Realpolitik CIV - An Interactive AAR

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But if people want it built in Antium it will need Christianity first to get the +25% boost.

True. After Cull-Norwich finishes its next Worker, we can probably afford to have it spam some Missionaries to at least get all of our cities and Germany converted. Antium first, and we'll figure out what needs priority after that. Antium does need the Organized Religion bonus to build the Taj within 12 turns.

Hmm... maybe I should pursue it. Then I can claim that with my second term, I brought not one, but two Golden Ages to England! :lol:

Edit: For what it's worth, I'm playing the role of a strictly logical tactician. :p I'll try to loosen up, but it's hard to break habit.
Well there isnt too much to debate on. Maybe its just because its night right now, but even during the day discussion seemed to be limited. Maybe its time to form another plan whosit? I dont think you will need to form a whole nother one. Maybe just tell LH to follow the same path as the rpevious one, and give him a run down of any changes or addons as well as answers to the ireland question and such.
My opinions at the moment all consist of how damn crazy Japanese as a language is and that my mind is starting to melt from their ludicrously overcomplicated multiple alphabets and contextual homophones.

In short: Let's go beat up Tokugawa!

HDO "Abducts" MPs!

The Military Policemen in Ravus-York who initiated the Riot, in the eyes of the government, were today absconded from the city and taken to an unknown location by the HDO. Opposition stalwart Arya has decreed that they will be "protected" there until the government pardons them of any responsibility in the Riots.

Copperhead Soldiers

The first of the Copperhead units attempted to seize the tiny French town of Paris, and was taken by the nearby Amsterdam garrison. The second was attacked by an unknown group near Ravus-York and shattered, ending the Copperhead threat. But have we actually paved the way for yet more chaos?

Caesar's Attempted Assassination!

Recently Caesar's manor in Setia was the scene of a failed attempt to kill the venerable Roman leader. The men commiting the attempt were few in number, but they carried away their dead after the guards were alerted to their presence, so we do not know if they were Russian Spetznaz, Viking Berserkers, the Night Eagles or even the Monks in Black.

- Lighthearter
Abduction - Fine by me. We were going to do that anyway.

Copperheads - Yay! But I don't like the forshadowing.

Assassination - Was this Arya?
HDO is Arya's group.

I do not understand the rationale for assassinating Caesar. If he was killed, it seems very likely that the former Roman cities would revolt. This, too, was one of Arya's actions.

The soldiers under Arya's "care" do need to be reprimanded for a lack of discipline. If they are fully pardoned of any responsibility, we would be sending a message that it's OK for our troops to harass any group they dislike. Yes, the Copperheads were despicable traitors, but if more benign groups appeared and were attacked by our troops, that can only lead to trouble.
Abduction: Does this even matter?

Copperheads: Okay...

Assassination: Right...

Is it just me or is now reading like something from the Godfather. With Mafia gang warfare. Ceaser secretly supporting the Copperheads from his villa while Arya has his own little gang running riot. Both sides do drivebys, abductions and attempt to gain more influence.

Both sides are people of england but have different views on what is law and honour and thus half hate the government and half want their support.


Free Religion isn't worthwhile yet WIM. But the golden age from the Taj is still worthwhile and could help both unit production and a second wonder construction during the subsequent 2nd golden age.
Ravus: I see your point but the main problem with your suggestion is their are 2 options right now:

1) Taj then FR. The more pacifist approach as we will hope to gain relations with the Buddhist block, and use the golden age to help improve our infrastructure.

2) Mass catapults, then attack Peter, then FR. This one involves us capturing 2 of the remaining holy cities, so FR will be better and so will our economy. However this is assuming we can win the war

You suggestion: Taj then war wont work because we will loose 6 catapults by building the taj.
We can't do both without having our economy suffer.
Um Ilduce i'm not getting you. Maybe you are highlighting your opportunity costs differently then i would but still...

- If we get a golden age for infrastructure its better to stay in OR as it helps build buildings faster.
- We can't improve relations with the buddists. Russia and Vikingland HATE us. Russia has over -15. losing 3 or 4 of that from religion won't do anything.
- If we were going to try and play nice with a religious bloc it would be the Hindu's as they have the Aposalistic Palace as well.
- The oppurtunity cost of building the Taj levels out as you build things FASTER afterwards.

But to sum up you have lost me. Why can we not Taj. THEN build up during the golden age, then plan a war? It seems to me you are basing your view on events so that we get into FR ASAP. While i'm trying to look at it realistically and long term. We shouldn't spread a religion that is only going to be giving gold to a foriegn power, especially one that hates us. Thus the only religions we should spread should be those we have the holy city of.

End Summery: Wars do not happen instantly. FR right now is pointless as OR is helping us build the infrastructure we need to support a future war. It also helps with the missionaries you also said we needed for money.

End Note: You didn't mention any of the faults i talked of with FR previously and you tried to sum things up into 2 extreme options when their are many in-between.

Here's a map of the current topography:
Spoiler :

EDIT: Sorry for the double post. ilduce tried to ask a blinkered question. The map is stolen shamelessly from IOT from the forum games section with colouring, you should be able to tell which nation is which.
Yes Gruekiller, they are. We havent found the new world yet (although im not sure what has happened with the 3 triremes MN started to send, maybe LH just automatically kept them going, maybe whosit recalled them) and i think some of asia is still unknown to us.

Once we get done this military tech path (nationhood/military tradition/gunpowder) we should start grabbing exploration and naval techs like optics/compass/stuff like that.

Now on my intentions:

1. The abduction was made because i do not like the idea of police being 'disciplined' when they were doing something perefctly reasonable. This group they attacked has been very violent in the past, and i myself am biased towards what they were protesting about. IT DOES NOT set a bad precedent, as more peaceful groups would surely be left alone. if they are not left alone in the future, then maybe a few weeks suspended from the job without pay, and more extreme actions if it happens again. but right now, they will be held until they are pardoned. I believe only the president can pardon them.

2. I would like to congratualte the amsterdam garrison on wiping out half of the copperheads, and i would like to recomend promotions to the officers in the unit, and maybe a bit of leave for the unit in general. The unknown group...well it might have been the HDO, it might not have been. Im hinestly not sure. My orders werent to attack them, although one of my officers might have taken the iniative. if so, he will recieve a promotion because of it.

3. The assasaination....the HDO had no part in it. I will leave it at that.
Yes these are them. Although we have been told that the American continent has the Natives and the USA.

For me the shocking nation placement was Carthage having it's nation in two. I guess the Sahara Desert is so large on this map that you can't get your culture to join up the empire... Makes an assault against carthage a more worrying idea.
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