Random Rants XV: Like a Fine Whine

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We should start a thread about it so we don't hijack this one.
Still, anything over 90 is insane.
When you're driving alone with nothing around you, you have no frame of reference so it doesn't seem all that fast at all.
Isn't there a nifty thing called a spedometer to tell you how fast you're going?
Serves you right. :p

RANT: 3 of my family members got in a car crash today. Stupid teenager not paying attention ran into them. Everyone's okay though.
I saw a Mexican man walking his bike across the street get plowed into by a bunch of teenagers speeding. It was right in front of me. Me & the man hit both unlocked & started walking our bikes from in front of the grocery store at about the same time. He just happened to choose to cross the street before I did & WHAM. You should have seen the kid's (driver's) expression. He was like "OMFG, I can't believe I just did that". I was in complete shock, I wheeled my bike down a side street, dropped it in someone's lawn behind a tree & started bawling. It was twilight, I walked back & saw the guy twitching & was grateful he was not paralyzed (though he was hit very hard & could possibly have died later in the hopsital). I decided I wanted to visit him but, you know, that's one of those things you think to do but don't. This was 2004 I think, I haven't cried since except a little bit when my friend died.
I just thought utegate might have enthralled you.... :rolleyes:
I always have to look it up if someone uses a Latin phrase. :(
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