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Random Rants XXXVII: The Server Is Too Busy

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I'm sure there's something in that Physics Lab that can be used to kill you.
Just discovered how haggis is prepared. :vomit:
You don't want to eat offal or black pudding then. :)
I still can't find my Civilization IV DVD. The one without the DRM. I found the CDs but I hate putting in CDs.
I'd gladly share what exactly they're covering up but since it directly involves me it might not be a wise decision to just.. post it on the internet. Vague innuendos serve me much better because now I just seem like I'm a crazy guy :D
I'm fairly sure there's a government cover-up regarding me too. :undecide:
I hate government cover ups.
What did they cover up this time?
It feels weird having no hairs on my stomach, since they had to remove it for the surgery. I also look odd now since I still have hair on my chest.
Made a hilarious read, one post after the other.
Just discovered how haggis is prepared. :vomit:
You don't want to eat offal or black pudding then. :)
No, he just doesn't want to watch it being made. Blood sausage FTW!
OK, you haven't included eating it. We're OK then.
OK, you haven't included eating it. We're OK then.
Actually, I did include that, but to make it a little clearer, I wouldn't want to be within a seven mile radius of it at any time it exists in any shape or form.
You! Go post in the game thread instead of loitering here!
If strange people with no mutual friends are going to add me on facebook, they could at least be attractive and live in the same city, instead of unattractive and in a foreign country.
I hate the job market, no one is hireing me!!! :mad:

I should just give up and join the ranks of the discouraged workers because apparently I'm damaged goods to my potential employer.
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