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People who don't want kids... ever.


Chill moan!
May 23, 2004
You've probably read about/know some people who would never have kids.
Not because they're screwing around or it's just too much hassle, but because of principle. They think it's unethical to bring young into this cruel world.
Do you feel any affinity with this view? Or are you totally opposed, maybe for religious reasons.
WS78 said:
You've probably read about/know some people who would never have kids.
Not because they're screwing around or it's just too much hassle, but because of principle. They think it's unethical to bring young into this cruel world.
Do you feel any affinity with this view? Or are you totally opposed, maybe for religious reasons.

I strongly disagree with this view. Do they think no one is leading a fulfilled happy life now?
Yes, but there are good reasons for it...

I don't begrudge children 4 others.
I have my reasons, but they are completely personal. What
other people choose to do is their business, not mine.
One couple who I know who feel like this have spent a lot of time in India and SE asia, and feel that the world is suffering terribly because of overpopulation, so it is unethical to bring more people into the world.

I can certainly see where they are coming from, but I do not agree. Though I have not personally seen the more overpopulated parts of the world.
WS78 said:
You've probably read about/know some people who would never have kids.
Not because they're screwing around or it's just too much hassle, but because of principle. They think it's unethical to bring young into this cruel world.
Do you feel any affinity with this view? Or are you totally opposed, maybe for religious reasons.

I understand this view, but I have a 13 yr daughter and she is MY LIFE. :love: . I don't agree with people having several kids and not taking
care of them, it makes me :mad: :vomit: . If you are going to have a kid
I feel you should be devoted to them. My daughter is probably the greatest
thing to have happened in my life, I've enjoyed every minute.
If everyone did that, we'd be extinct in 100 years. ;)
Chieftess said:
If everyone did that, we'd be extinct in 100 years. ;)

I am certainly one of these people who plan never to have children, and this is one of my main reasons for being them!

If I could make everyone on earth infertile by clicking my fingers I wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

dgfred's post is also another reason. I think that most people are simply too selfish to look after children properly.
Plotinus said:
I am certainly one of these people who plan never to have children, and this is one of my main reasons for being them!

If I could make everyone on earth infertile by clicking my fingers I wouldn't hesitate for a moment.

dgfred's post is also another reason. I think that most people are simply too selfish to look after children properly.

But are you too selfish to look after them properly? And would you prefer that you'd never been born? The vast majority of people I know like their existence and on the whole consider it positive.
IglooDude said:
But are you too selfish to look after them properly? And would you prefer that you'd never been born? The vast majority of people I know like their existence and on the whole consider it positive.

I probably would be too selfish to look after them properly - I certainly wouldn't enjoy it as I don't like children at all and have no idea what to do with them. They're so irrational! Even compared to adults, and that's saying something.

I probably would prefer never to have been born. I certainly wouldn't have been any worse off, any more than I was worse off before I was born or will be after I die. Of course I'd rather not die any sooner than necessary, but this is more out of curiosity to see what happens than any intrinsic love of existence.
3 years ago i was DEFINETLY one of those people that think bringing kids into this world is cruel and unusual punshment.
since then, both of my sisters have had a child, so i now have a almost 3 year old nephew and an almost 1 year old neice.
my views have changed to something like:
kids are great, but i think people should be required to pass some sort of test before being allowed to have kids (and probably pass a few criteria of material wealth too).

i am currently of the opinion that i wont have any kids. though i suspect my views may change in the not so near future.
If the world exists as it is today when I am ready to birth younglings, I'd consider it. If it gets substantially worse, as it most certainly will (given the increasing trend of religious fundamentalism, moral relativism, socialism, and all the other ails in our societies) I probably wouldn't.
I've always loved children, but until a few years ago I was sure I wouldn't have any. Now that I do, I can't believe how young and stupid I was to think I would never change my mind, and that I was right in my "decision". I hope that anyone who doesn't want children doesn't have any, because that would be unfair to both themselves and their children. They are a lot of work, and cost a lot of money, but are worth it to me hundreds of times over. Like a lot of parents, I can't even remember why I thought my life was so good before...

But this is very personal, between my wife and me. I couldn't even imagine trying to convince someone that it's "right" - that's a disaster waiting to happen, there's just too much commitment involved. Use birth control until you're very sure, and never let anyone tell you that it's easier than it looks.:)
Kids are great. They bring a purpose to your life that is that thing you knew was missing, but had no idea what it was.

There is a catch though. You have to be pretty brave to have a kid. Having a kid means conquering a lot of fear each and every day.
the world is overpopulated anyway.. it's great if people choose not to have kids... if you want to have them that's great too.... but crazy birthrates, especially in third world countries, will have to be brought under control in the future...
Birth rates are fine. There is no such thing as overpopulation. We already have enough food to feed a few billion more people on the planet.
I think it's a horrible idea not to have kids. The problems we have in this world will not be solved by a declining population. The world is not overpopulated, it's just underdeveloped. If we make efficient use of the resources, the population can increase three fold and still no problem. Besides, babies are so cute.
If we make efficient use of the resources

yeah that's a big "if"... the amazon jungle is going to disappear in less than 50 years.... babies are cute but countries like India could afford to bring birthrates under control.... my point is that declining birthrates in Europe, for example, aren't a big problem... when the rest of the world is developed you will see birthrates drop everywhere.. it's part of the process
First of all, babies are not that cute. Puppies and Kittens are at least 20 times cuter than the cutest babies. There are ugly babies.

Anyway, I hope I have kids, but hopefully when I'm 31. I figure 31 is the ideal age to be a father.
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