Racial Purity

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Retenta personam!
Feb 1, 2003
I do not seek private opinions. What historic evidence do you know of that addresses the topic of Racial Purity?

I'm particularly interested in the Bible and Quran, but any followed document (religious, political, philosophical, etc.) that can be used to debate this topic is suitable. Obviously Islam and Christianity openly oppose racism and racial purity is inherently a form of racism.

Best of luck :cool:
What historic evidence do you know of that addresses the topic of Racial Purity?
Europa Universalis 2. That 30% tax penalty sucks.
Racial purity... evidence for it... hmm... Heaven is reserved for 144,000 Jews, only.

'tother than that... basic tribalism... racial purity concepts tend to go hand in hand with xenophobia and racism... my race is superior to that one so I should not mix with it...

Europa Universalis 2. That 30% tax penalty sucks.

Couple it with a religious difference and you'd primed to go genocidal on those tax evading X Y & Zers!
There is not such thing as race, scientifically speaking.:aargh:

But humans love to label everything so we created race, another label.
Together with nationality and religion, those 3 have costed humanity more than 100 million lives. :wallbash:
If you're interested in some of the anthropological support for imperialist theories of racial comparison, read the works Francis Galton (), a Victorian traveler, eugenicist, and all-around crazy man. His scientific work on "the relative grades of races" :eek: was foundational to many racial purity movements, justifications for colonization/civilizing mission, and eugenics campaigns in the US, Britain, and elsewhere.
I believe there is some significant scholarship on Galton, but I couldn't point you to it. Try Google Books, JSTOR (if you're at a university), or the library (if you're feeling old-fashioned).
There is not such thing as race, scientifically speaking.

In science, we have genus - species - variety. Race is kind of the laymen's term for variety. Science does have designations for populations beyond species.
Racism, these days, is defined as wanting to preserve your cultural and ancestoral identity unless, of course, you're non-white. If you're black, brown, red, yellow, or any other color besides white, then it is a good thing that should be supported by the government.

[/sarcastic truth telling]
but that is a terribly one sided arguement
It's a joke! :p
anything on any subject can be one-sided...
although it is not entirely clear to me what exactly you two are arguing about right now...

btw.: feistus raclettus rules, hitro! throw him in the lake, with weights on his feet!!! ;-)
yes there is. A genetisicst can identify a persons race with increadible accuracy.

Wow, so a geneticist can tell what color someone's skin is? HUZZAH! I suppose they can tell what size their feet are, too. And? What does that have to do with ethnic identity?
Wow, so a geneticist can tell what color someone's skin is? HUZZAH! I suppose they can tell what size their feet are, too. And? What does that have to do with ethnic identity?

Very little... you can find Genghis' genetic markers in people from Hungary to Korea...

Conquest pwns racial purity.
There's no racial purity. We're all a mix of some kind.
My understanding (based on Jared Diamond's books) is that, broadly speaking, there is biological reason for describing 6 races:

Whites (aka caucasians) which includes North African and Middle Eastern semetic peoples, many Indians, etc.
Blacks (Bantu Africans, basically)
Asians (which includes Polynesians, Native Americans, etc)
Aborigines (Australia)
San (these last two are confined to parts of southen Africa)

Basically, finer delineations are not racial, but social, cultural, historical, etc. There is, for instance, no racial basis to a destinction between White Americans and Arabs.
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