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Trump Indicted!

Raisins plain
Raisins in oatmeal
Raisins and chocolate and nuts
Raisin bread

and the list can go on.... yummy!
Are they your raison d'etre? :)
That's a good example of this world. God makes grapes. Satan makes raisins out of them.

And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
That's a good example of this world. God makes grapes. Satan makes raisins out of them.
Uh, not really. Grapes turn into raisins as they dry out. It is a natural process that we have just found a way to smooth the process for consistent results. In fact for many uses, raisins are better than grapes. Grapes need to be eaten while fresh and they do not keep. Raisins keep far longer and still hold much nutritional value. I see you blame Eve (all women) for the Fall.
Uh, not really. Grapes turn into raisins as they dry out. It is a natural process that we have just found a way to smooth the process for consistent results. In fact for many uses, raisins are better than grapes. Grapes need to be eaten while fresh and they do not keep. Raisins keep far longer and still hold much nutritional value. I see you blame Eve (all women) for the Fall.
LOL, I am just quoting the Bible, o winged one, thou quibble with the Almighty.
Uh, not really. Grapes turn into raisins as they dry out. It is a natural process that we have just found a way to smooth the process for consistent results. In fact for many uses, raisins are better than grapes. Grapes need to be eaten while fresh and they do not keep. Raisins keep far longer and still hold much nutritional value. I see you blame Eve (all women) for the Fall.
Raisins are an abomination against man and God. The proper use of aged grapes is wine. It is known.

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Now I have one son, the flat earther, who believes that the wine in the Bible was unfermented grape juice. Makes a good argument of it too.
But if it wasn't known, then we must've learned!

Spoiler :

This thread went sideways during the space of a dental cleaning!

I can't leave you people alone for an hour!
But if it wasn't known, then we must've learned!

Spoiler :

Friar Tuck is one (of many) delights in that film... One of my favourite exchanges is when Guy of Gisborne asks the drunken-singing Friar if he would "not find it more difficult to sing with a sword through [his] gullet" and Friar Tuck burp-laughs "Yes... My lord"... classic.
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Judge Cannon rejects request for gag order against Donald Trump in classified docs case​

Federal Judge Aileen Cannon on Tuesday rejected special counsel Jack Smith’s request for a gag order against Donald Trump in the classified documents case, saying that prosecutors’ efforts to confer with the defendant was “wholly lacking in substance and professional courtesy.”

In a brief order, Cannon slammed prosecutors for not following the court’s rules by failing to meaningfully confer with Trump’s defense lawyers about a potential gag order before making the request.
“Because the filing of the Special Counsel’s Motion did not adhere to these basic requirements, it is due to be denied without prejudice,” Cannon wrote, adding, “it should go without saying that meaningful conferral is not a perfunctory exercise.”

The judge’s order highlights the cumbersome filing process that has repeatedly plagued the case as it inches towards trial.

Prosecutors can ask for a gag order again, Cannon said, once they give “sufficient time” to Trump’s defense team to read the motion and discuss it with prosecutors.

The special counsel’s request – the first in the classified documents mishandling case – came after Trump repeatedly and misleadingly criticized the FBI for having a policy in place around the use of deadly force during the search and seizure of government records at his resort in August 2022.

Trump’s campaign, for instance, sent a fundraising email on Tuesday that claimed FBI agents were “locked and loaded” and that he “nearly escaped death” at Mar-a-Lago.

While Trump has told his supporters he could have been in danger because of the policy, it standard protocol for FBI searches and limits how agents may use force in search operations. The same standard FBI policy was used in the searches of President Joe Biden’s homes and offices in a separate classified documents investigation.

In a blistering court filing late on Memorial Day, attorneys for Trump said that the gag order request was an “extraordinary, unprecedented, and unconstitutional censorship application” to target Trump’s speech as he runs for president.

The attorneys also said that prosecutors, whom they referred to as “self-appointed Thought Police,” were “seeking to condition President Trump’s liberty on his compliance” with their own views.

This is the opportunity Jack Smith needs to appeal and maybe ask for Cannon's recusal.
Friar Tuck is one (of many) delights in that film... One of my favourite exchanges is when Guy of Gisborne asks the drunken-singing Friar if he would "not find it more difficult to sing with a sword through [his] gullet" and Friar Tuck burp-laughs "Yes... My lord"... classic.
"...and you, 10:45. Bring a friend."
This is the opportunity Jack Smith needs to appeal and maybe ask for Cannon's recusal.
What's her end game here anyway? I mean, say Trump wins the election and becomes president. Sure, he is going to be grateful to her for derailing one of the many court cases brought against him in an effort to prevent his rise. But what than? Is she hoping for some massive payout like a supreme court position or minister of law or whatever? That just seems unlikely to me what with the reputation for awfulness she is getting by doing this and the fact that she is basically a nobody outside of the fact she is head of this trial. And yet it has to be something really good because she is going all in on this. It's not like someone intelligent enough to become a judge can be stupid enough to do what she is doing for ideological reasons.
s she hoping for some massive payout like a supreme court position
He would 100% reward her with a Supreme Court position if one were to come available during a second term of his.

Mostly people just think she's out of her depth, though. Her experience at this level of the judiciary can be measured in hours before this case fell in her lap.
What's her end game here anyway? I mean, say Trump wins the election and becomes president. Sure, he is going to be grateful to her for derailing one of the many court cases brought against him in an effort to prevent his rise. But what than? Is she hoping for some massive payout like a supreme court position or minister of law or whatever? That just seems unlikely to me what with the reputation for awfulness she is getting by doing this and the fact that she is basically a nobody outside of the fact she is head of this trial. And yet it has to be something really good because she is going all in on this. It's not like someone intelligent enough to become a judge can be stupid enough to do what she is doing for ideological reasons.
Haha, perhaps you've fallen into the public hysteria and maybe she hasn't.
What's her end game here anyway? I mean, say Trump wins the election and becomes president. Sure, he is going to be grateful to her for derailing one of the many court cases brought against him in an effort to prevent his rise. But what than? Is she hoping for some massive payout like a supreme court position or minister of law or whatever? That just seems unlikely to me what with the reputation for awfulness she is getting by doing this and the fact that she is basically a nobody outside of the fact she is head of this trial. And yet it has to be something really good because she is going all in on this. It's not like someone intelligent enough to become a judge can be stupid enough to do what she is doing for ideological reasons.
We don't know her final end game goal, but we do know tht she is making every effort to delay the trial until after the electuion. If Trump wins, then he will order the DOJ to end it completely. That is her current goal.She might well be hoping for a SCOTUS seat even if it is a low probablility. This may be her best chance to increase that possibility. She also might just be so devout a MAGA supporter that she just wants to do every thing she can to help her "god". At this point there is no downside for her to be biased for Trump. Her appointment is for life and her reputation is of little consequence for her future. She has shown herself to be a judge who puts ideology over the law or justice.
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