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Random Rants LXX: CFCOT's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

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I'm having a stinker of a 24-hour cycle. Dropped my phone in the sink, fell down some steps and tore a hole in some new jeans in the process, and somehow knocked the handle clean off my favourite mug. Feels like the limited coordination I usually possess is failing me.

Phone seems to have recovered, at least. Silver linings.
This stinks dude. Hope today goes better!

More fires broke out last night. The Getty Center is threatened now along with a lot more homes. Getty was a terrible human being by all accounts but his art museum is amazing. I hope it doesn't burn down.
Firefox broke something else. Now with Noscript it still blocks scripts, but no longer has the option of making exceptions. So when you have to unblock something to use/see it, can't be done.
I have a canker sore on my tongue.
I just misread that k as a c… you scared me, man.
I labor under the assumption that asking for legal tender in a transaction is, well, legal.
Depends on the transaction. ;)
Super first world problem -

I decided to make beer brats this week and to make them in the crock pot while I was at work. Turns out if you cook brats in the crock pot they take on the consistency of meat jelly. I was really looking forward to them too.
How much power do those slow cooker things consume? (I assume the US uses Watts and kiloWatts but I'm not sure)
Firefox broke something else. Now with Noscript it still blocks scripts, but no longer has the option of making exceptions. So when you have to unblock something to use/see it, can't be done.
Yeah, it updated on my computer yesterday. Firefox and XenForo still don't work together. Accessing Big Fish Games on Firefox still results in a fishy redirect attempt that doesn't happen when accessing it on other browsers.

It's like somebody said, "Let's get Commodore Stocker to run things! What could possibly go wrong?" (TOS fans will understand the reference).
I just misread that k as a c… you scared me, man.

Depends on the transaction. ;)

How much power do those slow cooker things consume? (I assume the US uses Watts and kiloWatts but I'm not sure)
Not sure but I used the lowest setting for 10 he cooking.
The hinge on my 3DS has a crack in it. :(
It's near the start of the month and already I'm sick of Christmas music.
It's near the start of the month and already I'm sick of Christmas music.
Have you spending a lot of time in or near retail environments? I find that's a very effective way to drive you doolally by the fourth.
I just did a search on those lyrics, just to see what came up, and I was horrified to find at least two links to lyric sites suggesting that Taylor Swift wrote that song! :eek: George Michael is likely spinning in his grave.
There's an entire tvtropes page on misattributed songs (and another of songs where the cover is better-known than the original), although I'll spare everyone and not link to it. Some of the examples listed on it are maddening.
I always find it humorous that a song written by Bruce Springsteen, one of the top recording artists of the past 40 years, has a cover which is a) better, b) more popular, c) gets far more radio air play, and d) is done by a one hit wonder.
I always find it humorous that a song written by Bruce Springsteen, one of the top recording artists of the past 40 years, has a cover which is a) better, b) more popular, c) gets far more radio air play, and d) is done by a one hit wonder.

What song's that?
I just did a search on those lyrics, just to see what came up, and I was horrified to find at least two links to lyric sites suggesting that Taylor Swift wrote that song! :eek: George Michael is likely spinning in his grave.

Furthermore, George Michael died on Christmas day, just one year ago.
Adding insult to injury :)
I thought maybe you were talking about Spirit in the Night, which also was covered by Manfred Mann (I think...)...but I like the Bruce version better.
Have you spending a lot of time in or near retail environments? I find that's a very effective way to drive you doolally by the fourth.
"Classic" Christmas music always makes me think of Fallout because it has the same jaunty 50's vibe, so I end up watching out for Super Mutants hiding behind the shelves while I shop.
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