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[BTS] SGOTM 25 - Home Slices

Bah, France just loaded a Settler onto Galleon near Orleans.
France is easy to vassal, but it takes just that much more power rating to capitulate England.

Bomber reveals French Settler and Archer 1S1E of Paris.
The 2 barb longbows also appear to have deleted themselves.
They did no damage to the defenders of hilltop Cumae.
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I see no difference if the bomber is in Rome or Berlin.

Will not close borders with France before Rome falls.
Next turn on T65 with French war, can teleport Bomber to Rome.
could we encourage England to bulb compass?
We would have to sign a Cease Fire to trade England a bunch of techs.

A good idea, let me check.

It seems like it might work if we give England Philosophy, Math, and Alphabet, hmm.

Gonna proceed with war with England.
A Cease Fire would scatter York's attackers too much with popped borders.

Combined with Berlin.

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Good news, Bad news, and Great news.

Good is that France sailed its Galleon into Orleans and we have a giant Horse Archer army ready to smash it.
Bad news is both City Raider III Maces died taking York. Lost an 85% battle! :mad:
Great news is, all 8 Spies lived through the next turn button and completed their missions for the 2nd Colony, so now we are back on track to get 87 Cultural Ministry points by T73 again. (I think)

We are at 31 successful missions of the needed 60 to get to 150k :culture:
To get to 87 points by T73, I think we need 57 successful missions total.

Mumbai is definitely within our crosshairs.
I know it probably has a Redcoat or 2, but we can walk 2 Maces and 3 Catapults right up to it using jungle hilltops. (unless they got chopped down :twitch:)
Bombard the defenses to 0%, hit it with 3 suicide catapults, then hordes of units should be able to capture it.
Capturing Mumbai would certainly make England easier to capitulate with a lower power rating.

T65 Real Game Screenshots
Spoiler :

We've got a bit over 500:gold: we can get whipping Hagia complete in Moscow on T67.
The money to finish Compass? hmm.

Good luck to the next player!
I'm totally exhausted.

Who's Scout is that standing under our French invasion stack?! :eek:
Not again ... :huh:
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We should probably prime Roosevelt to take a western city like Hamburg next turn and then DOW him so he will take Hamburg in the future if he gets 4 cities on his continent.
That way at the end of the game on T72, we can gift him Hamburg, some :gold: per turn, then a few more cities within 10 tiles of Hamburg.
Capture 4 cities on Turn 72, and Roosevelt capitulates T73.

England is much easier.
He will soon have 1 city and will take whatever we wish on T72.
Awesome play Kaitzilla. :goodjob: Long, grueling turnset for you (as usual). Great planning.

bbp and LC either of you are up if you want it--even if you have just one day to kill. Take it a play a turn. It will get you back into the game which (as painful as it might seem to get back up to speed) is always rewarding. Makes the whole game more memorable. Barring that. I just got back from the airport.

Got It!

What's the mumbai plan exactly? Using bomber?
It would be odd to use the bomber everywhere, all game long, even on archers, but not use it on redcoats.
Awesome play Kaitzilla. :goodjob: Long, grueling turnset for you (as usual). Great planning.


What's the mumbai plan exactly? Using bomber?
It would be odd to use the bomber everywhere, all game long, even on archers, but not use it on redcoats.

Thanks! :D

The thinking was Yemen will produce a Horse Archer on T69 and T72, so road towards Mumbai.

The main invasion force of Mace, mace, CR3 sword, and 3 Catapults land 2S2E of Mumbai.
Should be safe to adance to 1S1E of Mumbai on jungle hilltops.

Choko in New York can advance once something that can withstand Chariot rush from Mumbai takes over recapturing New York on T68, T70, and T72.

The Axe boards Galley and stays behind to recapture York as a war success city on T67, T69, and T71.
Unlike New York, York must be recaptured instantly to keep sea lanes open to Yemen.
If Yemen gets cut off from mainland empire again, kiss The Great Library goodbye.

I'm not sure what else the main empire can send towards Mumbai?
The bomber is doing great work in Europe!
We can't afford to let it get distracted by England's sideshow.

In fact, preparing Maces, Horse Archers, and Galleys to kill Korea on T73 is more important than taking Mumbai.
Tokyo, Hong Kong, Philippines, and Indonesia should be able to handle it.

Mumbai is dead last for priorities now that England cannot make a colony.

Thus, it is best to keep bombing Archers instead of Redcoats, because we are evil. :devil:

Also, I did not see a Longbow in any of Ottoman's 3 cities. :)
We can start a 2nd front soon.
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can you walk me thru the next couple turns regarding city gifts. Is it....
T66 we give Korea enough to form a colony
T67 try to get OB, do spy missions, gift war success cities, DoW,

And when we do spy missions: do we just start with the 0% wait bonus, 10%, up to 50%? or are we saving a couple 30% units to be 50% 2 turns later?
can you walk me thru the next couple turns regarding city gifts. Is it....
T66 we give Korea enough to form a colony
T67 try to get OB, do spy missions, gift war success cities, DoW,

And when we do spy missions: do we just start with the 0% wait bonus, 10%, up to 50%? or are we saving a couple 30% units to be 50% 2 turns later?

Sure thing.
We capture everything on T66, Cease Fire Korea, then give him [Gold City + Trap City NE + Trap City South + Silk City] to peacefully form a Colony.

On T67, once Korea forms a new colony, gift Korea 2 War success cities.
New York is a good one.
York is good too, but only if the Axe is on a Galley ready to recapture it instantly. (For Yemen's sake)
3rd choice is Hamburg and its recapture/pillage Chariot.

We need 26 more successful spy missions to reach 57 missions and 87 points (129k in Gold City +2k in other 2 cities) on Turn 73.

All the Spies currently in the capital will have -50% wait for T73.

All the Spies currently in Gold City will have -10% on T67, -30% on T69, and -50% on T71.

On paper I think we have enough Spies to use max wait bonus every time from now on? :hmm:

Once the spies are done, and Korea is double-checked to have 2 war success cities, DOW Korea and start taking back all 6 cities.
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why all the missionaries? What am I missing?

The Mongolia one made a lot of sense since Janissary and Praetorian threatened the city and its chops.
Now with Taoism, Mongolia should have no problem completing Shwedagon Paya.

Manchou Tao spread was to speed up Angkor Wat enough to maybe let one other city squeeze in another 100:gold: Fail Gold.

The 3rd missionary was if we wanted to chop out 1 extra wonder out west in one of the new cities, but now I see it will mostly be Horse Archer chops.

Ughh, maybe cancel the missionary program. :o
Or make 1 more for AP reasons before T75?
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what about this statement? ^^
Aren't we afraid redcoats will come for NewYork. Seems like we are holding it every other turn.

I made a counting mistake during early planning, caught it during late planning, and we are indeed holding New York against Mumbai Chariot attack every other turn. :o

Even worse, a forest grew 1S1W of hilltop New York recently blocking our vision! :mad:
(Or the free vision/missing vision was a test game error)

So now a Redcoat could seize New York if it was sneaky enough to be 2 tiles away and brave enough to attack a hill Choko across a river. (14:strength: vs. 11.4:strength: +2-3 first strikes)

I kept wanting to give our Choko its 3rd promotion (City Garrison II), but the odds of attack are pretty small.

The city also has +20% culture defenses, but it is always in revolt lately for some reason.

My desk has a nice forehead shape in it lately.
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