Orthodox priest, it's true that the monks and friars I did before wouldn't suit for that. But I don't know if I'll get round to it, as I have a lot of other things to do.
Plotinus said:
As for the Orthodox priest, it's true that the monks and friars I did before wouldn't suit for that. But I don't know if I'll get round to it, as I have a lot of other things to do.
Beter late than never i always say. ;)
These are very nice:goodjob:

If I had to nitpick though, it would be that the civiliopedia icons aren't very "smooth" and they are missing shadows;)
Yoda Power said:
These are very nice:goodjob:

If I had to nitpick though, it would be that the civiliopedia icons aren't very "smooth" and they are missing shadows;)

The problem with the edginess is because Plot probably forgot to enable anti-aliasing, which I could fix in Paint Shop Pro in 5 seconds. Basically, Anti-aliasing slightly blurs the edges of an object, eliminating any Pixelyness that it would otherwise have. That is the reason that TV, despite having a resolution of 640x480 pixels doesn't look pixelly at all... The way the images are scanned onto the screen natuarally blurs the edges a bit.
Anti-aliasing! That was the word I was getting annoyed about, becuase I couldn't remember it when I wrote the post..
Plotinus, the lightning attacks has the East Edge bug, do you think you could redo them? :( Someone else could fix it too, but that fix may be a bit sloppier than if you did it yourself...
I think it can be fixed by increasing the frame size (in civ3flcedit). Adds magenta so that there's a buffer between the animation and edge of the frame. I ran into that problem with my lightning attacks back in the day. Plus this way it doesn't involve any re-rendering.
Oh, not the dreaded East Edge Bug. I thought I fixed that. I'll see what I can do.

[Yoda Power] Actually, I tried anti-aliasing these and I found that it blurred them just a bit more than I liked, so I decided not to do it. You can always do it yourself if you prefer. As for shadows, for some reason I can't seem to render shadows on a white ground in Poser. I don't know what's gone wrong but I spent ages trying to do it!
Plotinus said:
Oh, not the dreaded East Edge Bug. I thought I fixed that. I'll see what I can do.

[Yoda Power] Actually, I tried anti-aliasing these and I found that it blurred them just a bit more than I liked, so I decided not to do it. You can always do it yourself if you prefer. As for shadows, for some reason I can't seem to render shadows on a white ground in Poser. I don't know what's gone wrong but I spent ages trying to do it!
Well, how about rendering it on a grey background, and then turn that grey into white? If you could do that, and manage to get the shadows, then it's easy to change it to white in Photoshop (or similar).
If we're talking photoshop, then it could be a good idea to render it slightly larger than needed, and then shrink it in RGB mode (after making that colour swap), this give you anti-aliasing automagically. :)
These are awesome units.
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