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[RFC DoC] A story of Byzantium

Do you have a different font to normal or am I going crazy?

It's the same font. You are not going crazy, though.
Spoiler :
You already are :lol:
A small updare.

(To the Hellenophiles: My Fallmerayer avatar theme is indended to be sarcastic).

In 1721, the German Emperor gave Asperon back to the Empire, while his subjects were busy inventing new artforms of ice blocks in the Scandinavian tundra. As one Byzantine intellectual remarked, "These Latin westerns value their strange and eccentric innovations, but we value our ancient heritage of Hellas and Rome, and our religion, the truth of which relies on revelations from God and the wisdom of the Church Fathers".


In 1725, Michael Mangaphlas, a certain provincial magnate, revolted against the Empire with the help of remaining unassimilated Turkish-speaking population.


It was difficult for the Emperor to overcome him, since his armies were quite professional. In fact, if Mangaphlas concentrated his forces, he probably could have captured Constantinople, that was defended only by cannons on its approaches, and an obsolete tagmata army of swordsmen. But his lack of daring resulted in defeat.


In fact, after all the Classicism of previous centuries, the beginning of 18th century saw a certain Christian revival in the Empire. The people, disappointed in secular humanistic values, turned to the Orthodox Church again. While this produced many theological achievements, in particular Niketas Choniates' works on the nature of God's justice in the world, it resulted in Byzantium's scientific progress being slightly slower then the Western one.


While Mangaphlas was finally defeated, the Russians captured the holdings of his Caucasian allies.

wait..what? why is the Turkish capital called Philadelphia?
1) I like the update.

The race of the Hellenes has been wiped out in Europe. Physical beauty, intellectual brilliance, innate harmony and simplicity, art, competition, city, village, the splendour of column and temple — indeed, even the name has disappeared from the surface of the Greek continent.... Not the slightest drop of undiluted Hellenic blood flows in the veins of the Christian population of present-day Greece.

We greeks have the blood of the ancient greeks. Even the events on ancient and modern greek history are almost the same. Leonidas with 300 spartans fought against 800.000 persians and papaflesas fought with 300 soldiers at 1825 against 15.000 turks.
christos and others: please take our nationalistic talk to a more apropriate thread.. (create your own in OT for instance) or to VM/PM but stop spamming stories with this crap
Lone Wolf posted this first. I dont want to spam but his post gone too far.
I don't care who started it.... This nationalistic crap is getting way out of hand. like I said if you feel you have to defend your country or something do it somewhere else.
We greeks have the blood of the ancient greeks. Even the events on ancient and modern greek history are almost the same. Leonidas with 300 spartans fought against 800.000 persians and papaflesas fought with 300 soldiers at 1825 against 15.000 turks.

You did see my disclaimer about the Fallmerayer theme (Fallmerayer being the scholar who started the whole "true Greeks are extinct" theory) being sarcastic, right? I don't actually subscribe to it. Even on his own premises his theory was dubious - and his premises were all wrong. I suspected that regardless of my disclaimer, it would provoke a reaction from you ;)

wait..what? why is the Turkish capital called Philadelphia?

I manually renamed Sogut to Philadelphia when I captured it. That renaming is absent in Python, and thus, when the Turks respawned, taking the city, the name was kept.

The Greek name of Sogut is actually Thebasion - but it was a rather small town. And the difference between Sogut and Alasehir/Philadelphia doesn't exist on RFC map.
ah, like that.
Oh, sorry Lone wolf. The update was great. Are you going to colonize america?
Probably not - most of it is already colonized. I may have a small colony or so.
I won't be able to win a culture victory - that's what happens when you rely on your own intuition, instead of relying on precise calculations all these Deity-playing chaps engage in. My empire still stands in 1920, and it now controls North Italy and Rome, so I wouldn't say that I really lost this game.

See a brief report tomorrow.
Maybe you should win a diplomacy or a space victory.
Maybe you should win a diplomacy or a space victory.
I'm not that popular, and am slightly behind in tech. I can safely claim a moral victory, anyway. Frankly, I think that Marathon speed in RFC is perfect for an UHV game, while a "usual" game would probably be better as an Epic.

The following years saw:

The growing of the education system


Wars with the French King


and with the Berber tribes, supported by the Mali empire


The collapse of Germany


Wars with the rebellious Arabs and the restoration of direct Byzantine control over Italy



The Russians declaring war, but never actually moving their main army, only engaging in minor skirmishing in Ukraine. (The AI, apparently, has issues with one-tile bottlenecks pathfinding)


Holy Elders at Mount Athos apparently drinking too much


More wars with the uncharacteristically aggressive Malinese


The spread of Communistic ideas in the Byzantine society


And a revolution that redistributed the land ownership in favour of the peasants over the old dynatoi, and overthrew the Emperor's power, replacing them by two elected Councils with a democratically elected Synklētos (Synate).


Which managed to solve many of the state's problems.


After a Congress gave Rome to the Dominon of British Continental Counties, Britain declared war on Byzantium.


This war ended in a resoration of power of the Second Rome over the First one.


An aristocratic rebellion in Anatolia destabilized the situation in the Politeia:



But after its defeat, things returned back to normal.

That's how the Empire/People's Byzantine Republic/Union of Red Themes looks like in 1913 AD.


And the other continent:


After many trials, the Empire is again the dominant Mediterranean power. It finally controls Elder Rome and its three cities - Konstantinopolis, Dyrrachion and Athena - are the most cultured cities on Earth. While the rulers of the Empire were unable to achieve their goals, they certainly had won a moral victory.


Roma and Constantinopolis. Ivory diptych.
Can't see most of the images.
Fixed. Apparently, they turned out as gifs, for no reason whatsoever.
Is this the end? This was a great story. For a next game can you do a greek story? :please:
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