Who wants lobbying issues?*
The Armament League: Arguably the strongest of the active Pulian lobbying groups, the Armament League is maintaining their calls for an active build-up of the Pulian armed forces, notably the newer Flyers and Landships. They also support the fortification of the frontier town of Coventry, and some are even angling for a pre-emptive strike against Eruch.
The League for Peace: On the other hand, the League for Peace, only slightly weaker than their Jingoistic counterparts, is maintaining their calls for peaceful relations with our Eruchian neighbors. They also have begun calling for securing an alliance, or at least a friendly declaration of friendship, with Vedria. Others wish to see a Trade College in Haven of Peace.
The Mossback Party: The remnants of Dot Eitus' short-lived reactionary party have reformed in the capital. So far their policy seems to be built entirely around government-funded Grand Mansions, but this could be the beginnings of an anti-progress movement in the nation - even more so when we consider the rumors that this group has the covert support of the Emperor.
Culturists of Pulias: These artists are still stubbornly demanding that Pulias bestows a Mandate of Heaven upon the Emperor for no apparent reason.
Fiscal Responsibility League: Since the budget deficit has been largely addressed, the FRL has switched its focus to improving the national economic infrastructure. Namely, they want to see the construction of Stock Exchanges in the capital and Haven of Peace.
Pulian Fascist Party: After its shocking rise and fall last decade, the Fascist Party has shrunk to only a few fanatics. Whether it will ever be a major player on the Pulian governmental scene remains to be seen, and for now their only demand is an attack on Eruch.
Exploration League: The discovery of the new Aetherium element and other scientific advances have brought more and more people to the League. They are now calling for bringing as many known Aetherium reserves under our control (some theorize it could provide a safe alternative to the sometimes-explosive gases used to lift airships) for further study, as well as researching Eruptives (because they want to see if crap can be made to blow up more effectively.)
Pulias First: The isolationist movement is also desirous of obtaining Aetherium, though their focus is more for self-defense than pure scientific research. Otherwise, they support civil improvements throughout the nation - an Arsenal in the capital and a Factory to boost production in Coventry - as well as a new Flyer for further defense of the skies.
I will get the OP updated as soon as possible to wrap this part of the session up, but I have a test tomorrow (and it's me birthday) so it'll be a bit. I appreciate your patience.