"Slept my way up to the top"


Nov 1, 2008
Latvia, EU
"Slept my way up to the top"

Today i was surfing through my friend's gallery of model pictures and following sentence came to my mind -

"A woman wears too much jewelry when she feels she is lacking in personality".

Low self-esteem can show both in excessive use of jewelry/make-up and in fear of using any make-up/jewelry at all.

I'm going to take as an example another friend of mine who has a very high self-esteem. She dressed elegantly and in a good taste, used make-up very little, was a runner, loved her cat a lot, took care of herself and enviroment she lived in. Her feminity manifested in ability to make others feel at home wherever she went.

She was very goal oriented and almost always reached those goals, because she was a realist. However, i don't regard her as my ideal woman, because she manipulated with people too well. She had ability to make others pay her just for meeting her and taking her to opera.

Another aspect - she was very competitive. She took love as a sport. That's why she was a bisexual to some extent - rich young boys were no match for her and she turned to ladies as well. She left Latvia to hunt for bigger fish, of course.

I know another girl like her. She had a Hollywood smile, straight A's, perfect legs, a body very close to 90-60-90 and a charming face. She left Latvia to act in art cinema in France. She has been invited to Cannes festival already as an assistant. Of course, she has slept with all the right people. Directors and millionares, already famous actors etc.
I'm sure she will have enough time to have few millions in her bank account by the time she's forty. She is only twenty six now.

Don't get me wrong, i don't advocate anything here. Real life shows that for a female who is young, beautiful and extremely smart, it's rather easy to sleep up to the top instead of working in a company. Survival of the fittest, that's all.
I personally think there is a naturally instinct which motivates men to look down on women who use their sexuality like that. Not to say that men have to look down on it. Other impulses, be it cultural or personal, can be stronger and override it, but it is IMO a factor. That instinct then would come from the problem that if a woman has sex with everyone - then there is a good chance some one else will impregnate her. So a woman who does that is naturally repulsive to men.

What comes together with that in the case of sleeping you way up is that this constitutes threat of its own to men as well as other (especially not so pleasantly looking) women. It is a strategy many will not be able compete with and which feels unfair. More reason to not like it.

And there is all the religious / cultural baggage only reinforcing the dislike of such behavior / women.

Now having said that - this is an uncaring world ruled by a universal fight over favorable positions. So I can fully understood that a woman will use heir sexuality to reach her goals and it is silly to think that this makes the women inherently bad. One in deed could say it just makes her a realist. I mean I suppose it makes her a bit of an ass - because she manipulates and deceives. But I don't see what it actually matters weather this is done with sexuality or other means. In deed - many men may not mind such manipulation at all. Perhaps seeing it simply as a favorable trade agreement.
The ability to play innocent sweet, charming girl is the part of deceit, undoubtely. Just as much as ability to lie perfectly.

I agree that it naturally looks suspicious. However, my friend in France has stated that it is easy to arrange a marriage with somebody who's in the biz, like a rich/famous gay guy and present yourself as "Lady and wife of person x" if this person X has already worked his way to the top as a gentleman.
I think their good looks and use of sex can open doors for them but in the end they need talent too or they won't go very far unless they're just looking to be married to a rich man.
It is not sleeping that makes the money, it is the exposure. Once that is gone and just another statistic, it is the smart and creative handling of capital that keeps the gears moving.
I am really torn on this. My 'traditional values' mindset makes me want to look on disapprovingly, but then at the same time I take a bit of delight in a woman using these mens' misogynist behavior and intentionally flipping it around to their own benefit.
Everyone is born with assets. Success, however that's defined, is achieved by making use of the assets you got. If a woman has sexuality, and uses it effectively, I don't judge her any differently than I would a man who happens to have size on his side and rises through judicious use of intimidation, or someone who got a large measure of intelligence who plots their way to the top.
Discussion is wherever you want it to be, Zelig.

I thought it would be a good thing to post this in a male populated forum.

I'm a high class prostitute myself and, although i keep trying to make money through other means, this way is fairly easy for me, because at the start i loved charming people. After a while i understood that i'm abusing them, so i stopped.
I suppose the closest parallel I can think of to it is bribing people to work your way up to the top. It's slightly different since it's necessary to already have money to bribe, but in both cases it's trading an asset that can't be openly tradeable in order to get promotions, jobs, or whatever the item desired is. And both tend to be looked down upon if known. It's not considered good if a construction company wins a bid because they paid kickbacks to whoever wanted the job done, just as it's generally looked down upon if someone is sleeping with someone higher up on the corporate ladder.

Does it make someone a bad person? Not inherently. But I think it does call into question their business ethics, which can be relevant for certain positions. On the other hand, if an actress, for example, is sleeping with the right people, but does have real talent, too, that doesn't mean one shouldn't watch her films/plays/etc. Without actual talent, I think there'd be a ceiling to how successful this approach would be, aside from the marriage-as-an-end-goal case NovaKart mentioned. If critics continually panned her acting in reviews, eventually it wouldn't be possible to get another acting position of the same level.

Timsup2nothin's point about it simply being making use of another asset is interesting, but I don't think an "anything goes if you have the assets" attitude is correct. A strongman can use intimidation, but if he beats someone up for no good reason, that's crossing the line. If you have lots of money and hire the Mafia to do nefarious acts against your rivals, that's crossing the line. Sleeping with superiors to land positions is arguably crossing the line, whereas simply looking stunning helping you land an acting gig is generally not considered controversial (although depending on the amount of clothing, it may be at times).

With regards to Terxpahseyton's point about it being repulsive - I don't disagree that it is, and if I were a hiring manager I would naturally be suspicious about someone with such a reputation. Is she really as good at the job as it appears, or are the reviews and the recommendations unfairly biased? However, I suspect that in many cases these sort of relationships are kept on the down-low, as it's likely that both parties would prefer it not to be public knowledge. As an example, I know a girl here who has slept with an unusually large number of guys in the past several months. However, by and large, anyone new who she sleeps with doesn't know this. Knowing this myself, there's no way anything non-platonic will happen between us, but to someone who's never met her before that history is unknown.

That is the point. These days i tell people that i'm a whore and if they are ok with that, it's a deal. So i'm not manipulating with them. They know who I am. And they can ask me questions if they want.
Is the person in the OP a strong woman, a slut or a whore? Neither or all? Are all the feminists on vacation?
When you say prostitute or whore - do you mean that you use sex to advance your career or that it is your career? If the latter - you should make an Ask a Prostitute thread.

I had "Ask a femmekin" recently.

Today i had two clients. I plan to study as a cook from autumn, but i will be still giving the services in the free time if the price will be fine for me. So no - i don't plan to work as a prostitute all my life, it's a temportally thing (i hope).

I'm a mtf transsexual/ hermaphrodite in real life. So technically i'm not even a woman.
Why can't people just do what they want with no hating 'cept for hating on haters?
You're fine with the male side of this too then? Paying or offering benefits for sex? 2 consenting adults. Both parties using whatever advantages they have to do and get what they want.
There is no shame in leveraging whatever advantage you won in the genetic lottery. Ultimately, the opinions of others matter little. What counts is what you yourself are comfortable with.
I have to say, Dusters, that's a potentially dangerous profession. I hope you're careful. There's bad people out there :(
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